Religion teaches that I am a lowly sinner, must do penance for my sins and I could possibly go to hell for some of the things I have done; and if I am not of the "correct" religion, I will surely burn in hell.
God's Name is Holy, but no Holier than my own. To call upon His Name is to call upon my own. The Father gives the Son His Name. My brothers share His Name. God is my Identity. My Father's Name reminds me of who I am. Even in the dream-world, a part of me knows this. God's Name echoes in my mind calling me to remember. Say God's Name and I invite angels to surround the ground on which I stand on, singing to me as they spread their wings to shelter me.
The dream-world exists only in my mind; since it is limited and contains characteristics that are not of God, it does not Truly exist. Repeat God's Name, and the world responds by laying down illusions. All dreams disappear, and where those dreams were lies a star, a miracle of Grace.
Lots of imagery and poetry here; symbols of the good things that I will experience when I call on God's Name. I still need words and symbols, because those are the language of the dream. God's World Is; there is no need for talk, words, symbols or sounds. Communication is Whole, Complete and Instantaneous. However, I am still lost in the dream, and Heaven uses language for Its Holy Purpose: to Awaken me from dreams to Reality.
The miracle of Grace: the sick are healed, the blind see, the deaf hear, the sorrowful are full of Joy and tears are turned to laughter. All symbols of a Healed Spirit. It is not the body which needs healing, it is the mind. There is no "body," and nothing "physical" is Real. But these symbols can witness to my Healed Spirit.
Repeat the Name of God and little names have lost their meaning. Whatever my desires (or "gods"): wealth, love, status, respect; I will replace these "little names" with the Name of God. Temptation becomes a nameless, unwanted thing before God's Holy Name. Repeat His Name and see how easily I forget the names of all the gods I formerly valued.
Repeat the Name of God and call upon my Self, whose name is His. God is me and I am God. The sun has rays, but those rays are still the sun. The ocean has waves, but those waves are still ocean. There is only ONE, but in my thoughts of miscreation, I have split my Self into many, which appears to be my reality.
I will study and practice what ACIM teaches; repeat God's Name and all the tiny, nameless illusions on earth slip right into perspective. Those who call upon the name of God cannot mistake "sin" for Grace, nor "physical bodies" for the Holy Son of God. ACIM tells me to sit with my brother in silence and repeat God's Name quietly in my mind. Do this each time I replace a thought of anger, annoyance, vengeance, sadness or irritability with Love and forgiveness. With my brother, I have established an Altar which reaches to God Himself and to His Son. "Altar" being symbolic of the State of Grace.
Repeat God's Name slowly again and again. Be oblivious to every name but His. Hear nothing else. Let God's Name be the only thing that occupies my mind, the only wish or desire I have. BY doing this, my "small willingness" offers an invitation to God which can never be refused. God will accept the invitation Himself.
Do I think my prayers go unanswered? It is because I pray for illusions. Why would God give me something limited and incomplete?
Acknowledge Him as sole Creator of Reality and acknowledge myself as part of Him. Let His Name be the only Idea that holds my mind completely. Respond to any temptation, desire or problem with his Name. Use His name to replace the thousand little names I give my illusions. I do not realize there is one Name for All There Is and all there will ever be: GOD. I ask for limits, but God gives me the Unlimited. I ask for a love than will turn to sadness, but He gives me a Love that lasts Forever. I ask for death, He gives me Life. Most of the time, I do not even truly know what I am asking for. I cannot trust myself, for I am lost in madness. I will place my trust in God.
Today, I can achieve a State in which I will experience the Gift of Grace and escape the bondage of this world. Turn to God for my release, and my release is given. Only this prayer is needed, for this prayer contains all prayers. Words are insignificant, and requests are not needed when I call on my Father's Name.
When I study and apply ACIM, all illusions are silent and the little things of the world disappear. The only Truth which exists are the Father and His Son. In this Eternal, Quiet relationship, communication transcends all words. Peace is Eternal and in my Father's Name I experience this Peace today; and in His Name, It shall be given me.
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