Wisconsin, USA

Friday, May 16, 2014

Lessons 361~365 ~ Only God's direction gives me Peace.

If I need a word to help me, God will give it to me.  If I need a thought, that He will also provide.  If I need only a tranquil, open mind, that is the Gift I will receive of Him.  God is now in charge by my request.  He will hear and answer me. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lesson 360 ~ The Law of Love is my Reality.

Father, the Law of Love is the only Law There Is, and It tells me that giving and receiving, and receiving and giving,  are One and the same.  You have provided me a way out of the insanity of my own making.  You told me that forgiveness leads to my Awakening.  And as I forgive, I lay aside illusions one by one, making room for Truth.  Truth enters in the form of Peace, Love, Joy and Sanity.  When I receive these Gifts from You, I cannot help but also give Them, because that is the Law of Love.  While I continue to experience (as I am concurrently forgiving) the world of dreams, I will give the miracles of Your Gifts to my "brothers," as they radiate from my very being, and from them to me, for my "brother" and I are One.  There is no separation between us.  When I heal, my "brother" heals. As I heal, the "world" heals.  All that seems to be outside me, is a fantasy within my mind.  The Great Rays of Your Light remain Eternally Still and Undisturbed in me.  I reach for Them in Silence and Certainty.  Nowhere else can Certainty be found but deep within me, who is within You.  In Holiness I was Created and in Holiness I remain.  The Father and the Son are One, and I am like my Father in Perfect Innocence.  Amen.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lesson 359 ~ I forgive to Awaken to Reality

I have misunderstood all things.  I am not a "sinner" living in a "body" in a "world" populated with things, situations and others "outside" me.  There is nothing and no one "outside" me.  There are not "many," but only One.  Reality is Pure Thought and I am a Thought of God.  I exist in God, not in a world "outside" God.  Fantasy can never be Reality.  God created me Innocent, Joyful, Loving, Happy and Eternal.  Just because I imagine I am something else does not make it Real.  What I think I am and what I think I have done has had no effects on Reality.  "Sin" is impossible.  My Awakening to Reality with God starts with forgiveness.  When I forgive the shadow-world that seems to be "outside" me, and all the situations, things and people that seem to be outside me, I create a space in my mind for Truth.  Even the thoughts I think in this "world" are not my True Thoughts.  Only the Thoughts I think with God are my True Thoughts.  I am lost in a world of insanity of my own making.  I forgive, to be at Peace.  I forgive, to Awaken to Reality.  I forgive.......and God does (has already done) the rest.  Father, Your Answer is always some form of Peace;  all "pain is healed, all "misery" replaced with Joy, all "prison doors" are opened, and all "sin" is merely understood as a mistake. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lesson 358 ~ I trust only God, not my insane mind.

I think I want dreams that upset and hurt me.  I think I want to be split into many, creating a lonely existence in an individual body.  I think I want the happiness that seems to be "outside" me.  My mind is lost in insanity and I do not know what I want.  I can be certain only of this:  No call to God is left unanswered and only His answer is the one I want.  Father, You know what I really am and remember what I really want.  Help me, Father to remember Your Love.  Keep Your Promises to me always in my Awareness.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lesson 357 ~ There is no "reality" "outside" myself.

Forgiveness helps me escape the prison house in which I think I live.  My Reality as God's Son is pointed out to me, first in "others" that seem to be "outside" me, then in myself.  God's Voice instructs me patiently to hear His Word and to give Truth as I have It received from Him, through my forgiveness of my thoughts and everyone and everything that seems to be outside me.  I will listen for God's Voice instructing me to find the Way to Him.  I will replace all I seem to see, hear, touch, taste, smell and feel with Thoughts of Truth.  There is no "reality" "outside" me.  What seems to be "outside" me is a thought in my mind of "separation from" God.   "Proof" of separation was what I had been looking for in the people, things and situations I projected "outside" me.  Today, I choose to "see" differently.  Today I choose to forgive and see through the eyes of forgiveness.  Truth answers every call made to God.  As the result of my forgiveness, God responds first with miracles of Truth and then calls to me to return to Him and be my Self as His Son. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lesson 356 ~ God always answers my call.

Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to You.  It does not matter where I am, what seems to be my problem nor what I believe I have become.  I am Your Son and You will answer me.  The miracle that results from my forgiveness reflects Your Love.  Your Name replaces every thought of "separation from" You.  Your Name, Father, gives answer to Your Son, because to call Your Name is to call my own.  Insanity is another name for "sin."  My mind is troubled when I think I am "separated from" God, hence it is "sick," or "insane."  Healing is another name for God.  Miracles are the Gifts God gives when I forgive illusions and make room in my mind for Truth.  Will God answer my call when I pray that my team wins a football game?  I am asking for more illusions in the world of illusions, why would He further entrench me in the dream?  Will God answer my prayers for "death" not to take a loved one?  He tells me "this is not so! There is no death you are dreaming, Child."  Will God answer my prayers for my physical or mental pain to end?  He tells me to lay aside my thoughts of the world and He will exchange them for His Own Thoughts which offer only Joy, Peace, Contentment and Love. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lesson 355 ~ I accept God's Word.

Father, why should I wait for the Joy You promised me? You keep the Word You gave Your Son in exile. Reality waits for me.  I need only reach out my hand to It.  Even now my hand touches It.  It is very close.  I do not need to wait a minute longer to be at Peace Forever.  I choose You, Father, and my Identity as Your Son.  I wish only to be my Self as Your Son, and to Know You as my Father and Creator.  Today, I forgive all illusions and seek only Reality. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Lesson 354 ~ I am Certain of my purpose.

I am God's Holy Son, beyond the reach of time and entirely Free of every law except for His.  My will is the same as my Father's Will.  My Reality is Joyful, Loving, Peaceful and Whole.  While I experience an "existence" as a body in a "reality" outside me, I will forgive and forgive and forgive.  My only function now is forgiveness.  Nothing and no one can hurt me except my own thoughts, and even those are not my True Thoughts.  Today, I stand with Truth. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lesson 353 ~ I have one task: forgiveness.

The need for learning has almost come to an end.  I have learned that there is nothing and no one "outside" me.  I have learned that I am not a spirit trapped in a body, but I am Pure Thought and I am the Holy Son of God Himself.  I have learned that I have filled my thoughts with the fantasy of being "separated from" God and that I have split my mind into many "others" ....a "universe," "plants," "animals," "cars," "houses," etc.  I have learned that to Awaken to Reality, I must do my part in forgiving all my thoughts and everyone and everything that seems to be outside me.  Forgiveness clears the mind of madness creating a space for Truth to enter.  I have learned that God will do (has already done) the rest.  My only task is forgiveness. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lesson 352 ~ Today I choose Love.

Judgment and Love are opposites.  From one comes all the sorrows of the world.  From the other comes the Quiet, Eternal Peace of God.  Forgiveness sees only Innocence.  It never judges.  Judgment will blind me.  God has given me a way to find His Peace again.  All roads lead Home, for there is nowhere else to go.  I can tarry in the world of dreams lifetime after lifetime, or I can choose differently.  I can choose to experience a "world-separated-from-God,"  or I can choose Truth.  I have within me the Memory of God and my Reality as His Son.  The thoughts I think in the world of dreams are not my True Thoughts.  The Thoughts I think with God are my True State of Mind. Father I hear Your Voice and find Your Peace today. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lesson 351 ~ I will think only Thoughts of Truth.

When I fill my mind with negative thoughts - judgment, envy, covetousness, impatience, hatred, boredom, weariness, etc. - and dwell on the negative, I block my mind from Truth.  When I see myself and those around me as "sinners" in a "sinful" world, I choose to be alone and friendless in a fearful state of existence.  All my "problems" are by my own choice!  What I "see" "outside" me is what I choose to see, and there are only two options:  Reality or a world separated from God.  When I choose Truth, I see my Innocence and my way is Secure and Clear.  There is nothing and no one "outside" me, and what I seem to see "outside" me is a fantasy in my mind of "separation from" God.  I will forgive all my thoughts, and everyone and everything I seem to see, which creates a space in my mind for Truth to enter.  I only need do my part and my Father will do the rest. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lesson 350 ~ Miracles mirror God's Eternal Love.

Father, what I forgive becomes part of me.  The Son of God incorporates all things within himself, just as You created him.  The Memory of You, Father, depends on my forgiveness.  What I Am is unaffected by my insane thoughts.  What I "see" in the dream-world is the direct result of my thoughts.  The thought of separation from You has seemingly created a "reality" outside me. Only my forgiveness will let Your Memory return to me.  My healing will be reflected in the world I seem to see.  Where I once saw poverty, I will see Bounty. Where I once saw devastation, I will see Beauty. Where I once saw sorrow, I will see Joy.  Does that mean that devastation suddenly looks beautiful to me?  No.  But I will understand that the "devastation" that once "proved" to me that I was "separated from" God, does not exist; and I will remember that I am Safe and Wholly Loved in the Arms of my Father; the "devastation" will not frighten me, and eventually, as my forgiveness is complete, the world of dreams will disappear entirely and be replaced by Reality.  As I gather the miracles that result from the forgiveness of all my insane thoughts and everything and everyone I seem to see, I will indeed be grateful.   As the Memory of God is restored to me, I will remember my Reality as God's Son and reestablish my Existence in Eternal Love. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Lesson 349 ~ I will follow the Law of Love.

I offer Freedom to everything I seem to see, and that Freedom returns to me.  The Law of Love states, that what I give, I will receive.  Father, Your Gifts are mine.  Each one I accept provides me with a Gift to give.  As I give, I will receive.  Your healing miracles belong to me when I offer forgiveness to everyone and everything I seem to see.  God knows my needs and He gives me the Grace to meet them all.  I trust in Him to send miracles to bless my mind as I offer forgiveness instead of judgment.  Judgment keeps me bound to the world of dreams.  Forgiveness releases me and prepares me for Awakening.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lesson 348 ~ God's Everlasting Love surrounds me.

Father, You are here and I am not alone.  Surrounding me is Everlasting Love.  I am Your Son.  You give me Everything.  I need nothing.  Surrounding me is Perfect Safety.  Surrounding me is Perfect Innocence.  Fear and anger disappear when a space is made for Love to enter.  God's Grace is enough in everything He would have me do.  I choose His Will to be mine.  I lay aside all thoughts except those of Peace, Love and Joy.....I think with the Thoughts of my Father.