The Christ (the Sonship healed and United) in me does not live in the body. Yet He is in me, so it must be that I am not a body. What is within me cannot be "outside" me, and it is certain that I cannot be apart from What is at the very Center of my Existence. What gives me Life, cannot be housed in death.....neither can I.
I carry the Christ in me and I cannot fail to recognize Him except in bodies ~ so I carry him unknowingly.
The body needs no healing, but the mind which thinks it is a body is sick indeed, yet Heaven has the cure. The only worthwhile mission in a world of illusion is forgiveness. Let Truth be my Guide.
The Link to Truth. The Christ in me gives me the means and the strength to do the task that needs done. The body merely seems to be the means to do it in the world of separation. The body exists only in dreams.
How can I access the Christ in me? Look only on Holiness to Experience Him. Philosophy tells me that I am observable in what I see. If I see the body, then I believe that is what I am. And each body I look upon reminds me of sinfulness, my evil, my death. Would this cause me to despise a brother and seek his elimination? The message and the messenger are One. I see my brother as I see myself. Framed in a body, I will see my sinfulness and stand condemned. But set my brother in Holiness and the Christ in him proclaims Himself as me.
Perception is a choice of what I want myself to be, the world I want to live in, the state in which I think my mind will be content and satisfied. My choice ~ second by second, minute by minute ~ reveals to me what I have chosen. If my choices result in anything but Love, I have chosen illusion.
God does no battle with sin, death and darkness. He merely Shines like the sun and all darkness disappears. Since I believe I am separate from my brother and from God, Heaven must present itself as separate too. Not that it is in Truth, but that I may understand. Father and Son are One. Christ and His Father have never been apart. The Christ is in me as He is in my brother; the Christ is the part of me that understands and shares the Father's Will. Heaven links the other part ~ the tiny, mad desire to be separate/different/special ~ to the Christ. In the world of separation this is not understood, but can be taught.
Truth serves Christ's purpose in my mind, where all correction happens. Heaven knows my will is One with the Father's, It knows I remain Safe in Heaven while another part of me dreams of exile. Truth will teach me how to experience Oneness again. I must be taught, because I am in a world where everything must be learned. I taught myself how to be separate, Truth teaches me Oneness.
It is apparent that a mind so split could never teach itself Oneness. Truth will be my Teacher and It will use a language that I understand, and appeal to me as the body I think I am. All learning with Truth will correct the thought of illusion in my mind.
Who saves Me from Darkness? Is it evident to me that what the body's eyes see fills me with fear? Maybe I think I will find some hope of satisfaction with the body? Perhaps I believe I can attain some Peace in the world of illusion? Yet is it not evident that the outcome never changes? Despair is always the result. There is no exception. The only value the "past" can give me is to learn it gave me no rewards which I would want to keep. It is hardly worth delaying the change that might result in a better outcome. One thing is certain in a world of illusion...the future will be exactly like the past. To place all my hopes where no hope lies, will make me hopeless. Yet this hopelessness is my choice. Do not seek for Happiness and satisfaction where it cannot be found.
I have found a small glimmer of hope apart from dreams. There is evidence of a Hopefulness that is not of this world; yet the hope that I may still find it in dreams prevents me from giving up my search. Can it make sense to continue to pursue what has always failed, on grounds that it will suddenly succeed and bring what it has never brought before?
The past has failed. Be glad it has gone. Do not mistake form (a partner, money, status, possessions, my special life story, a beautiful body) for content (Happiness, Joy). A frame is a means to display a picture. Without the picture the frame has no meaning. The frame's purpose is to highlight the picture, not itself. Who hangs an empty frame on the wall and stands before it in deep reverence, as if a masterpiece were there to see? Yet if I see my brother as a body, that is exactly what I do. The masterpiece that God has set within the frame, is all there is to see. The body seems to hold God's masterpiece for awhile, but it does so only in dreams. What God has Created needs no frame, for what He has Created, He supports and frames within Himself. In my world of separation, I would rather see the frame (the body). In the picture lies all the beauty and meaning, yet in the dream-world I look adoringly only on the frame.
What God Creates is Safe from all corruption, Unchanged, and Perfect in Eternity. Truth is the frame God set around the part of Him that sees itself as separate. The Frame is joined to the Creator, One with Him and His Masterpiece. Accept God's Frame instead of my own. Understand my brother as Truth shows him to me.
However much I overlook the Masterpiece in my brother (seeing only the frame of darkness), it is still my function to see only the Masterpiece. Forgive my brother and myself; forgive to learn that there was nothing at all which needed forgiveness. Give my brother honor that I may esteem myself and him. To each of us is given salvation for the other. The escape from darkness into Light is mine to share, that I may see as One what was never separated.
Perception and Choice. To the extent which I value sin and guilt, is the extent to which I will believe that judgment and attack are justified. If I understand that sin and guilt are meaningless, I will understand that attack is never justified.
Perception rests on choosing, judging and comparison. This is perception's law: I see what I believe is there; I believe it is there because I want it there. That is it. God's Law is: Love Creates Itself and nothing but Itself. God is Love. What God Creates is only Love. God Created me. I am Love.
God's Laws do not apply directly to the world of illusion, yet His Laws are reflected everywhere. The world of illusion is not Real, but my mind Is, and that is where His Laws are reflected. God has not entered His Son's world of insanity with him, but He ensures His Sanity goes with him so His Son could not be lost forever in the madness of his dreams. God has protected His Son.......even in error.
I have entered darkness, but not alone. I have come with Heaven's help, ready to lead me out of darkness into Light at any time. Help is here, awaiting my choice. When I choose to take what God gives, I will see each situation, that before seemed to justify anger, turned to an event which justifies Love. The call to war I thought I heard, is clearly a call to Peace. I will perceive every call for attack, now a call for forgiveness.
How can misperception be a sin? Let all my brother's "sins" be nothing except for a chance to see the Workings of God. The world gives me many chances to extend forgiveness. Sin attacked by punishment will preserve it, but to forgive sin is to overlook error in favor of Truth.
The Son of God "sins" only in dreams. I think I am able to hurt others, but this is nothing but a misperception of myself. Does my brother need help or condemnation? Will I save him or damn him? Change my mind and everything changes with it. Choose to see my brother as my savior not my enemy, for that is what salvation made him to be.
The Light Bringer. Maker of the world that is not so, take rest and comfort in another World where Peace abides; this World I bring with me to all weary eyes and tired hearts. From me can come rest for all. All "evil" thoughts and "sinful" desires, dreams of guilt and merciless revenge, every wish to hurt, kill and die, will disappear before the Light I bring.
The "evil" thoughts that seem to haunt me now will become increasingly remote and far away from because the Light in me Shines them all away. They linger for a little while in twisted forms too far away to recognize, but then they are gone forever. When I offer Peace to everyone I will find a home in Heaven that dreams cannot destroy.
In me is all of Heaven. Every leaf that falls is given Life in me. Each bird that ever sang will sing again in me. Every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and loveliness for me. Nothing can harm the Will of God and His Son.
The State of Sinlessness. The State of Sinlessness is merely this: I give up any desire to judge and attack. Guilt, sin and attack are meaningless for me.
Attack and judgment make the Son of God my enemy and God along with Him. Would I not be terrified if God truly could be my enemy? If God is my enemy then I am not His Son, so I must be something else (a body). And this is the condition in which I seem to find myself: full of guilt, fear, sin, judgment, hate....all things of a world seemingly separated from God.
In my brother is my salvation and in me is his. Whether my brother seems to be aware of this or not, makes no difference. If I forgive my brother, he becomes my savior. If I condemn him, he offers me only death. Everyone I see offers me the reflection of my own thoughts; a brother is only what I choose to have him be to me. If I decide that he is my enemy not my savior, then I choose to live in guilt, sin, attack and condemnation. His proper and only True function is as my savior. I will not find salvation alone. I find salvation only in my brother and he in me. We walk together toward Heaven or toward hell.
Do not be concerned with what my brother's body may or may not be doing. I have only to be concerned with my part in salvation. My part is to forgive him and see his Innocence. In forgiving him I will understand God's Love for me. When I attack or judge, I believe God attacks and judges. When I forgive, I open myself to Truth.
Look once again on my brother with the understanding that he is the way to Heaven or to hell, as I as perceive him. Remember, the role I give to him is given to me, and I will walk the way I pointed out to him. I judge only myself.
The Special Function. My eyes have become accustomed to darkness, and the Light of Brilliant Day seems painful at first. I may even turn away from the Light and Its Clarity. Somehow the vague and more obscure seems easier to look on, less painful to the eyes than what is Wholly Clear and Unambiguous. Can I say I prefer darkness and still claim that I want to See?
The desire to See calls upon the Grace of God and brings the Gift of Light that makes Sight possible. Do not allow the Son to be lonely with no function and no place where he is needed. God will use my "special" love or hate relationships and turn them into Holy Relationships that will heal, instead of harm.
The Laws of God do not prevail in Perfect form in dreams. Yet I can do one Perfect thing and make one Perfect choice: forgiveness. God placed a gift for me in my brother and that is my salvation. I will find it only by offering him my forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only meaningful function of time. Forgiveness is for all. When it rests on all, it is complete and every function of the world completed with it...then "time" is over.
Yet while in time, there is still much to do. I must do what is given me to do, for on my part does the plan depend. My part will serve my brother and myself and become a means to save...instead of condemn. Salvation is a reminder that this world is not my home; its laws are not mine, its values are not mine. This will be seen and understood as I do my part. God needs my part to do His Work.
Do not worry about the world of chaos. Everything I made can be used by God to easily serve salvation. The Son of God makes no choice that the Creator cannot use on his behalf. Understand this: I am Safe and I have always been Safe.
The Grace of God rests Gently on forgiving eyes...everything they look on speak of God to the observer. When I look with forgiving eyes, I can see no evil; nothing to fear and no one who is different from myself. As I forgive and Love my brother, so I forgive and Love myself. I would no more condemn myself for mistakes than I would damn another. The kindness of my Sight rests on myself with the same tenderness it offers others, for I would only heal and bless. Being compatible with God's Will, my Vision has the Power to heal and Bless all those I see, with the Grace of God in my Sight.
The Rock of Salvation. Sin is the only thing in all of dreams that cannot change. It is immutable. My world depends on sin for its very existence. The dream-world can deceive with glitter and guile and seem to hide the pain of sin from sinners, yet each one knows that the cost of sin is death. Sin is a request for death... a wish to make the dream-world's foundation sure and strong; safe from Truth and Love. It is a world created to witness to the separation from God, and that it must do.
The Will of God is Changeless. Either God is insane or this world is insane. No thought of God makes sense in the world of illusion and nothing the world believes has any meaning in the Mind of God. Madness cannot be Truth. If one Thought of God be True, then all the beliefs of the world are false.
This is the choice I make: Heaven or hell; illusion or Reality; Love or fear. Do not attempt to see my choice any other way or twist it into something it is not. This is the only decision I can make. The rest is up to God, not me. To justify any one value that the dream-world upholds, is to deny my Father's Sanity and my own. For God and His beloved Son think together. If I choose to believe one thought opposed to Truth, I have decided I am not my Father's Son. The world is not sane, it is not justified in anything it does, and is not maintained by any form of Reason.
Sin is not Real because the Father and His Son are not insane. The world of illusion is meaningless because its foundation rests on sin. God has the Power to change the whole foundation of the world I see to something else. His foundation is not insane, and everyone gains and no one loses.
The whole belief that someone must lose in order for another to gain reflects the world's insanity. If this were True, then God would indeed be insane.
Test everything I believe against this one requirement: no one loses, everyone gains. Everything that meets this one demand is worthy of my faith. Nothing else is. Love's Gentle Vision looks beyond madness resting Peacefully on Truth. Forgiveness is my special function and it will suit any form I see. In fact, it is suited to my special needs and to the special time and place in which I think I am. The Son of God cannot be bound by time nor place, nor anything that God did not Will.
I will do my part and let my brothers do theirs....God will do the rest. God commutes each death sentence that I laid upon myself and my brother into a blessing. Do nothing except my own part. It would be madness to entrust salvation to the insane. God will not attack my dreams. He will only enter in Quietness, point to the world's madness and then reveal another way.
Only God's Love is Dependable. Only in God does Sanity abide. It is God's Will that I remember this and emerge from deepest mourning into Perfect Joy.
Salvation is rebirth of the idea that no one can lose for anyone to gain. Everyone must gain. In this is Sanity restored. This is the rock on which salvation rests. Sin does not exist and no one can suffer for the Will of God to be fulfilled. In God, no loss is possible.
Justice Returned to Love. God can use all that I give Him for my salvation, but He cannot use what I withhold. He cannot take it from me without my willingness, for if He did I would believe He took it against my will. I do not need to be entirely willing for if I were, I would have no need of God. But this He needs: that I prefer He take all that would hinder me, and that I recognize that what brings loss, fear, sadness, grief, hatred...I do not want.
This is the only principle salvation needs: no one can lose for anyone to gain.
It is not necessary that my faith be strong, unswerving and without doubt. Remember, salvation is not needed by the saved. I am not called upon to do the impossible. Very little faith is asked of me. What except a small amount of faith could remain in those who still believe in sin?
What could I know of Heaven and Justice? To the world, justice and vengeance are the same. Sinners see justice as their punishment. The laws of sin demand a victim. Who it may be makes little difference. Death must be the cost and it must be paid. This is not justice, but insanity. In a world where Love means hate, and death is seen as victory and triumph over Life, justice is defined only by insanity. "Specialness" does not care who pays the cost of sin, just that it is paid.
But there is a Justice the dream-world knows nothing about. A Justice that demands no sacrifice. A Justice that looks on everyone in the same way. Justice is fair. It is impossible to know "specialness" and know Justice; it is impossible to be obsessed with the idea of punishment and know Justice.
It is extremely hard when I find sin meaningful to understand God's Justice. I would believe that God shares my own confusion and could not avoid the vengeance that my belief entails. So I fear Truth and perceive the "wrath" of God and cannot trust that God will not strike me dead with His Own angry Hand. I believe Heaven is hell and I am afraid of Love.
Deep suspicion and the chill of fear comes over me when I am told I have never sinned. This must be a message from the devil himself! What could Truth then be, except a devil dressed deceptively in an angel's cloak? What escape does God have for me except a door to hell that only seems to look like Heaven's gate?
God's Justice cannot punish those who ask for punishment when He knows they are Wholly Innocent. He is bound to set them Free and give them all the Honor they deserve. I cannot understand that I am Innocent. Love cannot be understood by "sinners." Sinners believe that Justice is split off from Love and stands for something else. Love is perceived as weak and vengeance strong.
In God's Own Justice does Heaven recognize all I deserve, but It also understands that I cannot accept It for myself because I believe myself to be guilty and deserving of punishment. God's holds out to me the Gifts the Innocent deserve. Love and Justice are the same and because they are the same, God is a Merciful God. He gives His Son the Power to forgive himself of what he did not do.
Without Love, Justice is prejudiced and weak. And Love without Justice is impossible. My understanding of this comes not from me, but from a larger Self.
I am not a miserable sinner, nor am I "special" in any way. I am God's Own Son, who has been given Everything: Perfect Peace, Eternal Life....Joyous and Complete in every way. This is the only Justice Heaven knows. How little I need to give to God, that simple Justice be given me.
The Justice of Heaven. It is arrogance to believe that my little errors have disrupted Heaven Itself. There is nothing that cannot be undone by Heaven's Justice. There is no sin. Sin does not exist. There is only error in thinking. Am I willing to be released from all effects of sin? If I answer "yes," it means I will forego all values of this world in favor of the Peace of Heaven. Truth has greater value for me now than illusion. Truth must be revealed to me because I taught myself something else and I do not remember Truth.
The gift of salvation is saved for me until my reluctance to receive it disappears and I am willing for it to be given me. Everything Good I give is cherished and preserved in Heaven for me. What I give cannot be lost to me, but only added to the supply. For God is Fair. God does not fight against His Son's reluctance to receive salvation. Yet His Justice is not satisfied until It is receive by all.
Any Answer God gives will always be one in which no one loses. This must be True because He asks no sacrifice of anyone. An answer which demands the slightest loss to anyone has not resolved the problem but only added to it, making it greater, harder to resolve and more unfair. To God, what is unfair must be corrected. Where is Justice if some errors are unforgivable and warrant vengeance, in place of healing and Peace? To give a problem to God to solve, means that I want it solved. The unforgiven have no mercy to bestow upon another. Hurt people, hurt others. This is why my sole responsibility is to take forgiveness for myself and offer it to my brother.
Forgiveness offers miracles, and pardon must be for everyone. Keep no problems for myself. Let God solve all problems for me. Justice must be for everyone if anyone is to be healed. No one can lose, everyone must benefit. Giving and receiving are the same. What I receive from Heaven I will give and what I give I receive. This is the way of Heaven. Offer only forgiveness.
Heaven sees no differences, only Sameness for everyone and Its offerings are Universal. Heaven has one message: What belongs to God, belongs to everyone. This is my Inheritance.
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