Wisconsin, USA

Monday, January 6, 2014

Lesson 268 ~ Lay aside the dream, my friend.

I had a thought:  what would it be like if I were separated from God?  In this thought is where I currently think I am.  It is just a thought, really a fantasy or illusion, and it is already over.  I am Safe in Heaven with my Father, dreaming a dream ~ over and over and over. I am doing it to myself.

If error were possible, Heaven would immediately correct it.....and It has.  In my guilt, I dream the dream over and over.  Why can I not just Awaken?  I can......by laying aside the dream.  Am I willing to do that?  Really?  Is not there just one more dream I must chase?  One more trinket I must possess?  One more illusion I must embrace, only to watch it turn to dust just as I reach out for it?

My sick mind thinks:  "But wait!  There is good and noble in this world of mine.  What about an innocent baby?  Animals that depend on me?  That fulfilling relationship with my spouse?"  What "good" and "noble" in this world does not end in separation, loss, rejection, aging,z or death?  There is always the possibility my spouse may leave for greener pastures.  Even if that does not happen, rest assured our relationship will end in death.  That innocent baby grows from helpless baby, to toddling toddler, to rebellious teenager; in no time at all, they leave for school, friends, marriage, and family. 

What has ever fully satisfied me in the world in a way that I no longer need to seek for more?  I have seemingly created a "world" which never fully satisfies.  And THAT, my friend, is "a-world-apart-from-God."  If "problems" were possible, God's Nature of Unity and Completion would always place the answer with the question, and the correction alongside the problem. Once I learn to lay aside the dream and make an empty space in my mind for Truth, I will notice this is True even in the world of dreams. 

ACIM is a Course in mind-training.  I am training my mind to lay aside dreams and remember that I am Home.   Father, You created me in Love, and in Love I remain.  What can frighten me, when I realize it is all just a dream and I am Safe at Home in You?  My Reality is free of pain and loss, and is Wholly Safe and Comforting.  Today, I lay aside dreams and seek only This. 

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