Wisconsin, USA

Friday, November 30, 2012

Lesson 32 ~ I have invented the world I see.

I continue to explore cause and effect.  I am the "cause,"  the world of illusion is the "effect."

I am not the victim of the world I see because I, myself, have created it.  If I have great faith, I can move mountains.  I can move them because I made them.  I made it all up. And I can give it up just as easily.

I will see the world of illusion, or I will not see the world of illusion.  It is my choice. While I want to see it, I will see it.  When I no longer want it, it will not be there for me to see.

The "outer" world is just a reflection of the insane dream of "separation from" God. Both are of my imagination.  My only Reality is with God, in a State of Eternal Joy, Peace, Love and Unity.

Morning and Evening today, for 3-5 minutes, look around at the world I see "outside" myself.  Then close my eyes and look around at my inner world.  My inner and "outer" world are the same, so treat them equally.  Repeat today's idea and watch the images my imagination presents to my Awareness. Practice in smaller increments off and on during the day, as often as possible.  Apply today's idea to any situation that may distress me.

"I have invented the world I see."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lesson 31 ~ I am not the victim of the world I see.

I am not the "victim" of the world I see, because I CREATED THE WORLD.

This is the introduction to my declaration of release from illusions.  Use it in response to any form of temptation that may arise.  It is a declaration that I will not yield to dreams, putting myself in bondage.

Examine both my inner world and my outer world; let the thoughts that cross my mind come into my Awareness (I will escape from both together, for the inner is the cause of the outer).  Consider each one for a moment, then move on.  Watch them come and go as dispassionately as possible.  Do not dwell on any in particular.

For three to five minutes, morning and evening, practice this idea.  Also apply it throughout the day as needed.

"I am not the victim of the world I see."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lesson 30 ~ God is in everything I see because God is in my mind

Todays idea is the springboard (catalyst) for Vision.  From this idea, my mind will open and I will see what I have never seen before.  And I will never again look upon the world in quite the same way.

I want to see Reality.  I want to return Home.  I want to Awaken from the dream.  I begin by not projecting fear "outside" me (as I have been doing),  but I will project thoughts of Peace and Love.  I will attempt to join with what I see, instead of trying to keep it apart and outside me.  That is the fundamental difference between Vision and sight with the body's eyes.

I cannot change the world, but I can change my thoughts about the world which, in turn, will show me a changed world.  If my thoughts change, I will see evidence of it in the world.

Apply this idea as often as possible throughout the day.  Whenever I have a moment, repeat it to myself slowly, looking around me, trying to realize that the idea applies to everything I see now, or could see if it were within the range of my human sight.

Real Vision is not limited to concepts such as "near" and "far," so in order to get used to this idea, I will try to think of things beyond my present location, as well as what I can actually see.

Real Vision is unlimited by space and distance, and it does not depend on the body's eyes at all.  The mind is Its only source of Vision.  It might help to practice with my eyes closed a couple of times, looking from within rather than without:

"God is in everything I see because God is in my mind."

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lesson 29 ~ God is in everything I see

Nothing is as it appears to me now.  I do not truly "see" anything Real.  True Sight has nothing to do with the body's eyes.  The body does not exist; "eyes" do not exist. What I am "seeing" is a projection of my mind.  I can learn to replace all that I seem to "see" with Vision.

Todays idea is the foundation for Vision.  Certainly God is not in a table as I now see it.  Yet my mind shares the purpose of Reality.  Can I change any object or person in the world?  That does not matter. There is no "world;"  it exists only as a projection of my thought.  But yes, the "world" will appear to change as my thoughts change.

For instance, say I am in a movie theater.  Can I stop the death of the hero by running down to the screen and catching the bullet before it hits him?  No.  I would have to go back to the movie set.  My mind is like the set of the movie.  The movie playing on the screen is my "life" in the world of illusion.  It is fruitless to try to change the world, or run down to the screen to save the hero.  I can only change my mind about the world, and this is similar to going back to the movie set (the source of the movie).  Does this mean I should not try to alleviate suffering and poverty?  If suffering and poverty presents itself in my "life," then it is real for me at that moment and I can act accordingly, and practice the forgiveness lesson it offers me.  But I must ask for God's help because I may be tempted to anger, a sense of injustice, judgment, sorrow or hopelessness and these thoughts will keep me anchored to illusions.  

Nothing is "separate."  There is nothing outside me.  That is why nothing I "see" means anything.  Yet God instructs me in these daily lessons to replace what I "see" with His Vision.  He instructs me to use my apparent "reality" for His Own Purposes in order that I may Truly See.

Today, I begin to learn to look on all things with love, appreciation and open-mindedness.  It is my thoughts I must change, not the world.  Nothing is as it appears to me now.  God's Holy Purpose stands beyond my my little range of experience. When Vision has shown me the Holiness that Lights the "world," I will comprehend todays idea perfectly.  And I will not understand how I could have ever found it difficult!

Six times today, for a couple minutes each, begin with repeating the idea to myself. Then apply it randomly to subjects around me, naming each one specifically. "God is in this coat hanger;" "God is in this lamp;" God is in that body;" "God is in that trash bin;" "God is in that doggy-doo;" "God is in that cat litter box;" and so on.  Do not avoid anything that seems unpleasant.  Remember, I created the world of illusions and assigned it "pleasant" or "unpleasant," "sinful" or "holy" aspects, so I should choose subjects randomly.

At least once or twice, I may experience a sense of restfulness as I do this exercise.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lesson 28 ~ Above all else, I want to see differently

My salvation in a "table."

God works with me where I think I exist ~ in a world of illusions.  Intellectually I may be able to accept the idea that I live in a world of illusions.  But to really understand and experience this Truth, is something I am incapable of on my own.

ACIM is a Course in mind training.  Mind is all that exists.  My thoughts create a world of illusions, and while I seem to see tables, chairs and other things, God will work with me at that very basic level to bring me back to my Awareness of Reality.

If I were to deny that I see illusions and go about in the illusory world talking and behaving as if it were false, I would look foolish and that would not help me at all. While I seem to "see" illusions, they are real for me.  I can say to myself, "well addiction is an illusion, so I can drink all I want."   WRONG.  I do not know at all what I am doing here, so it is best not to waste my time playing games. Just do the exercises and let God do the rest.  I will know, without a doubt, when God is working in my life, for the evidence will be irrefutable.

Baby steps.  Remember baby steps.

I could, in fact, gain salvation from a "table," if I would withdraw all my ideas about "tables," and look on them with a completely open mind.  A "table" has something to show me.  Something beautiful, clean, of infinite value, full of happiness and hope. Hidden under all my ideas about the purpose of anything, is Real Purpose.

Today I make a series of definite commitments.  I do not need to worry about whether I will keep these commitments.  That does not matter.  If I am willing to make these commitments now ~ this moment ~ is all that matters.  ACIM is new to me.  God knows this and He is Gentle and Kind, and He takes me by the hand awaiting my small efforts.

I may wonder at the silliness and simplicity of these lessons:  "Above all else I want to see this table differently."  How will this help me?

I see "separate" things around me.  Everything I see seems to be outside and apart from me. This really means I am not "seeing" at all.  I either See or I "see" nothing at all.  When I have Seen ONE thing differently, I will See ALL things differently. So I start with tables.  Baby steps.

When I say, "Above all else I want to see this table differently," I am making a commitment to lay aside all my ideas about "tables" and opening my mind to Reality. A table can represent everything in a world of illusion, and once I see one thing differently, I will see all things differently.  The Light I come to see in any one thing, is the same Light in All Things.  There is ONE Light.  I learn to See It by starting at the beginning, with a table.

I could in fact, gain Vision from just a table if I would withdraw all my thoughts about "tables," and look upon them with a completely open mind.  In using the table as a subject for applying today's idea, I am really asking to See Reality.  I will be making the same request of each subject I use in my practice periods.

Six times today, for a couple minutes each, apply today's idea to whatever I see, "Above all else, I want to see this _____ differently."   I am not really asking to see tables differently, I am asking to understand the thought that created that table; the table being one of many objects that were seemingly created to prove to me that I am separated from God.  Remember, slow, gentle, no anxieties, no worries, no expectations, no judgments, no anticipation, etc., just do the exercises, and give the rest over to God.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lesson 27 ~ Above all else I want to see.

Today's idea expresses something stronger than mere determination.  It gives Vision priority among my desires.  I may hesitate in practicing this idea because I am not sure that I really mean it.  That does not matter.  Todays exercise will bring the time when the idea will True for me, a little nearer.

No sacrifice is being asked of me in my return to Reality.  I may believe I am being asked to give up my lovely home and garden, my marriage, my friends, my beautiful grandchildren, my successful career.  Yet the "people" and "things" that seem to bring me Joy, are already a part of me and are with me in a way that is not possible in the world of illusions.  Any "good" I experience in the world of illusion will always come to an end; my spouse dies, my friends move across country, my grandchildren grow up and move away, and I will eventually retire from my job.  The problem with any joy, happiness, or love I find in the world of illusions, is that it eventually ends. My Reality, however, is Neverending and Perfect Joy, Happiness, and Love.  Reality is all the "good" multiplied by a million, with NONE of the bad. In addition, since there is nothing outside me and my Reality is within, the good that seems to be "outside" is only a symbol of a Greater Good inside.  Everything "outside" is a symbol of a thought in my mind.  A distorted thought at that, despite how wonderful it may appear.

The idea for today needs many repetitions for maximum benefit.  It should be used at least every half hour, more if possible.  If I am engaged in conversation, or otherwise occupied, I can still repeat one short idea to myself without disturbing anything or anyone.  I may miss several applications, perhaps a great number.  Do not be upset by this.  This is not a race, nor a contest. If only once today I feel that I was perfectly sincere with today's idea, I can be sure that I have saved myself many "years" of effort. Today, say to myself,  "Above all else, I want to See. Vision costs me nothing. It offers only Blessings."

My mind may not Awaken to any of the Course's ideas the first time I read them.  It may even take "years" to adjust my mind from illusions of the "world."  Yet, "time" exists only as a thought in my mind, and God can adjust "time" and "space."  I need not worry about how this will be accomplished; it will be accomplished.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Lesson 26 ~ My fear thoughts attack my Invulnerability.

The story of the prodigal son can be thought of as the story of the "creation" of the dream-world.  I mentally ran away to hide from my Father. Thought is the only Reality and there is nothing outside of It.

My Reality is Pure Love, Joy, Serenity, Wholeness. God is All of These and They can be summed up in one word:  Love. Yet I seemed to create the opposite, which is not hate but the absence of Love. The absence of Love, Joy, Serenity, Wholeness would be fear.  Take a being out of its environment and it becomes disoriented and fearful. That is my current "reality."  Yet no one has done this to me, I have done it to myself by my choice.  And I choose it over and over.

I see myself not as the Son of God, but as a body which can attack and be attacked, and can die. No longer am I Invulnerable, but as a body apart from God, I seemed to have created an alternate reality, projected it outside of myself and now see myself at the mercy of it.

I must learn how to think again, not apart from God (Love, Reality, etc), but with God.

I am the Son of God believing and putting all my faith in a world apart from God, making myself small and vulnerable.  Because I believe in this world, I can no longer believe in myself as the Invulnerable Son of God.  A false image of myself has come to take the place of what I really am. Everything and everyone I see, is the result of me creating this experience.  Nothing except my thoughts can make me think I am in a body in a world, apart from my Creator.  And nothing except my thoughts can bring me back to Reality.

If there is only One Son (and I am he) then anything thought I have which judges, condemns or attacks anyone or anything, is only hurting myself keeping me trapped in a insane thought-cycle that has created my current reality.  God works with me from inside this false reality, using what I created to separate myself from Him for His Own Purposes bringing me back to Him.  Not against my will, but with the part of me which remembers my desire for Happiness, Wholeness, Love and Peace.

Six practice periods today, for 1-2 minutes each, depending on how my mind tolerates the exercises (there should be no anxiety or strain), review the things in my current reality causing me concern.  The concern may take the form of depression, worry, anger, a sense of imposition, fear, foreboding or preoccupation.  Then think about every possible outcome.  If I am doing the exercises properly, I will have five or six distressing possibilities available for each situation, probably even more.  Start this way, "I am concerned about _____. I am afraid _____ will happen.  This thought is an attack upon myself and keeps me separated from Reality."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lesson 25 ~ I do not understand what anything is for.

"Ego" is the "me" which has created a "reality" apart from God.  I perceive the world and everything in it as meaningful in terms of ego; in terms of proving to me that I am separated from God.  I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile.  What I do not seem to understand at this time, is that everything ~ EVERYTHING ~ is in my own best interests!  I am the Son of God and Heaven is all around me but I do not see It, because I have chosen another "reality" for myself.  But I can remind myself who I am, Where I am and that I have nothing to fear.

"Ego" is not who I am, but I have taught myself a differently.  With Heaven guiding me Gently and Lovingly, I will Awaken to Reality. God will not say, "wake up fool, you are in Heaven! TaDa!".  He will not erase the dream I have so painstakingly created. This dream was my choice.  He never goes against my choice...my will.  Yet I remain in the dream I created....lamenting the world, wringing my hands at all its injustice, crying in grief for those who seem to "die," all the while safe in his arms.  Like a child fearing monsters under the bed and ghostly figures in the window at night, God knows my fears are unfounded. He knows the unreality  of the dream-world.  BUT I DO NOT, so God works with me mentally, in the place ~ the thought ~ that seems to be my reality.

In my insanity I think I am a body living in a universe of other bodies and things. This false identification makes me bound to misuse and misunderstand everything.  The goals I set in the dream-world have nothing to do with my own best interests because a body is not who I am.  "Bodies" and "the world" are not Real so any goals I set, "good" or "bad," are goals for nothingness.  Am I willing to recognize this?  I do not know what anything is for in this world.  Am I willing to admit this.  Yet, even in this world I recognize "purpose." I do not understand it, but I can recognize it. I believe a cell phone/computer is used for communicating.

The idea for today is a step in the direction of giving up the thought, that I know what is in my best interests....giving up the thought that I know anything Valuable at all.

Six times today, for a few minutes each time, repeat this idea to myself.  Glance around at the "world."  Whatever happens to catch my eye near or far, "important" or "unimportant," "human" or "nonhuman," let my eyes rest on chosen subjects and repeat today's idea.  Then move on to the next subject.  "I do not know what this chair is for;" "I do not know what this pen is for;" "I do not know what this hand is for."

The world and the bodies I think exist, do not exist at all.  I am going through "motions" and "actions" only in my mind ~ my thought~ and that thought seems to be projected outside me.  Truth asks me to question this "reality."

ACIM is a self-study Course.  No one forces me it upon me.  No one preaches to me. No one makes demands.  I can pick it up or put it down.  I can think about it, or go to a movie and forget about it altogether.  But IF I want Peace, Happiness, Joy, and Serenity, I might consider its ideas and suggestions.  I might practice the exercises.  I can be Happy, or I can be filled with guilt and sorrow.  It seems the choice is beyond me, imposed by forces outside of me.  What ACIM is telling me is that IT IS ALL IN MY MIND.  Heaven Awakens me slowly and Gently.

There are many roads that lead Home.  ACIM promises to get me there faster.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lesson 24 ~ I do not perceive my own best interests.

What I do is determined by my perception of the situation.  My perception in the world of illusions, is insane.  In my insanity, I do not know my own best interests.  In NO situation do I realize the outcome that would make me Happy.  If I were Aware of Reality, my "best interests" would be the only goal in any situation.  The idea for today is a step toward opening my mind so learning can begin.

For a couple minutes search my mind, with eyes closed, for unresolved issues about which I am concerned.  A few situations, honestly and carefully considered will be more helpful than trying to examine a large number of them.  Think about the goal I want for each situation.  I will quickly realize that I have a number of goals in mind as part of the desired outcome and that my goals are on different levels often conflicting with each another.

Name each issue or situation, and then name as many goals as possible that I think would resolve the situation.  Try to uncover as many different kinds of outcomes that occur to me, even if they do not appear to be directly related to the situation.  Say to myself, "In the situation involving _____, I would like _____ to happen, and _____ to happen, and _____ to happen, etc."  Then after considering all the outcomes say, "I still do not perceive my own best interests in this situation."

If this exercise is done properly, I will quickly realize that I am making a large number of demands that have nothing to do with the situation.  I will also recognize that many of my goals are contradictory, that I have no unified outcome in mind and that I will experience disappointment in connection with some of my goals however the situation turns out.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lesson 23 ~ I escape the "world" by giving up thoughts which are not Love.

The only way out of the world of illusions, is to give up all thought which is not Love. God's Way cannot fail.  Every thought I have makes up some segment of the world I see.  Nothing in the "world" needs to change, because the world was created by my thought.  Change my thoughts and I change the "world."

Every thought that is not Love is some form of fear:  anger, sadness, rage, annoyance, impatience, anxiety, boredom.  'Behind every small sigh is a world of rage.'  The cause of the world I see is my original thought of separation from God.  Yet, to Awaken, I must begin with small steps.  I believe I am in this world, so it would be foolish to pretend it does not exist for me.  Someday, this world will disappear, but right now it is central in my mind. God works Gently with my sick mind.  There is no point in lamenting the world.  There is no point in trying to change the world.  The world is incapable of change because it is merely an effect of my thought.  I am the cause of this world.  My thoughts created the world and my mind seemed to project it outside of me.  The "world" is an effect of my thought.  God's work with me starts at the cause ~ my thoughts.  When my thoughts change, the "world" will change.

The world I see is a fearful, angry, vengeful world.  It is a world created to show me my apparent separation from God.  Everything in it is a witness to ~ or symbol of ~ that separation.  Everything I seem to see or perceive in the world is a picture to me of my own thoughts. I call this "sight."  Yet, is 'fantasy' not a better word for such a process, and 'hallucination' a more appropriate term for the results?  I seem to "see" the world I have made, but I do not yet understand myself as the maker.

God's Vision holds a replacement for everything I think I see now.   Even in the dream-world, Loveliness can Light my images and transform them.

I am not trapped in the world because I can change its cause (my thought).  This change requires that first, cause must be identified (my thought of separation) and then let go, so God can replace it with Love.  In fact, what God Wills has already been accomplished. It is up to me when I am willing to Awaken to this Reality.

Five times today look around slowly and repeat today's idea.  Then close my eyes and devote a minute to searching my mind for as many fear thoughts that occur to me.  As each one crosses my mind, say:

"I escape the world I see by giving up this thought of fear (anger, sadness, grief, hate, annoyance, etc)."

Then dismiss the thought and go on.  Be sure to include both my thoughts of fear and those seemingly directed toward me.  They are one and the same.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lesson 22 ~ Everything I see witnesses to my "separation" from God.

Any thought not Love, is fear or some form of fear (annoyance, attack, judgment, anger, grief, sadness, impatience, etc).  If I hold fearful thoughts in my mind, I will see a fearful world.  If I hold attack thoughts in my mind, I will see a world of attack.  If I hold sad thoughts in my mind, I will see a sad world.  If my thoughts are hopeless, I will see a hopeless world.  I project my thoughts outward, creating the world I see.  If I change my thoughts, I change the world.

If I project angry thoughts onto the world, I will see vengeance all around me.  My own counter-attack will then be perceived as self defense.  This thinking becomes a vicious circle, until I am willing to change how I think.  Otherwise, thoughts of attack and counter-attack will preoccupy my mind and fill my entire world.  Is there any peace of mind possible for me?

I want to escape these savage fantasies.  Is it not Joyous news to hear that the world's insanity is not Real?  Is it not a happy discovery to find that I can escape this madness?  I made the world and everyone in it and created all circumstances and situations.  Everything I hate and "love" about this world and those in it, I have created.  Yet I now learn that none of it exists because it is only fantasy.

Five times today, for a minute or so, look at the world around me. Let my eyes move slowly from one object to the next, from one body to another, saying to myself:  "I see nothing Real.  What I see I have created to separate myself from God. Is this really what I want to see?" This answer is obvious.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lesson 21 ~ I am determined to See differently.

Specific, mind-searching periods are necessary.  I can apply this idea to specific situations as they arise.  Do five practice periods, a minute each.  Repeat the idea to myself.  Then close my eyes and search my mind for situations ~ past, present, anticipated ~ that arouse anger; from mild irritation to outright rage.  The degree of anger does not matter.  I will become increasingly aware that a slight twinge of annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury.

Let even no "small" thought of anger escape me in the practice periods today. Remember, I do not easily recognize what arouses anger in me; and what I now think and believe about anything, means nothing.  My thinking is insane.

Say, "I am determined to See _____ (person, situation) differently."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lesson 20 ~ I am determined to See.

I am determined to See.  So far, minimal effort has been required.  Yet the salvation of the "world" depends on the reversal of my thinking.  The "world" is only in my mind. When my mind is healed, the world is healed.  There is no need to get anyone else to change their ways.  There is no need to bring salvation to a brother.  If I heal MY mind, then all its thoughts (including the thought that created this world) will heal.  I need only work on MYSELF.   The "world" can only be "saved" if "I" am saved.  God has only One Son.  Even though there seems to be many "sons," there is One.....and I am he.

Now some effort will be introduced, but I must not misunderstand this required "effort" as an attempt to overwhelm me, or force me to do something against my own will.  I WANT salvation.  I WANT to be Happy.  I WANT Peace.  I have all This now but I am not Aware of It because my mind is totally undisciplined.  I do not even know how to distinguish between Joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, Love and fear.  I am only beginning to learn to tell them apart.  And great, indeed, will be my reward.

My decision to See is all that Vision requires.  What I want is mine.  It is mine already, only I have not allowed this into my Awareness.

Today I will remind myself throughout the day that I WANT to See.  This idea also implies the recognition that I do not See now.  As I repeat the idea, I am also stating that I am determined to change my present state for a better one.......one I Truly want.

Twice an hour, perhaps every half hour, I will repeat today's idea slowly and positively. Do not be anxious or dismayed if I forget.  Just make a real effort to remember.  I can also use the idea on any situation, person or event that upsets me.  I can see differently........and I WILL.  What I desire Truly, I WILL See.

Lesson 19 ~ My thoughts affect the entire world.

My thoughts do not affect me alone.  Thoughts and the effects of my thoughts, are really simultaneous, for cause and effect are never separate, they only seem that way in the dream-world.

There is One Mind.  This is rarely a welcome idea at first, since it seems to carry an enormous sense of responsibility.  I may even regard this idea as an "invasion of privacy."  Yet it is a fact.  I may resist this idea, yet I will soon understand that it must be True if salvation is possible at all....and salvation IS possible because it is the Will of God.

With eyes closed, take a minute or so, four times today, searching my mind for the specific thoughts it contains.  Consider each one and name it in terms of the central person or theme it contains.  Hold each thought in my mind as I say, "This thought affects the entire world."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lesson 18 ~ Every thought I have affects the world.

There is One mind.  Any thought I think will affect the entire "world" and all "other" minds.

Today's idea does not refer to what I "see," as much as how I see it.  My thoughts about what I "see" create my reality.

For a minute or so, four times today, look around me randomly, keeping my eyes on each subject long enough to say, "I created what I see and gave it all the meaning it has for me.  Every thought I have affects the world and all people in it, because there is only One of us."

Lesson 17 ~ Everything I see is a thought in my mind, creating a world apart from God.

Despite the temptation to believe otherwise, it is always thought that comes first. Everything I seemingly "see" was created by my mind.  It has meaning for me.  It holds me in the world of illusions and witnesses to a world apart from God, making it "real" for me.

Animate or inanimate, pleasant or unpleasant, make no distinctions. Regardless of what I may believe, nothing I see is Alive or Joyous.  I am unaware of any Thought that is True or any Thought that is Truly Happy.

Repeat today's idea three or four different times in the day for a minute or so, look around me and say or think:  "Everything I see is a thought in my mind, creating a world apart from God."

My thoughts are either Love Thoughts or fear thoughts.  There is no in-between.  My Love Thoughts are Thoughts with God and Heaven.  All other thoughts keep me imprisoned in a world apart from God.

Heaven is all around me, but I block it from my Awareness with every thought that is not Love.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lesson 16 ~ My thoughts determine my reality

I think it is my actions which effect the world around me, but that is false.  The "world" and "bodies" are illusions.  The only Reality is thought.  Everything I seem to see is a result of my thoughts.  There is no exception to this fact.  Thoughts are never big or little, powerful or weak; they are merely True or false. Thoughts that are True manifest Truth, thoughts that are false manifest falseness.  The thoughts I think in the world of illusions are not even my True Thoughts.  Heaven will teach me to think again with God.

There are no "idle thoughts."  What gives rise to the perception of a whole universe can hardly be called "idle."  EVERY thought I have contributes to Truth or illusion.  It either extends Truth, or it multiplies illusions.  I can indeed multiply illusions in my mind.  That does not make them Real, but I can imagine them to be "real" for me. I can and AM dreaming of a whole separate "reality."

Recognize and remember........my thoughts are never idle.  My salvation from this dream requires that I recognize that EVERY thought brings me either Peace or war, Love or fear.  A neutral thought is impossible.

Four or five times today, with eyes closed, search my mind for thoughts.  Every thought that occurs to me is a suitable subject for applying today's idea.  Take each chosen thought, one at a time and tell myself, "This thought about _____ either extends Truth, or multiplies illusions.  There are no thoughts that do not affect my reality."   

These exercises should be effortless and without strain.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lesson 15 ~ The world is an image I have made.

The world and the thoughts I think about the world are not Real.  The world is an image I have made.

This introductory idea to the process of "seeing" will not have much meaning for me yet.  Some of the thoughts I think seem to appear in "physical form," so I do not recognize them as nothing.  They seem very real for me. This is how "sight" was made. This is the function I have given to the body's eyes.  The "body's eyes" are nothing and do nothing. They cannot offer Vision.  They offer image-making, which takes the place of Vision.  They replace Vision with illusions.

For a minute or so, look around me.  Focus randomly on a subjects while I say, "the "world" is an image I have made; this _____ (table, chair, picture, pet, etc) is an image I have made."  Do this three or four times today.  My attempts should be effortless and calm.

(This lesson discusses unexpected "light episodes" that may occur.  I left this out because it appeals to ego. I should try to get away from ego. "Special-ness" hides Truth. Special "light episodes" would be the last thing I am looking for.  Keep only forgiveness, Peace, and Love foremost in my mind.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lesson 14 ~ God did not create this meaningless world.

A meaningless world is impossible.  What God did not create does not exist. Everything God did create, exists just as He created it ~ Loving, Joyful, Serene, Peaceful, Whole.  The world I see has nothing to do with Reality. The world I see is of my own making, and it DOES NOT EXIST.

Today's idea is another step in learning to let go of illusions. Illusions are the thoughts I have projected onto a world of dreams.  When I let go of dreams, I will see the Word of God in its place. These early steps ~ which can truly be called salvation ~ can be difficult and painful for me. Salvation is not needed in Reality, but it is needed to Awaken me from dreams.  In these lessons I will confront fear, but I will not be left there......I will go far beyond it to Perfect Safety and Perfect Peace.

At least three times today, with eyes closed, think of all the horrors in the world that cross my mind. Be specific, give each one a name....."cancer" as opposed to "illness," "Hurricane" as opposed to "natural disasters".  Include the things I am afraid will happen to me or my loved ones.  What God did not create can only be a fantasy in my mind, a mind seemingly apart from His.  Therefore it has no meaning.

Say, "God did not create that _____ (airplane crash, hurricane, bankruptcy, war, death, etc), so it is not Real. He did not create a meaningless world, and so the dream-world is not Real."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lesson 13 ~ A meaningless world engenders fear.

Recognition of meaninglessness arouses intense anxiety in me.  If I truly were able to break away from my Oneness with God and essentially become my own god, I would expect retaliation and I would be very fearful. My mind's experience in this apparent world of bodies and egos, is an experience of nothing, as I was told several lessons ago. My mind is blank. It is possible to be apart from God only in fantasy, and fantasy is nothing.

I am learning that all the world I thought was Real, is not real at all.  I have nothing to fear. I try to fill the world with attributes that it does not have, and crowd it with images that do not exist.  The only thing that benefits from holding onto illusions is the part of me which believes it is possible to be separate from God ("ego"). Illusions keep the idea of separation foremost in my mind, blocking Heaven from my Vision.

Three or four times today, for a minute or so, first repeat the idea with eyes closed, then look around slowly and say, "I am fearful because I think I have overcome God Himself and created a world apart from Him, but everything I seem to see is an illusion."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lesson 12 ~ I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

The ACIM workbook lessons waste no time.  I am immediately given specific tasks to change my insane thinking........moving from one task to the next each day.  ACIM tells me right away that it is not the exclusive road to Heaven.  There are many roads all leading to God.  ACIM, though, will get me there faster.  Why waste time?

There is ONE reason for all upset, anxiety, sadness, grief, despair, etc.........the ONE reason for any emotion other than Love is:  I believe I have separated myself from God.  This seems utterly ridiculous at first especially if I just buried a loved one, my spouse asked for a divorce, I lost my job, or I suffer from clinical depression.  If I am going through some major upset with strong, overwhelming negative emotions, it may not be the time to plunge into A Course In Miracles. However, when I have gained reprieve and hindsight, and have attained calm in my life, I may be able to handle its mind-shifting ideas.

Today's idea contains correction for a MAJOR perceptual distortion.

I think that what upsets me is:  a frightening world; a sad world; a violent world; an insane world; the Republicans; the Democrats; addicts; jerky people.

ACIM tells me that "I" give the world all these attributes.  My MIND has created the world I seem to see.  I am the puppet master hiding behind all the puppets.  I am the producer/director/makeup artist/hair designer/costumer/every actor in this "movie" called "The World and My Life In It."

ACIM gives me baby steps in order to come to Truth.  I am asked to question everything I believe and everything I seem to see and experience.  The world is meaningless, because it exists only as a thought in my mind.  A false thought at that. My Reality is the Thoughts I think with God, because I am a part of God.  If I seem to be experiencing anything else, it is false.

Today's lesson asks me, three or four times today, to slowly look around.  Shift my gaze, easily and evenly, from one thing to the next.  Giving all things, "good" or "bad" my equal attention.  Why am I to include even the "good?"  "Good" implies there is something "bad."  A "satisfying world" implies and "unsatisfying world."  These seeming qualities or contradictions, do not matter.  There are no contradictions, opposites or variations in quality with God.  Include everything as a suitable subject:  "I think I see a (fearful/dangerous/hostile/sad/wicked/crazy) world, but I am upset because I see a world that is not there (a meaningless world).  

What is meaningless is neither good nor bad.  Why, then, should a meaningless world upset me?  If I could accept the world as meaningless and let Truth be written in its place, I would be indescribably Happy.

My thoughts of the world are meaningless, because the "world" does not exist.  Yet in my guilt, I am compelled to write the world's story. The world is "real" for me. I created it into "existence" when I thought I separated myself from God.  I seem to see a world apart from God. Yet I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile. The Word of God is written all around me, yet I refuse to "see" it.  The physical does not exist.  Thought is my only Reality.  I am God's Thought.

This Truth may upset me, but when my dreams have been erased, I will experience only Heaven.  This is the ultimate purpose of these exercises.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lesson 11 ~ My meaningless thoughts show me a meaningless world.

This lesson is related to a major phase of the ACIM correction process ~ reversing the thinking of the world.  It seems as if the "world" determines what I perceive.  But it is ME who create the world I experience.  My thoughts determine the world I see.   In this one idea is my release from illusions made sure.  The key to forgiveness lies in this idea, for it is easy to forgive nothing at all.  This idea contains the foundation for Peace, relaxation, and freedom from worry.

Three to five times today, with eyes closed, repeat this idea slowly to myself.  Then open my eyes and look around for about a minute or two, again repeating the idea slowly to myself.  Do this exercise with no sense of urgency or effort.  Do not linger on anything in particular.  My eyes should move from one thing to another fairly rapidly. Conclude the exercise with eyes closed, repeating the idea once again.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lesson 10 ~ My thoughts do not mean anything.

The emphasis today is on the lack of Reality of my thoughts.  The thoughts I think in the world of illusion are not my Real Thoughts.  I am the Son of God.  My Real Thoughts are those I think with God.  I am not aware of the Thoughts I think with God, yet I will learn to again recognize those Thoughts. First I must undo what I thought was my reality.

This idea applies to all thoughts....the ones I am aware of now, the ones I may remember, the ones I will become aware of.   It is applicable to all thoughts, because they are not my Real Thoughts. I may not fully understand this idea now but when I do, I will have no doubt.

The presence of "thoughts" means I am not thinking at all.  When I "think" in the world of illusions, I am thinking of illusions, which are nothing.  I am thinking of nothing.  It means my mind is really blank.  To recognize that my thoughts do not mean anything, is the prerequisite for Vision.

For a minute or so, five times today, search my mind for all the thoughts available to me.  Do not judge them. Repeat today's idea slowly to myself:  "My thought about _____ does not mean anything; this lesson will release me from all that I now believe."  Do this with each thought.

More is not better.  Just do what is recommended.  If I experience discomfort of any kind, stop.

Lesson 9 ~ I see nothing as it is now.

It is difficult for the untrained mind to believe that what it seems to see is not there. This idea can be quite disturbing.  In studying ACIM, my mind may actively resist this idea in any number of forms.  Yet each small step will clear a little of the darkness away, and Understanding will come to Lighten every corner of my mind.

I may be able to accept this idea intellectually, but it is unlikely I will understand fully as of yet. However, understanding is not necessary at this point.  In fact, the recognition that I do not understand is needed for undoing false ideas.  These exercises are concerned with practice, not understanding, for I would not need to practice what I already understood.

Three or four times today, for a minute or so randomly (not including or excluding anything in particular) look around and apply this idea:   "I do not see this keyboard as it is now;"  "I do not see this cell phone as it is now;"  "I do not see this arm as it is now;" "I do not see that door as it is now;" "I do not see that face as it is now;" "I do not see that fish tank as it is now."

Remember, little effort is required.  The exercises should not make me anxious.  If they do, stop.

I need only do my small part.  God has accomplished the rest.  It is done.  I only need Awaken to Reality.  God will adjust "time" and "space" in my world, and my small efforts will benefit everyone.  If the world outside me is only in my mind, when my mind heals, the "world" heals.