Today I review these five ideas from previous lessons :
I am upset because I see what is not there. Reality is never frightening and could never upset me. Reality brings only Perfect Peace. If I am upset, it is always because I have replaced Reality with illusions of fantasy. Illusions are upsetting because they seem to show me a world apart from God; illusions are a "reality" that I have imagined to be True. Nothing in God's Creation is affected in any way by this confusion of mine. If I am upset, I am always upset by nothing. In my Reality with God, there is absolutely nothing that could ever upset me. It is not "death" that will bring me relief from illusions, only my Awakening to Reality will bring me Happiness.
I see only the past. As I look around at illusions, I naturally condemn everything I see. How could I approve? My illusions show me a world apart from God, and if God is Perfect, illusions witness to imperfection. Everything I seem to "see" in the world shows me some form of illusion. I hold these illusions against everyone and everything, making them my enemies. When I have forgiven my "self," my "brothers," and remembered who I am (the Son of God!), I will bless everyone and everything I "see"......there will be no "past"......there will be no "enemies." I will look with Love on all that that I failed to see before.
My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. I see only my own thoughts, and in the world of illusions my mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. Is there anything I see as it Truly is? I look on the past to prevent the present from Awakening in my mind. Let me understand that I am using "time" to block God from my "reality." When I let go of the past, I give up nothing. When I let go of the past and the future, I exist in the now, which is the only place that even comes close to my Reality with God.
I see nothing as it is now. If I see nothing as it is now, it can Truly be said that I see nothing. The choice is not whether to see the past or the present, the choice is simply whether to See or not. My choices have cost me Vision. I can now choose differently so that I may See.
My "thoughts" do not mean anything. I have no private thoughts, yet it is only "private" thoughts of which I am aware. What do these thoughts mean? They mean nothing and do not exist. My mind is part of Creation and part of its Creator. Would I not rather join the Thinking of Heaven than hide Reality with my pitiful and meaningless "private" thoughts?
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