Wisconsin, USA

Monday, December 31, 2012

Lesson 57 ~ Review I

I am not the victim of the world I see.   How can I be the victim of a world that can be completely undone if I choose?  My chains are loosened!  I can shake them off merely by my desire to do so!  The prison door is open and I can leave simply by walking out. Nothing holds me in this world of illusions.  It is only my wish ~ or desire ~ to stay that keeps me prisoner here.  I can give up my insane wishes and walk into the Sunlight at last.

I have invented the world I see.   I made up this prison myself.  All I need to do is recognize this and I am Free.  I have deluded myself into believing I am separated from God......in a body, in a world of illusions, and I was sorely mistaken.  I no longer want to believe this anymore.  The Son of God is Eternally Free, just as God created him, not the madness I would make of him.  I am not a prisoner in a world of death and destruction.  I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile to a body in a world that does not exist.

There is another way of looking at the world.   I created this illusion to show me a world separated from God.  God will use what I created to Awaken me to Reality.  I see everything upside down and my thoughts here are the opposite of Truth.  That is what happens when I attempt to create something opposite Perfection.  I seemingly created the "physical world" to show me what separation from God would be like.  I created for myself a prison.  God will use my illusory creation to see me Free if I choose to let Him.  I can instead use the world as a place where the Son of God finds his Freedom.

I could see Peace instead of this.  When I choose to see the world as a place of freedom, I will see that it reflects the Laws of God instead of the insane rules I made up for it to obey.  I choose to see Peace, not war.  I choose to see that Peace also abides in the hearts of all who share this place with me.  Things are not happening to me, I am making it up!

My mind is part of God's.  I am very Holy.  As I share the Peace of the world with all who I encounter, I begin to understand that this Peace comes from deep within me.  I do not need to travel to "holy places" to find Peace, there is nothing outside me!   The Peace I find is within me.  It is my choice that the world instead take on the Light of forgiveness.  And this forgiveness will be reflected back to me.  In this Light, I will begin to see the Beauty that illusions hide.  I begin to understand the Holiness of all things, including myself and their Oneness with me.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lesson 56 ~ Review I

Thoughts of separation keep me unaware of my Sonship and my Father.  How can I know who I am when I see myself as under constant attack from everyone and everything around me?  Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me.  All my hopes, wishes and plans appear to be at the mercy of a world I cannot control.  Yet as God's Son, Perfect Security and Complete Joy are my Inheritance.  I tried to give my Inheritance away in exchange for an experience seemingly apart from God.  But God has kept my Inheritance Safe for me.

Above all else I want to See.  What I see reflects what I think I am.  The world I see proves the fearful nature of the self-image I have made.  I must let this imperfect image of myself go if I am to remember who I am.  Vision will be given me as illusions are replaced with Truth.   With this Vision, I will look on the world ~ and on myself ~ with Charity and Love.

Above all else I want to see differently.  The world I see holds my fearful self-image firmly in place.  While I see the world as I see it now, Truth cannot enter into my Awareness.  I will look past the world to the Truth which reflects God's Love.

God is in everything I see.  Behind every illusion I have made, Truth remains Unchanged and Its Light Undimmed.  Beyond all my insane wishes, is my True Will United with the Will of God.  I am a part of God.  I will look past all appearances in the world of illusion and recognize Truth.

God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.  In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the Knowledge that All is One Forever.  My Sonship does not change just because I have forgotten that I am the Son of God.  My Sonship is Secure in God.

Lesson 55 ~ Review I

I am determined to see things differently.  What I see now represents a world separated from God; a world of disease, disaster and death. This is not what God created for His Beloved Son.  The very fact that I see these things is proof that my mind embraces insanity.  I do not understand God and I do not understand His Son, my True Self.  What I see in the world of illusion tells me that I do not know who I am.  Yet I can choose to see witnesses to the Truth in me, rather than those which show me an illusion of myself.  I am determined now, to See Truth.

What I see witnesses to my desire for separation from God.  The world of illusion is hardly the representation of Loving Thoughts.  It is a picture of attack on everything by everything.  It is anything but a reflection of the Love of God and the Love of His Son. My own thoughts of separation from God created this dismal picture.  Yet my Loving Thoughts will save me from this perception of the world and give me the Peace God intended me to have.

I escape the world by giving up thoughts of separation.  In this thought lies my salvation. Without thoughts of separation and attack, I could not project a world of separation and attack. Forgiveness allows Love to return to my Awareness.  I will choose to see a world of Peace, Safety and Joy in place of what I look on now.

I do not perceive my own best interests.  How could I know my own best interests when I do not even know that I am God's Holy Son?  What I think are my best interests only bind me closer to the world of illusion. Today I choose Truth in order to find out what my best interests are, understanding that I cannot recognize them by myself.

I do not know what anything is for.  To ego, the purpose of everything is to witness to a world separated from God.  It is for this purpose that I attempt to use everyone and everything, to witness to the "reality" of this separation. God can use what I have made for another, Holy Purpose.  The purpose I give the world has led to a frightening conclusion.  I choose today, to let God show me Truth.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lesson 54 ~ Review I

I have no neutral thoughts.  All thoughts have Power.  My thoughts will either keep me anchored in a world of illusions or they will lead me Home.  All thoughts have effects. The world I see arises from errors in my thinking. But I will see a world forgiven and beautiful as I let my errors be corrected.  My thoughts cannot be both True and false; they are True or they are false. What I see will provide evidence of a sane mind or an insane mind.

I see no neutral things.  What I "see" witnesses to what I think.  If I did not think, I would not exist.  Life is Thought.  The world I see is a representation of my own insane state of mind. My state of mind can change, and therefore the world I see can change as well.

I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.   I have no private thoughts.  I do not see a private world.  The mad idea of separation had to be shared before it could form the basis of the world I see. Yet that sharing was a sharing of nothing.   I can call upon my Real Thoughts, which share Everything with everyone.  My separation thoughts call to the separation thoughts of "others," just as my Real Thoughts Awaken the Real Thoughts in "others."  There are no "others," just the One Son seemingly separated into "many."

I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.   I am alone in nothing.  Everything I think, say or do affects the entire world that seems to be outside myself.   The Son of God cannot think, speak or act without affecting the entire Sonship.  The Son of God can be alone in nothing.  It is therefore in my Power, to change every mind along with my own.  The Power of the Son is the Power of God.

I am determined to See.   There are no private thoughts.  All thought is shared.  I will see witnesses in "the world" to my changed thinking.  When Love replaces fear, laughter replaces tears and Abundance replaces loss in my mind, I will see evidence of it in the world I created.   Instead of a world of chaos, I will see a world healed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Lesson 53 ~ Review I

My meaningless thoughts show me a meaningless world.   Since the thoughts of which I am aware mean nothing, the world that gives form to my thoughts has no meaning.  Insane thinking seemingly projects a world "outside" me.  I have Real Thoughts as well as insane thoughts, therefore I can see a forgiven and blessed world if I look to my Real Thoughts as a Guide for Vision.

I am upset because I see a meaningless world.  Insane thoughts are upsetting, yet at times I want this world to have meaning.  I want my job, my life, my marriage, my family and my friends to have meaning and value. Yet, nothing this world offers can bring lasting Happiness.  I will eventually switch jobs or retire.  My life will end in "death."  My marriage will end in death or divorce.  My children will grow up and move away, they may not even like me.  My friends will betray me, move away, or grow old and die.  There is nothing here of lasting value.  Nothing in the world of ego ends well.  Chaos rules the world.  The world represents chaotic thinking, and chaos has no laws.  I cannot have Peace in such a world.  I am grateful that this world is not Real, and that I do not need to see it at all unless I choose to "see" it.  Today, I refuse to value what is totally insane and has no meaning.

A meaningless world engenders fear.   This world is completely undependable.  There is nothing here I can trust.  Nothing in madness is dependable.  There is no Safety, there is no hope.  But the world is not Real.  I have given it the illusion of Reality and have suffered for my belief in it.  Today I choose to withdraw my belief in the world and place my trust in Reality. In making this choice, I escape all effects of the world of fear because I am acknowledging that it does not exist.

God did not create a meaningless world.    God did not create the world ~ I did ~ by my insane thoughts of "separation from" God.  Why should I continue to suffer from the effects of my insane thoughts when the Perfection of Heaven is my Reality?  All Power is in my choice.  I choose a world of illusion, or Reality.  Only one exists, the other is fantasy.

My thoughts are images I have made.  Whatever I "see" reflects my thoughts.  My thoughts tell me where I am and what I am. The fact that I see a world in which there is suffering, loss, and death shows me that I am seeing only the representation of insane thoughts.  I do not allow my Real Thoughts to cast their Beneficent Light on what I see. God's Way is Sure.  The fantasy I created cannot stand up against Heaven because it is not my will that it do so.  My will is God's Will, and I will place no other gods before Him.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lesson 52 ~ Review I

Today I review these five ideas from previous lessons :

I am upset because I see what is not there.  Reality is never frightening and could never upset me.  Reality brings only Perfect Peace.  If I am upset, it is always because I have replaced Reality with illusions of fantasy.  Illusions are upsetting because they seem to show me a world apart from God; illusions are a "reality" that I have imagined to be True.  Nothing in God's Creation is affected in any way by this confusion of mine.  If I am upset, I am always upset by nothing.  In my Reality with God, there is absolutely nothing that could ever upset me. It is not "death" that will bring me relief from illusions, only my Awakening to Reality will bring me Happiness.

I see only the past.  As I look around at illusions, I naturally condemn everything I see.  How could I approve?  My illusions show me a world apart from God, and if God is Perfect, illusions witness to imperfection.  Everything I seem to "see" in the world shows me some form of illusion.  I hold these illusions against everyone and everything, making them my enemies.  When I have forgiven my "self," my "brothers," and remembered who I am (the Son of God!), I will bless everyone and everything I "see"......there will be no "past"......there will be no "enemies."  I will look with Love on all that that I failed to see before.

My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.   I see only my own thoughts, and in the world of illusions my mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. Is there anything I see as it Truly is?  I look on the past to prevent the present from Awakening in my mind.  Let me understand that I am using "time" to block God from my "reality."  When I let go of the past, I give up nothing. When I let go of the past and the future, I exist in the now, which is the only place that even comes close to my Reality with God.

I see nothing as it is now.    If I see nothing as it is now, it can Truly be said that I see nothing.   The choice is not whether to see the past or the present, the choice is simply whether to See or not.  My choices have cost me Vision. I can now choose differently so that I may See.

My "thoughts" do not mean anything.   I have no private thoughts, yet it is only "private" thoughts of which I am aware.  What do these thoughts mean?  They mean nothing and do not exist. My mind is part of Creation and part of its Creator. Would I not rather join the Thinking of Heaven than hide Reality with my pitiful and meaningless "private" thoughts?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Lesson 51 ~ Review I

Begin the day by reading the following ideas.  Read and think about each one for two minutes or more.  The exercises should be done alone in a quiet place if possible at first; but eventually, I will require no special meditative setting in which to practice the lessons because I will learn to bring the quiet with me ~ into every situation ~ which will heal distress and turmoil.  This is not done by avoiding stress and turmoil, or seeking a haven of isolation, but by dealing with it straight on and learning to recognize illusion.

Though it seems impossible at this moment, I will learn that Peace is part of me. Peace is my normal State of Being.   Until then, my learning requires only that I embrace any situation that occurs.  I will learn that Peace is everywhere, as is God, as is Love, as is Joy.

The following ideas are previous lessons.  They are not necessarily in their original form, but use them as they are presented here.

Nothing I see means anything.  I see nothing with the body's eyes.  The body, or anything "outside" myself is only a projection of a thought of separation from God. Nothing exists outside myself, and "nothing" has no meaning. What I seem to see with the body's eyes has taken the place of Vision.  I must let it go so that I learn to See.

I have given what I see all the meaning it has.  The body's eyes show me a fantasy of separation from God.  It is only this that I see.  This is not Vision.  It is illusion.  Even the thoughts I think in the world of illusions are themselves illusions. My Real Thoughts are those I think with God, which as yet I do not recognize, but I will.

I do not understand anything I see.   How could I understand "nothing?" What I see is a projection of my own error of thought that I separated myself from God.  This is impossible.  I do not understand what I see because it is not understandable.  There is no sense in trying to understand it.   I can let it go and make room for what I can See, Understand and Love.  I can exchange Vision for what the body's eyes show me just by being willing to do so.  Is the choice for Vision not a better choice?

These thoughts do not mean anything.   The thoughts I seem to think in the world of illusion do not mean anything because I am trying to think "apart from" God. What I call my thoughts are not even my Real Thoughts.  My Real Thoughts are those I think with God.  I am not aware of Them because I have made other thoughts to take Their place. Today, I am willing to recognize that my thoughts do not mean anything and to let them go.  My thoughts in the world of illusion are meaningless.  But Life Itself lies in the Thoughts I think with God.

I am never upset for the reason I think.   I am never upset for the reason I think because I am constantly trying to justify my thoughts.  I am constantly trying to make them True.  Choosing over and again to seemingly be "apart from" God is frustrating, depressing, fearful and sad.  I expend great effort to do this.  I make all things my enemy so that anger is justified over Love, and attack is justified over Peace, defending a thought system that has kept me separated from my Identity as God's Son.......a thought system I no longer want.  I am willing now to let it go.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Lesson 50 ~ I am sustained by God's Love.

I am sustained by God's Love.

This is the answer to every problem that will confront me today, tomorrow and throughout time; "many" problems, one answer.  In the world of illusion I believe I am kept in existence by everything except God.  My faith has been placed in the most insignificant and insane symbols:  pills, money, clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the "right" people and an endless list of forms of nothingness that I equip with magical powers.

All these things are my replacements for the Love of God.  All these things keep me identified with a body. They are songs of praise to ego.  Stop putting my faith in what is worthless.  What is worthless and does not exist will do nothing for me.

Only the Love of God means anything.  It will protect me in all circumstances.  It will lift me out of every problem and raise me high above all the perceived dangers of the world, into a State of Perfect Peace and Safety.  It will transport me into a state of mind where nothing can threaten, disturb or intrude upon the Eternal Calm of the Son of God.

I will not put my faith in illusions. They will fail me. They have failed me over and over. I will put all my faith in the Love of God within me; Eternal, Changeless, and Forever Unfailing. This is the Answer to whatever confronts me today. Through God's Love, I can resolve all "difficulties" without any effort on my part, in Sure Confidence. Tell myself often today, for it is a declaration of release from hell. It is my acknowledgment of Truth.

For ten minutes, twice today, morning and evening, let today's idea sink deep into my consciousness. Repeat it. Think about it. Let related thoughts come to help me recognize its Truth.  Allow Peace to flow over me like a blanket of protection and assurance.  Let no foolish thought enter my mind to disturb the Holy Mind of the Son of God.  Such is the Kingdom of Heaven.  Such is the Resting Place where my Father has placed me Forever.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lesson 49 ~ God's Voice speaks to me all through the day.

I can tune into God's Voice throughout the day without interrupting my regular routine in any way. There is a part of my mind which is in Constant Communication with God, whether I am aware of it or not. The other part of my mind functions in the "world" and obeys the world's laws, and it is this part that is constantly distracted, disorganized and highly uncertain.

The part of my mind that is listening to God is Calm, always at Rest and Wholly Certain; it is really the only part there is. The other part is a wild illusion; frantic and distraught, but without Reality of any kind.  I will try today, to go beyond it.  Today I will try to identify with the part of my mind where Stillness and Peace Reign Forever.  I will try to hear God's Voice call to me Lovingly, reminding me that my Creator has not forgotten His Son.

I will attempt four 5-minute practice periods today, and more if possible. I will actually try to hear God's Voice reminding me of Him and of my Self.  I will approach these Happiest and Holiest of Thoughts with confidence, knowing that in doing so, I am joining my will with the Will of God.  God wants me to hear His Voice.  He gave It to me to be heard.

Listen in deep silence.  Be very still and open my mind.  Go past all raucous shrieks and sick imaginings that cover my Real Thoughts and hide my Eternal link with God. Sink deep into the Peace that awaits me beyond the frantic, riotous thoughts, sights and sounds of the insane world.  It is not my Reality.  I am trying to reach my Real Home.  I am trying to reach the Place where I am Truly Welcome.  I am trying to reach God.

Repeat today's idea frequently.  Practice with my eyes open when necessary, but closed when possible. Repeat today's idea whenever I can. Close my eyes on the world and realize......I invite God's Voice to speak to me today.

"God's Voice speaks to me all through the day."

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lesson 48 ~ There is nothing to fear.

The idea for today simply states a fact.  Not a fact to those who think illusions are "reality;" illusions are not real.  In Truth there is nothing to fear and Truth is my Reality. It is very easy to recognize this, but very difficult if I want illusions to be true. Anything I desire in the world of illusions, keeps me anchored to illusions.  Offer Love and forgiveness to everyone and everything, but desire nothing. As a child of God I have Everything.  If I think I lack anything, it is because I have chosen illusions.

The presence of fear is a sure sign that I am trusting in my own strength.  Apart from God, strength does not exist, and I presently believe I am apart from God.  I created the world to show me an experience 'apart from God,' which would be an experience of everything opposite to God (if opposites were possible):  failure, helpless, darkness, lack, hatred, war and, peace which never lasts, love which changes day by day, happiness which can easily turn to sorrow.  The Awareness that there is nothing to fear shows me that somewhere in my mind (though not necessarily in a place I yet recognize) I have remembered God.  Let His Strength take the place of my weakness. The instant I am willing to do this, there is indeed nothing to fear.

Today's practice periods will be short, simple and frequent.  Just repeat today's idea as often as possible at any time and in any situation. It is strongly recommended that I take a minute whenever possible to close my eyes and repeat the idea slowly to myself several times. It is very important that I use the idea immediately if there is anything that disturbs my peace of mind.

"There is nothing to fear."

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lesson 47 ~ God is the Strength in which I trust.

If I continue to trust my own strength in this world of illusion, I have every reason to be anxious and fearful.  What have I been able to predict or control?  What in me can be counted on? What gives me the ability to be aware of all the facets of any problem and be able to resolve them in such a way that only good results?  What is there in me that recognizes the right solution to any problem and guarantees that it will be solved?

Of myself I can do none of these things.  To believe that I can is to put faith in an ego, in a body, in a world of illusion, and this will surely justify fear, anxiety, depression, anger and sorrow.  Who can put faith in weakness and feel safe?  Conversely, who can put faith in Strength.....and feel weak?

God is my Safety in every circumstance.  Truth speaks for Him in all situations and in every aspect of all situations, telling me exactly what to do when I call on His Strength and His Protection. There are no exceptions.

Today I will try to slip past all concerns related to my own sense of inadequacy.  Any situation that causes me concern is a good indication that I am feeling inadequate, for otherwise I would believe I could deal with the situation successfully.  It is not by trusting myself that I will gain confidence, but the Strength of God in me is successful in all things.

The recognition of my own frailty "apart from God" is necessary to correct all errors, but it is not sufficient in giving me the confidence I need ~ the confidence to which I am entitled as God's Son.  I must also have an Awareness that Confidence in my Real Strength (God) is fully justified in every respect and all circumstances.

Today I will try to reach into my mind to a place of Real Safety.  I will recognize that I have reached it when I feel a sense of deep Peace, however briefly.  I will let go all trivial things that churn and bubble on the surface of my mind.  I will reach  beyond them to the Kingdom of Heaven. There is a place in me where there is Perfect Peace. There is a place in me where nothing is impossible.  There is a place in me where the Strength of God is present.

Today I will try to reach past my weakness to the Source of Real Strength.  Four 5-minute practice periods are necessary, and longer and more frequent ones are urged. During the day, repeat the idea often and use it as my answer to any disturbance. Remember.....Peace is my right as God's Son. Give my trust to Him.

"God is the Strength in which I trust."

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lesson 46 ~ God is the Love in which I forgive.

It is not with my own goodness and love that I "forgive."  Ego, the part of me "separated" from God, is helpless and powerless. Ego can do nothing. All my Strength comes from being God's Son. Ego is completely consumed with the "separation" from God, for that is its function.  But the Son of God is within me as well, and this part of me has never forgotten its True Identity.  I am not divided into parts (ego vs. Son of God), though the Course speaks the language of division in order that I understand.

God does not forgive for He has never condemned. Forgiveness is the great need of the dream-world. Those who forgive are releasing themselves from illusions. Those who do not forgive are binding themselves to illusions. There is no one else "out there."  There is one Son. Therefore, if I condemn "others," I condemn only my Self.  If I forgive "others," I forgive my Self.

Though God does not forgive, per se, His Love is the basis of forgiveness for dreams. The dream-world is one of fear. God's World is one of Love.  Fear condemns, Love forgives. Forgiveness undoes what fear has produced, returning the mind to the Awareness of God. For this reason, forgiveness can truly be called salvation, for it is the means by which illusions disappear.  I forgive entirely, or not at all.

Today I attempt three 5-minute practice periods.  I will search my mind for those whom I have not forgiven.  If I am doing the exercises well, I should have little difficulty finding a number of people I have not forgiven.  It is a safe rule that anyone I do not like is a suitable subject.  I will also put myself in a position to forgive myself.   In addition to the three 5-minutes practice periods at any time during the day if and when I become aware of any kind of negative reaction to anyone (in my presence or not in my presence), tell them silently: God is the Love in which I forgive you, (_____). Though it feels very awkward to call them by name, it is important to do so.

"God is the Love in which I forgive you, (name).  God is the Love in which I forgive myself."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lesson 45 ~ God's is the Mind with which I think.

Today's idea continues to lead me to Reality.  There is nowhere God is not.  I am surrounded by God. He is within me and all around me.  I am not in any way apart from Him. The thoughts I think in the dream-world are not even my Real Thoughts.  I am being introduced to my Real Thoughts.  The thoughts I think in the world resemble in no way my Real Thoughts, just as nothing I "see" bears any resemblance to what Vision will show me.

I think with the Mind of God.  I share my thoughts with Him, as He shares His with me. They are the same thoughts, because they are thought by the same Mind.  I am in the Mind of God and so are my thoughts.  I have never left the Mind of God.

Today I will attempt to reach my Real Thoughts.  I will try to go past all the unreal thoughts that hide Truth in my mind, and reach out to the Eternal.   I will look for the Real Thoughts in my mind, because that is where they are.  They are beyond the thoughts of the illusory world; those insane thoughts of right and wrong, up and down, left and right, good and bad....thoughts of judgment, hate, worry, sadness and anxiety.

Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas with which I have cluttered my mind are the Thoughts that I had with God in the beginning.  They are there in my mind now, completely untouched by madness and completely Unchanged.

I should approach today's lesson as I would an Altar in Heaven dedicated to the Father and Son.  For such is the place I am trying to reach.  I do not yet realize how high I am trying to go.  Yet even with the small understanding I have already gained, I should be able to remind myself that this is no idle game, but an exercise in Holiness and an attempt to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

I will try to understand, as well, that only what God would have for me is what I truly want for myself.  I cannot fail in doing what God Wills for me.  I will succeed because it is the Will of God. Today I attempt to leave the unreal and seek only for the Real.  I will not let thoughts of the world hold me back.  I will not allow the beliefs of the world to tell me that what God would have me do is impossible.  Only what God Wills is possible. My mind is God's Mind and God's Mind is mine.  I am God's Son and He wants me to be Happy.

I will do three 5-minute practice periods today.  With eyes closed, repeat today's idea to myself. Think a few relevant thoughts of my own related to today's idea, followed by a repetition of today's idea.  I will go past all the unreal thoughts that hide Truth:

"God is the Mind with which I think.  My Real thoughts are in my mind, and today I would like to find them."

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lesson 44 ~ God is the Light in which I See

The world of illusions is only a dream in my mind, it is not Reality.  It is my own personal "hell;" an experience of being separated from God.  I create it anew over and over.  There is only NOW, and it is a dream of misery I present to myself in this moment of "now."  I have separated my dream into many parts, one of these parts is called the "past," another part is called the "future."  Past and future exist only in my dream, they are not Reality.  Another part of the dream is called "the world," yet another "the universe."  I have a "brother" over "here" and another "over there."

There is nothing outside myself, but my Powers of creation are such that I wholeheartedly believe in what I created, even dreams.  I can  understand this as well in the dream-world in the dreams I experience when I sleep at night; the sleeping-dream is my reality in the moment of sleep.

The story of the Prodigal Son can be understood as a simple version of the story of my creation of illusion.  I imagined an experience "apart from" God.  It is not possible to do this in Reality, but I am having a dream, or a thought, of the impossible. It is a thought I play over and over in my Awareness.  It seems very Real to me because I have Mighty creative powers.  But because it is an experience "apart from" God, it is not my Happy, Joyous, Loving, Eternal State of Awareness which is my Reality.  Since God is Light and Love, my "separation" experience in the dream is one of darkness and fear.  Light and darkness cannot coexist.  Only one will be in my Awareness at any given "time."

In order for me to See, I must recognize that Light is within me.  I do not see "outside" myself, and the equipment for Seeing is not outside me.  My "sight" in the world of illusions is not seeing at all. It is one illusion showing me other illusions.  Even if I was considered "blind" in the world of illusions, I would still be having an experience of separation; I would be having an illusory experience of being "blind" in a world of blindness (illusions).  True Vision has nothing to do with the body's eyes. Anything I see with eyeballs, feel with touch receptors, smell with my nose, taste with my tongue, or hear with my ears, is all illusion. There is nothing outside me. My Reality has nothing to do with anything I experience in a body.

What am I using to "see" when I dream at night?  My eyes are closed!  What am I using to "hear" in my dreams at night?  What am I using to feel?  Yet even in my nightly dreams I seem to be hearing and seeing and touching and feeling.

God is my Reality and His is the Light in which I See.  I have split my Awareness into individual experiences of sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing, etc.  Yet even in this world of illusions, I read of those who "hear" colors, or "feel" numbers when there is a glitch in the brain wiring.  But again there is nothing outside me.

Today, I attempt to reach God's Light, which makes Vision possible.  These exercises may be difficult for my undisciplined mind, yet they give me precisely what my untrained mind lacks.  This mind training must be accomplished if I am to See.  I work very, very hard to maintain the world of illusion, and to my illusory self, training my mind to learn of Reality may seem very difficult.  My ego may present strong resistance, but my mind is no longer wholly untrained.  While I practice these exercises, I leave illusions behind.  My ego (the part of me that believes I live in the world of illusions) may present strong resistance.  But my mind is no longer wholly undisciplined.  Heaven is my Guide.  God will take my small efforts and add them to the Strength of Reality, making great strides.   Reality is the most Easy and Natural State of Awareness.

Salvation is my release from hell.  Yet perceived by ego, salvation is a loss of identity and a descent into hell. My ego will resist.  If I can stand aside from ego even a little, I will have no difficulty in seeing that ego's opposition and fears are meaningless. Remind myself from time to time, that to reach Light is to escape from darkness. God is the Light in which I see and I am attempting to reach Him.  I am attempting something very Holy.  Salvation is my happiest accomplishment.  It is the only accomplishment in the world of illusions that has any meaning.

I should experience some sense of relaxation, possibly even a feeling that I am approaching Light. Light is Formless and Without Limit.  Think of this as I pass by thoughts of the world.  This world and all the thoughts I have about it have no power over me unless I give them power. My mind cannot be distracted unless distraction is what I choose.  Today I choose Reality.  I have not understood this before as a choice.

Three, 3-5 minutes practice periods today.  I can do more if I feel no sense of strain or anxiety. Repeat today's idea slowly.  Alternate with eyes open, then eyes closed.  Sink into my mind.  Let go of every kind of interference and intrusion.  God's Reality is the most Natural, Easy State.  Being of the "world" is very difficult for the Son of God and ego expends tremendous effort keeping me in the illusion.

"God is the Light in which I See."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Lesson 43 ~ God is my Source. I cannot See apart from Him.

"Perception" is the vision of the dream-world.  Knowledge is God's Realm.  I can think of the Truth of ACIM as the Great Mediator between perception and Knowledge. God is not divided, nor is His Son.  But I must learn of Heaven in the language of dreams in order to understand and remember Home.  If I were truly able to separate myself from God, perception and madness forever. Yet I can take heart and leap with Joy because I can never separate myself from my Source ~ EVER!   Only in dreams can it seem to be true.

There are many paths to God, ACIM will get me there faster.  ACIM is a Course in mind training. Heaven works with my mind where it thinks it is.  If I think I am in a world of illusion, then It will work with me there.  Truth's Help is Gentle and Soothing, and It's lessons are never forced.  Truth patiently awaits my acceptance.  It may take "thousands of lifetimes," but Truth will wait until I believe I am ready.  God is always there for me.  I make the choice to accept His Help.  He waits until I decide.

With the Help of Heaven and ACIM, my "perception" will become so changed and purified that it will lead to Knowledge.  Perception has no function in God, and does not exist.  Yet in salvation ~ which is the undoing of what never was ~ perception will take on a Mighty purpose.  Made by me to show me a world "apart from God," with Heaven perception will become the means for restoring Holiness to my Awareness. The only meaning perception has is the meaning God gives it. And God will use everything to bring me to Reality.  Healed "perception" becomes the means by which I (the Son of God) forgive my "brother" for what he did not do, and thus forgive myself.

I cannot "see" apart from God because I cannot be apart from God.  Whatever I do, I do in Him. Whatever I think, I think with the mind of God.  If I am seeing sadness and despair, or thinking thoughts that are anything but Love, I am indulging in a dream of madness.  It is not my Reality.

Three 5-minute practice periods are required today.  Repeat the idea for today with eyes open.  Then glance around and apply the idea to what I see.  Use four or five subjects.  For instance I can say, "God is my Source, I cannot see this desk apart from Him;" or, "God is my Source, I cannot see that picture apart from Him."  Do not purposefully include or exclude anything.  Let whatever relevant thoughts occur to me add to the idea in my own personal way.  Any thought related to today's idea is suitable.  If I am distracted, repeat only the thought for today.  This can be used when I am with someone else, stranger or friend; "God is the Source.  I cannot see you (stranger or friend) apart from Him."

"God is my Source.  I cannot See apart from Him."

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lesson 42 ~ God is my Strength. Vision is His gift.

This plan is guaranteed to work.  Failure is impossible.

The idea for today combines two very powerful thoughts, both of major importance.  It also presents a "cause and effect" relationship that explains why I cannot fail in my efforts to achieve the goals of the Course. The Cause is God, the Effect is Vision. It is the Will of God that I succeed. It is God's Strength, not my own, which gives me Power.  It is His Gift that offers Vision.  My efforts have only kept me further entangled in a world of illusions.

God is my Strength and what He gives to me, is Truly given.  This means I can receive His Gifts any time and anywhere, wherever I am, in whatever circumstances I find myself.  My passage through "time" and "space" is all happening in my mind.  It is a mad journey in my mind so, I cannot help but be in the right place at the right time. Such is the Strength of God. Such are His Gifts.

I will have two 3-5 minutes practice periods today.  Repeat the idea for today slowly with eyes open, looking around me.  Then close my eyes and repeat the idea again, slowly.  After this, try to think of nothing except thoughts that occur to me in relation to today's idea.  I may be astonished at the amount of Course-related understanding some of my thoughts contain.  If no thoughts come to mind or distraction occurs, open my eyes and repeat today's idea once more while looking slowly around.  I do not need to generate a lot of effort.  Step back and let the thoughts come.  If this is difficult for me, spend the practice period repeating today's idea to myself slowly.

Repetitions of the idea throughout the day are beneficial.  Think about the many times I check my cell phone for messages, or browse the internet; I can surely train my mind to repeat today's idea at least as many times.  The idea for today is a early step in training my mind and bringing my thoughts together, teaching me that I am studying a Unified Thought System in which everything I need is present, and there is nothing contradictory or unimportant.

The more I repeat today's idea during the day, the more often I will be reminding myself that the goal of the Course is important to me.  It is all about creating new habits of mind.

"God is my Strength.  Vision is His Gift;"   OR    "The Cause is God. The Effect is Vision."  Repeat today's idea in a way that is meaningful for me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lesson 41 ~ God is with me wherever I am.

Today's idea will eventually overcome ~ completely ~ the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the "separated ones" experience.  Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation.  As well as anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness and loss, misery, suffering and an intense sense of fear.

The separated ones have invented many "cures" for what they believe to be the ills of the "world."  But the one thing they never question is the "reality" of the problem.  Yet the problem cannot be solved because the problem is not Real. The idea for today has the Power to end all this foolishness forever. And foolishness it is, despite the serious and tragic forms it may take.

Deep within me remains everything that is Perfect.  This Perfection will cure all sorrow, pain, fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were Real and suffered out of its loyalty to them.

I can never be deprived of my Perfect Holiness because Its Source goes with me wherever I go. I can never suffer because the Source of all Joy goes with me wherever I go. I can never be alone because the Source of Life Itself goes with me wherever I go. Nothing can destroy my Peace of mind because God goes with me wherever I go.

At this point, I may not wholeheartedly believe this.  How could I, when I have hidden Truth deep within me, under a heavy cloud of insane thoughts, dense and obscuring, yet representing all I "see"? Today, I will make my first real attempt to get past this dark and heavy cloud, and go through it to the Light beyond.

There is one long practice period today.  As soon as I wake up, if possible, sit quietly for 3 to 5 minutes with eyes closed.  Repeat today's idea very slowly, then make no effort to think of anything. Try to get a sense of turning inward, past all thoughts of the world.  Enter very deeply into my mind, keeping it clear of any distracting thoughts. Repeat the idea if I find it helpful, but most of all try to sink down and inward away from the world and all thoughts of the world.  I am trying to leave "appearances" and approach Reality.

It is quite possible to reach God.  It is very easy and Natural in fact, because being with God is my Reality.  I might even say that it is the only Natural thing in my present state.  The Way will open.  I am training my mind to return to Reality.  This exercise can bring very startling results even the first time it is attempted, and sooner or later it is always successful.  Any attempts will never fail completely and instant success is possible.

Use today's idea throughout the day, and often. Repeat it slowly, preferably with eyes closed. Think of what I am saying and what the words mean. Concentrate on the Holiness that they imply about me; on the unfailing Companionship that is mine; on the Complete Protection that surrounds me.

Indeed, I can afford to laugh at fear thoughts, remembering that I am God's Son and the world of illusion is not my Reality.

God is with me wherever I am. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lesson 40 ~ I am blessed as God's Son

Today I lay claim to some of the happy things I am entitled to, being God's Son. Frequent, short practice periods are required.  Once every ten minutes would be highly desirable.  I am urged to attempt this schedule and adhere to it whenever possible.  If I forget, just try again.  If there are long interruptions, try again.  Whenever I remember, try again.  This is a Course in mind training.  The thoughts I have allowed myself to dwell on keep me in "hell."  I am training my mind to think differently.

If I really want to, I can practice this under any circumstances, eyes open or eyes closed.  I can be creative, "I am blessed as God's Son.  I am happy, peaceful, loving and content;" "I am blessed as God's Son.  I am calm, quiet, assured and confident." Or just:

"I am blessed as God's Son."

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lesson 39 ~ My Holiness is my salvation.

The ideas used for the workbook lessons are very simple, very clear and totally unambiguous.  This Course does not require that I perform intellectual triumphs or grand feats of logic.  ACIM deals only in the very obvious, which has been overlooked in the clouds of complexity in which my ego-mind works.

Fear and guilt are the hell I have created in my dream of being apart from God.  If fear and guilt are "hell," then recognizing my Holiness as God's Son is "salvation."

"My" salvation, is the "world's" salvation, because the world is a thought in my mind. If I heal my mind, the "world" is healed; "my" salvation is crucial to the "world's" salvation.  Yet I cannot rely on my own efforts or trust my own judgment at this point. I created a world of dreams ~ a world of insanity ~ it is clearly before my "vision" and this is where I must begin.  I cannot deny my current "reality" and still make any meaningful strides.  I will rely on One Who Knows.

My Holiness is the answer to every question that has ever been asked, is being asked now or will be asked in the future.  I may lament, "why did my beloved have to die?" and the answer is, 'my beloved is not dead...everything "out there" is only in my mind, there is no death, I will Awaken to Reality. I am the Holy Son of God.'  I agonize, "why did I have to have such a horrible childhood?" and learn the answer is, my "childhood" does not exist. Nothing outside me exists.  I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile to a world apart from God.  It is only a dream.  I am the Holy Son of God, Safe in Heaven with my Father.'

I never left Heaven.  I just mentally "checked out."

Four, 5-minute practice periods are urged for today.  If I want to do more, it is recommended that I increased the frequency rather than the time involved.  My mind must get into the habit of turning to God whenever there is a "situation," "person" or "thought" that disrupts my peace of mind.  Begin by repeating today's idea to myself. Then close my eyes and search for unloving thoughts in whatever form they appear: uneasiness, depression, anger, fear, worry, impatience, attack, insecurity, etc. Whatever form they take, they are the opposite of Love and therefore fearful. It is from this fantasy of fear that I need to be saved.

I look for specific situations, events or personalities that I associate with unloving/fearful thoughts.  It is imperative that I "see" these differently.  It is my blessing on them that will help me do this, saving me from fantasy and offering me Vision.

"My ___(unloving, fearful, anxious, angry, insecure, etc)___ thoughts about _____ are keeping me entrenched in a dream of hell.  Recognize that I am the Holy Son of God and I will Awaken from this dream. My Holiness is my salvation."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lesson 38 ~ There is nothing my Holiness cannot do.

I have authority over the world I created because of what I am:  God's Son.  My Holiness reverses all laws of the world.  It overcomes every restriction of time, space, distance and limits of any kind.  I am at One with the Mind of my Creator.  The Father and I are One.

In recognizing or remembering my Holiness, the Power of God is made available, and there is nothing the Power of God cannot do.  This Holiness ~ MY Holiness ~ can remove all pain, end all sorrow and solve all problems.  It can do so for myself or anyone else "out there" because Mind is All There Is and there is nothing "outside" me.  Therefore the "world" does not exist. If I heal my mind the "world" is healed, because the "world" is a fantasy in my mind. I am Holy because everything God created is Holy and that can never change in any way, no matter what my dreams tell me.

In today's lesson, I will apply the Power of my Holiness to all problems, difficulties or suffering in any form.  The world seems very real to me and I will not deny it as my "reality" for now.  Denial would only enhance its power in my mind.  I will replace thoughts of the world with Thoughts of Truth as I am instructed to do.  Eventually the world will disappear.  There is no need to do battle or oppose the world in any way. The world will be gently forgotten.

Four five-minute practice periods are required today.  I can do as many or as few as I want.  I can take as long as I want to Awaken from the dream.  God will wait for me. But do I want to continue to suffer sadness, pain, grief, worry, anxiety?  There is no need to suffer from dreams.  Repeat today's idea first with eyes closed.  Then search my mind for any unhappiness or sense of loss, any worry, anxiety, despair or injustice, whether it concerns me or anyone else.  Identify the situation specifically and also the name of the person concerned, this will feel strange and uncomfortable calling the "problem" by name, but it is important to be specific.  For instance, "In this situation involving __(person, place or situation)___ there is nothing my Holiness cannot do."

"There is nothing my Holiness cannot do."

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lesson 37 ~ My Holiness blesses the world.

I created a fantasy-world to give me an experience of being "apart from" God; this is the world's function.  God can use whatever I created, whether in fantasy or Reality, for His Own Purposes.  His Purpose for me is to see the world through my Holiness, Awakening me to the Heaven that is my only Reality.

The world is a fantasy in my mind.  When my mind is healed, the world is healed. Currently, I see a world of "winners" and "losers," "sinners" and "saints."  Yet in my Reality with God everyone "wins" and no one loses; everyone is completely sinless; no one sacrifices anything, and everyone receives their full due.  Learning to see the world through my Holiness, the "world" and I are blessed together.

Any other way of seeing the world inevitably demands payment, or sacrifice, of someone or something;  this is what I call "seeing" in the eyes of the world; someone always has to "lose."  In the past, I had no idea why "life" has been such a struggle. THIS is why!

My Holiness blesses myself and all the "world."  When I see myself as Whole, I make no demands on anyone or anything.

My Holiness is the salvation of the "world."  The world is a fantasy in my mind.  When I heal my mind, I heal the "world."  Yet while the "world" and all "people" are real for me, there is no sense in denying its "reality."  I can merely quietly recognize that in my Holiness are all things blessed with me.  I teach the "world."  I do not preach to anyone or anything.  There is no need to evangelize or offer salvation, I need only BE salvation by acknowledging my Holiness and quietly extending Blessing to all I see.

Today's lesson asks four, 3-5 minute practice periods.  Begin by repeating today's idea to myself, followed by a minute or so of looking around me, applying today's idea to whatever I see.  Then close my eyes and apply the idea to anyone who comes to mind.  Alternate between looking around, then closing my eyes and thinking of those who come to mind or situations which have caused me discomfort or angst. Conclude by repeating today's idea.  Use the idea to silently apply it to anyone I meet, using his or her name as I do so.  If any problems come up throughout my day or anyone causes a negative reaction in me, offer the blessing of my Holiness immediately, so I get into the habit of keeping It in my Awareness.

"My Holiness blesses the world;" "My Holiness blesses this situation;" "My Holiness blesses this object;" "My Holiness blesses you."  Do not forget to use the name of the situation, the object or the person I am blessing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lesson 36 ~ My Holiness encompasses everything I see

I am Holy because my mind is joined with God's.  Because I am Holy, my Sight must be Holy as well.  "Sinless" means without sin.  I cannot be 'a little' sinless.  I am completely sinless or I am not.  My Holiness is related to God's Holiness and has nothing to do with my body, ego, the world, or anything I might "do" or "say."  I am Holy without effort on my part.  The Son of God is what and who I am.

I have forgotten who I am in creating my world of illusions, a world "apart from" God which exists only in dreams.  I created "separation" as my reality and in this I wholeheartedly believe.  What the Son of God creates he believes in, even if it is only a dream. Nothing outside me exists, though I obviously think it does.  That is the Power of Creation.  I am a very Powerful being because I am my Father's Son.  Though what I seemed to create is "apart from" God ~ an "opposite" to God so to speak.  It is not possible in Reality to be apart from God.  It is possible to indulge in a dream or a fantasy, yet it can never be called Real.

I am Holy because I am joined with God.  My Reality is with God.  God is within me and all around me.  There is nowhere God is not.  I do not experience Him while I am preoccupied with dreaming. ACIM, along with Heaven, is helping my mind to "wake up;" to recognize dreams vs. Reality.  I have taught myself to believe in dreams.  I am learning to question the reality of those dreams and remember my True State of Being.

It is suggested that I do four, 3-5 minute practice periods today.  Close my eyes and repeat today's idea slowly, several times.   Then open my eyes and look around, applying the idea casually to whatever I see.  Alternate with doing the exercise with eyes closed, then eyes open.  All applications should be done slowly and effortlessly. For example, "my Holiness encompasses that rug;" "my Holiness encompasses that wall;" "my Holiness encompasses these fingers."

"My Holiness encompasses everything I see."

What I see is only a reflection ~ a symbol ~ of what is in my mind.  I can indulge in fantasy, or I can indulge in Reality.  Do I want fear, sorrow, grief, angst, depression, worry and anxiety, or do I want Peace?  I can exchange "seeing" for Sight.  It is not a matter of destroying the "world" and putting Heaven in its place.  There is no "world." It is a matter of choosing Reality over dreams.  It is really a choice.  I am learning to choose differently.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lesson 35 ~ My mind is part of God's. I am very Holy.

The idea for today presents a very different view of myself.  By establishing my Source, it establishes my Identity as Son of God and it describes who I must really be in Truth.  The emphasis today is on me, the perceiver, rather than on what I perceive.

I believe I am part of the world.  The "world" is where I think I am.  As ego I have surrounded myself with the environment I have chosen to show me a world apart from God, and I will protect this image of myself.  My image as a body ~ an "individual" ~ is part of this environment.  What I see while I believe I am in this world is seen through the eyes of the this illusory image.

Today's idea does not describe the way I see myself now, but it describes what Vision will show me.  It may be difficult for me to believe this of myself.  Yet the reason I think I am a "body" living in a "world" is because I do not believe I am the Holy Son of God.

Three, five-minute practice periods are asked of me today.  Repeat today's idea, then close my eyes and search my mind for the various descriptive terms that make up who I believe I am.  Include the good and the bad; the grandiose and depraved.  All of them are equally unreal because I do not look at myself through the eyes of Holiness. Think of any specific situation that occurs to me, identify how I would describe myself in that situation, and use this in applying today's idea.  There may be intervals in which I can think of nothing specific.  Do not strain, but merely relax and repeat today's idea slowly until something occurs.  Do not force thoughts, yet do not purposely leave anything out.

For instance, "I see myself as imposed on;" "I see myself as depressed;" "I see myself as failing;" "I see myself as helpless;" "I see myself as victorious;" "I see myself as a winner;" I see myself as honest."

"I see myself as ______.  But my mind is part of God's.  I am very Holy."

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lesson 34 ~ I could experience Peace instead of this.

Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.  It begins with my own thoughts and only then can it extend outward.  It is from my Peace of mind that a Peaceful perception of the world arises.

The idea for today describes the conditions that exist in the other way of Seeing and experiencing.

Three deliberate, five minute practice periods are required for today, with eyes closed. It is my inner world to which today's idea appeals.  Search my mind for fear thoughts. Remember fear is the opposite of Love and encompasses all adverse emotions:  hate, anxiety, depression, worry, etc.  Any emotion that is not some form of Love, is fear. Note my fear thoughts casually.  Repeat today's idea slowly.  Watch each thought come forward in my mind and then let it go to be replaced by the next. If my mind is being uncooperative, continue to repeat the idea to myself in an unhurried manner, without applying it to anything in particular.  Just do not specifically exclude anything.

Also apply today's idea whenever I feel my Peace of mind threatened in any way to protect my mind from any intrusive ego/illusory thoughts.  Repeat the idea until I feel some sense of relief.

"I could experience Peace instead of this."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lesson 33 ~ There is another way of looking at the world.

Today I will attempt to shift my perception of the world outside me and my thoughts about the world.

For five minutes morning and evening, in a detached way, look around casually at the world in my sights.  Then close my eyes and casually survey my inner thoughts. Alternate between my inner thoughts about the world and what I see in the world, but without an abrupt sense of shifting.  Repeat today's idea as often as I find comfortable.

Also apply today's idea the instant I am aware of distress, anxiety, sadness, etc.  It may be necessary to take a minute or so to sit quietly and repeat the idea to myself several times.  Closing my eyes will help.

"There is another way of looking at the world," or, "there is another way of looking at this."

I do my part and God will do His.