Wisconsin, USA

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lesson 37 ~ My Holiness blesses the world.

I created a fantasy-world to give me an experience of being "apart from" God; this is the world's function.  God can use whatever I created, whether in fantasy or Reality, for His Own Purposes.  His Purpose for me is to see the world through my Holiness, Awakening me to the Heaven that is my only Reality.

The world is a fantasy in my mind.  When my mind is healed, the world is healed. Currently, I see a world of "winners" and "losers," "sinners" and "saints."  Yet in my Reality with God everyone "wins" and no one loses; everyone is completely sinless; no one sacrifices anything, and everyone receives their full due.  Learning to see the world through my Holiness, the "world" and I are blessed together.

Any other way of seeing the world inevitably demands payment, or sacrifice, of someone or something;  this is what I call "seeing" in the eyes of the world; someone always has to "lose."  In the past, I had no idea why "life" has been such a struggle. THIS is why!

My Holiness blesses myself and all the "world."  When I see myself as Whole, I make no demands on anyone or anything.

My Holiness is the salvation of the "world."  The world is a fantasy in my mind.  When I heal my mind, I heal the "world."  Yet while the "world" and all "people" are real for me, there is no sense in denying its "reality."  I can merely quietly recognize that in my Holiness are all things blessed with me.  I teach the "world."  I do not preach to anyone or anything.  There is no need to evangelize or offer salvation, I need only BE salvation by acknowledging my Holiness and quietly extending Blessing to all I see.

Today's lesson asks four, 3-5 minute practice periods.  Begin by repeating today's idea to myself, followed by a minute or so of looking around me, applying today's idea to whatever I see.  Then close my eyes and apply the idea to anyone who comes to mind.  Alternate between looking around, then closing my eyes and thinking of those who come to mind or situations which have caused me discomfort or angst. Conclude by repeating today's idea.  Use the idea to silently apply it to anyone I meet, using his or her name as I do so.  If any problems come up throughout my day or anyone causes a negative reaction in me, offer the blessing of my Holiness immediately, so I get into the habit of keeping It in my Awareness.

"My Holiness blesses the world;" "My Holiness blesses this situation;" "My Holiness blesses this object;" "My Holiness blesses you."  Do not forget to use the name of the situation, the object or the person I am blessing.

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