Wisconsin, USA

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lesson 96 ~ Salvation comes from my One Self.

Although I am One Self, I have divided this "self" into many.  My "individual" experience of "self" is that of a private mind and a physical body.  I think within me is both good and evil, love and hate.  This sense of a split "self" creates feelings of acute and constant conflict within me, leading to frantic attempts to fix these contradictory aspects.  I have looked for many solutions and none of them has worked.  The opposites I see in myself will never be compatible, because only Perfect Oneness exists.

The fact that Truth and illusion can never be reconciled no matter what, must be accepted if I want to recognize Reality.  Until I have accepted this, I will attempt an endless list of goals that will never be accomplished.  All efforts will fail.  I created a dream of failure, what else can I expect?

The "problems" of the world cannot be resolved because they do not exist and are meaningless.  Good and evil will never coexist because in the presence of one, the other is hidden.  A world outside myself, populated with many bodies exists only in dreams.  There is nothing "outside" myself.  I am Pure Thought, Created like my Creator to exist with my Creator, not in a separate fantasy world apart from my Creator.  I will make no further attempts to reconcile the good and evil that seems to exist within me.  The presence of one denies the other and only one is Real.

Spirit uses the mind as a means to find its Self-expression.  The mind which serves Spirit is at Peace and filled with Joy. The mind's Power comes from Spirit.  Yet mind can see itself divorced from Spirit and imagine itself within a body.  Mind without its True function then perceives itself without Peace, and Happiness is foreign to its thoughts.  Mind apart from Spirit cannot think; it denies its Source of Strength and sees itself as helpless, limited and weak.  Dissociated from its function, mind thinks it is alone and separate, attacked by armies and hiding in the body's frail support.  Now the mind thinks it must reconcile love and hate, peace and chaos, sorrow and joy. This is impossible.  In the presence of hate, Love is hidden.  The mind becomes very, very confused.

I will waste no more time on this.  Who could resolve the senseless problems of a dream?  Illusions are not Real and problems that do not exist cannot be solved.

My Self remains within the Mind of God.  Salvation is a thought I share with God; a correction of the mistake of seeming separation from God.  Salvation tells me to be Joyful....that what I thought I created, never occurred at all.  The evil thoughts and deeds I thought happened in myself and the world, were never Real.  It was all a fantasy ~ a dream ~ created by a mind who thought it was able to separate itself from God.

Again today, every hour, I will  repeat the thought for today and think about its meaning.  I will search for God in my mind.  Then I will wait patiently for Him to speak to me of my True Self.  My True Self is the Son of God.  I will seek Him out in me.  I will search His Thoughts and claim Them as my own.  These are my Real Thoughts, the ones I denied when I let my mind go wandering in dreams.

Lost in dreams my mind is confused, but my Self restores Sanity.  Each time I tell my frantic mind of salvation is a step closer to Awakening.  In the salvation of my mind, is the salvation of the world which is a dream in my mind.   Those I love and all that is dear to me remains with me where it has always been:  in my mind.  This inconsistent and imperfect version of "love" in the world of dreams is absolutely nothing compared to the Love that awaits me.

The healing I experience in my mind, will be reflected back to me in the world I see. When I give love and kindness in the "world," I am giving to myself and it is always reflected back to me.  When I give, I receive.  That is the Law of God.  Replace all unsettling thoughts with today's idea.  This is a Course in mind-training for a wildly undisciplined mind lost in a dream.  I am remembering my Truth.

My One Self is not the "self" of ego, but the Self who is One with All and One with God.

"Salvation comes from my One Self."

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