Wisconsin, USA

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lesson 136 ~ Illusions hide Truth.

Sickness is not an accident.  Like all defenses it is an illusory device for self-deception.  And like the rest, its purpose is to hide, attack, change, or distort Reality.  I can look at all defenses as a secret, magic wand I wave when Truth appears to interrupt the illusion.  Defenses seem to be unconscious because of the rapidity with which I choose to use them.  All this is done consciously, but the plan for the "world-apart-from-God" requires that I forget.  All I seem to see outside myself and all the effects of what I seem to see are created by ME. I am not at the mercy of anything beyond my control. I am creating all I see.

Sickness is a decision.  War, destruction, natural disasters, broken relationships, death....are all created by me to "prove" and reinforce the illusion that I am "apart from" God/Love/Happiness/Joy/Life/Truth.  They do not just 'happen,'  they are choices I make to prove to me that I can suffer...my heart can stop...my limbs can break...I can die and cease to be.  Illusion seems to be stronger than Truth. Truth wills that I live and that I be Happy, Joyful, Peaceful, Unified and in a State of Heaven with my Father.  The world I created outside myself witnesses to my desire to experience a world apart from Heaven.  In Reality it is not possible for me to be apart from God.   Yet, in dreams and fantasies, anything is possible.  Part of me knows my Reality in Heaven, while it engages wholeheartedly in illusion.  Like a child playing a game of war, he knows he is safe with his parents, yet he must forget to make his playing "real" to him.

Truth merely bestows Happiness, for this is its purpose.  "Time" lets me think that what God has given me is not the truth right now.  What God Wills is here right now and I remain God's Son just as He created me to be.  I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile.

No illusion can remain when Truth is allowed to enter.  Truth is found at any time; today, if I choose to welcome It.  This is my aim today.  I will give 15 minutes twice today to welcome Truth.  And Truth will come, for It has never been apart from me.  It merely waits for my choice...my invitation. Healing will flash across an open mind, as Peace and Truth arise to replace illusions.  The body only does what the mind tells it to, as does everything in the dream.  When my mind begins to heal, that healing will be reflected back to me from the world while I continue to see "a world."

The body should feel nothing at all.  Because it is an illusion, it can feel neither pain nor pleasure, ill nor well.  The body itself and all that seems to happen to the body ~all that seems to happen in the world ~ is taking place only in my mind.  Sickness, death and destruction are impossible.  I am God's Son in Heaven with my Father right now...off in the corner, playing with my little toy soldiers.  I am surrounded by Peace, Love, Joy, Unity, Happiness and Serenity.  Yet while I choose to dream a dream, I seem to be part of that dream.

I have forgotten who and where I am.  I think I am in a body, in a world of death.  The dream hides Truth.  I am the Son of God, Safe with His Father, Whole and Happy.  All thoughts of death, destruction, envy, jealousy, sadness, impatience and anxiety hide Truth.  I will replace thoughts of insanity with Thoughts of Truth:

"Illusions hide Truth."


  1. Ur posts are so wonderful, thank you.xxx

  2. I've always had a hard time with this lesson--thank you for your insights.

  3. Anonymous, ACIM is wonderful, but thank you! Trampas, thank you. My aim in blogging is to journal ACIM into my own words, for my own personal understanding, because......there is only ONE of us. But I am also very curious to see what the "world" reflects back to me, so I "blog" my journal out into the "world". I feel that my own healing will be reflected back to me by the "dream-world." Your mind and my mind are One, so what you reflect back to me with your comments, witnesses to me what is happening in my own mind. So thank YOU....and I.....who are One!
