Wisconsin, USA

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lesson 11 ~ My meaningless thoughts show me a meaningless world.

This lesson is related to a major phase of the ACIM correction process ~ reversing the thinking of the world.  It seems as if the "world" determines what I perceive.  But it is ME who create the world I experience.  My thoughts determine the world I see.   In this one idea is my release from illusions made sure.  The key to forgiveness lies in this idea, for it is easy to forgive nothing at all.  This idea contains the foundation for Peace, relaxation, and freedom from worry.

Three to five times today, with eyes closed, repeat this idea slowly to myself.  Then open my eyes and look around for about a minute or two, again repeating the idea slowly to myself.  Do this exercise with no sense of urgency or effort.  Do not linger on anything in particular.  My eyes should move from one thing to another fairly rapidly. Conclude the exercise with eyes closed, repeating the idea once again.

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