Wisconsin, USA

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson 186 ~ The Salvation of the world depends on ME

This seems to be an arrogant statement.  Yet if God gives me the function to save the world, who am I to judge?   Is it not extremely arrogant to tell God, "You are wrong?" 

The salvation of the world is the function given to me by God.  I did not come up with the idea on my own.  The world I created teaches me false humility and arrogance.  True humility is listening to God's Voice, accepting my function and being certain that He gives me the Strength to do it.

If God says I am worthy to perform this function, then I am.  The means are given me.  It will be Perfectly accomplished.  Lay aside false humility and accept my part with genuine humility.  The whole world depends on me because the world is a dream in my mind.  Hear God's Voice and It will tell me what to do. 

In this world I have created an image of myself that is not Real.  God assures me that I have the Strength, Wisdom and Holiness to go beyond images.  I am not weak, ignorant nor helpless.  Sin cannot tarnish the Truth in me.  Salvation of the world depends on me.

All illusion rests on the strange belief that I can make a world without God; that I can separate into billions of different bodies instead of being the One Mind that I am; that I can be something other than Love.  These self-made roles shift and change.  One minute I mourn, the next I am Joyful; I laugh now and moments later I weep.  My very being seems to change as I experience a thousand shifts in mood.  My emotions can raise me high indeed, or dash me to the ground in hopelessness. 

Could God create such instability?  Is this ever-changing being the Son of God?  God, Who is Changeless, shares His Attributes with His Creation.  All images I seem to have made, do not exist and have no effect whatsoever on God's Son.  When I accept my function, these images will disappear, leaving my mind unclouded and Serene.

The functions the world holds in high esteem are so uncertain that they change ten times an hour at their most secure.  What hope of Happiness can rest on goals like these?

The function God gives me is clear and unambiguous.  There is no doubt of its value for it comes from One Who Knows no error.  My plans can fail but God's never do because He is the Source of all Life.

Do as God directs.  If He asks a thing which seems impossible, remember Who it is That asks, then consider this:  who is more likely to be right, God or a distorted image of myself: confused, bewildered, inconsistent and unsure of everything?  He remembers me and calls to me Gently.  He comforts me, though He does not know sorrow.  He repairs and restores, though He knows only of Perfection.  He gives me a Gift, though He knows I already have Everything.  His Thoughts answer every question or need His Son perceives.  For Love must give, and what is given in God's Name takes on the form most useful in a world of form.

Forgiveness is an earthly form of Love.  It is needed in this world of form.  Form given by God can never deceive, because it comes from Formlessness.

Salvation of the world depends on me, who can forgiveForgiveness is my only function here.

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