A meaningless world is impossible. What God did not create does not exist. Everything God did create, exists just as He created it ~ Loving, Joyful, Serene, Peaceful, Whole. The world I see has nothing to do with Reality. The world I see is of my own making, and it DOES NOT EXIST.
Today's idea is another step in learning to let go of illusions. Illusions are the thoughts I have projected onto a world of dreams. When I let go of dreams, I will see the Word of God in its place. These early steps ~ which can truly be called salvation ~ can be difficult and painful for me. Salvation is not needed in Reality, but it is needed to Awaken me from dreams. In these lessons I will confront fear, but I will not be left there......I will go far beyond it to Perfect Safety and Perfect Peace.
At least three times today, with eyes closed, think of all the horrors in the world that cross my mind. Be specific, give each one a name....."cancer" as opposed to "illness," "Hurricane" as opposed to "natural disasters". Include the things I am afraid will happen to me or my loved ones. What God did not create can only be a fantasy in my mind, a mind seemingly apart from His. Therefore it has no meaning.
Say, "God did not create that _____ (airplane crash, hurricane, bankruptcy, war, death, etc), so it is not Real. He did not create a meaningless world, and so the dream-world is not Real."
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