Wisconsin, USA

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lesson 159 ~ God's Treasure House has all I need; take, then give.

Even in this world I can agree that to "give" something, I first must have it in my possession.  Here the laws of Heaven and the dream-world agree.

On a the following idea, the world believes:  to possess something, I must keep it and if I give something away, it is lost to me.  If I give away $100, I have $100 less than before. 

Salvation teaches otherwise.  To give is how to recognize that I have received, proof that what I have is mine.  In other words, when I first accept healing for myself, I will only then understand I am already healed and able to give healing to another;  I will understand I am forgiven, when I am able to forgive another.  When I recognize my brother as myself, I will perceive I am Whole.  Forgive everyone everything.  Only then will I realize there is nothing to forgive.  Refuse to judge anyone, including myself.

There is no miracle I cannot give, for all miracles are given me first.  Receive them now.  Open the storehouse of my mind where they are laid for me.  Gladly give them away.  For in the giving, I realize they are mine.

Christ-Vision (the ability to forgive everyone everything and perceive Innocence all around and within me) is a miracle.  It reflects Eternal Love.  It reflects Heaven, for It sees a world so similar to Heaven, that what God created Perfect can be mirrored in the dream-world.  Christ-Vision is the source of all miracles.  It remains with each miracle I give and It also remains with me, the giver.  Christ-Vision beholds no sin in anyone.  It is the bridge between Heaven and Earth.  Trust in Its power to carry me safely from this world into one made Holy by forgiveness.

This is God's Gift:  A Treasure House to which I can appeal and be Perfectly Certain that everything in it will contribute to my Happiness.  Everything in this Treasure House can be mine for the asking.  Here the door is never locked and I am denied nothing. There is no sickness not already healed.  No lack unsatisfied.  No need unmet.  Within this Golden Treasury is everything I could ever need, want or desire.  Behold the Storehouse of miracles set out for me, and in the giving do I see that all is mine.

Here do I remember what was lost when I created a fantasy-world "without" God.  For here, in the Treasure House, is all repaired and made new again in a different Light.  What was made to be the home of sin becomes the center of redemption and hearth of mercy.  The suffering are healed and welcome.  NO ONE will be turned away from this new home; my salvation awaits.

The Christ (my brothers and myself healed and United) has dreamed the dream of a forgiven world.  It is His gift to me for a sweet transition from death to Life; from hopelessness to Hope.  Let me dream with Him, for His dream Awakens me to Truth.  His Vision is the means for my return to God.

The darkened glass the fantasy-world presents shows only twisted images in broken parts, but forgiveness pictures Heaven's Innocence, my innocence.  I AM Innocent. 

As I receive miracles I will give them away, and in the giving know they have always been mine.

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