The best use of time. The best use of "time" is to learn to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties....and to merely be perfectly calm and quiet. When this has happened, I will no longer need a teacher or time.
I am discouraged because I perceive my Awakening is far in the future. This is not true. God is not bound by time and can use my miscreations for His Holy Purpose.
Time seems to be wasted, but this is only because of my identification with ego. Ego uses time to support its belief in destruction. To ego the ultimate goal is death, because in my world, all suffering, pain, anxiety, worries ~ life itself~ ends in the "eternal rest" I call death. To God, the goal is Life ~ which has no end.
Ego pursues me still, even in death. It tells me that I can spend immortality in hell. It speaks to me of Heaven but assures me, Heaven is not for me. The belief in hell is inescapable when I identify with ego. Anyone who follows ego's teaching fears death. Ego keeps me from being overwhelmed with fear to hold my loyalty, yet it also must create a certain amount of fear to maintain itself. Ego uses dissociation to hold its contradictory goals together.
Ego teaches me that hell is in the past and the future will be just as my past. It attacks me viciously and taunts me to leap from the hell I am now in, yet further...into oblivion. Yes! Death will give me rest. Death will give me peace.....unless I end up in hell.....and I most surely will end up in hell. How bleak and despairing is ego's use of time and how terrifying. When I consider myself deserving of hell, I cannot possibly believe death will end in peace.
Truth will teach me: THERE IS NO HELL.
Truth leads me steadily to Heaven, just as ego drives me straight to hell. There is no escape in ego's use of time. According to ego's teachings, time is nothing but a device for adding up my guilt until it becomes all-encompassing finally demanding vengeance.
God would undo all of this, NOW. With God, each instant of "time" is a clean, untarnished birth. It is so beautiful, clean and free of guilt, that only Happiness remains. No darkness is remembered and Immortality and Joy are NOW.
This lesson takes no time, for without past or future, what is time? As ego, I have used time to misguide myself so thoroughly. Yet it takes no time at all to be What I am: the Son of God. Begin to practice God's use of time. He teaches me Happiness and Peace through forgiveness. This is all I need time for. Nothing out of the past can harm me; it is here and now that I am completely absolved, entirely free and without condemnation. Go forth in "time" without fear.
I could not conceive of my world without change. Everything in it changes. Yet Holiness does not change. In this Holy Instant (where past and future do not exist, and now is lived in forgiveness) Heaven. Change is an illusion.
If I am tempted to be discouraged by thinking about how long it will take to return Home, ask myself, "how long is an instant?" God asks only for an instant. It takes longer to teach me to be willing to give Him this instant. In exchange for this instant, He stands ready to give me the Remembrance of Eternity. This instant of Holiness is shared with all "others." We return together, because there is only One.
Time is my friend if I give it to Truth.
The End of Doubt. "Atonement" is the process of Awakening by forgiveness of "everyone" and "everything," and the resulting miracle. Atonement is an illusion within an illusion. But it is an illusion intended to Awaken me. Atonement holds the Remembrance of God, and it is not bound by time. Through it, all obstacles to learning are removed and the instant I remember who I am (Son of God) God, Himself, will take the final step.
Truth is so far beyond time that all of It happens at once, and has already happened.
I stand before God's Altar, where He gently translates hell (my world) into Heaven. It is only in Heaven where God would have me be. If God Wills that I be in Heaven, how long can it take before I am there? I AM there. NOW. I must Awaken from my dreaming to know it. I have spent days, hours and years chaining myself to illusions.
I do not realize how much I misuse "others" by seeing them as a source of ego support. I do this each time I judge another. They become witness to the ego in myself, strengthening its hold on me. Yet instead of judgment, ACIM teaches me to use forgiveness in the same way. I will continue to doubt until I hear one witness whom I have wholly released with forgiveness. Then I will doubt no more
Littleness versus Magnitude. Littleness is the offering I give myself in the world of dreams. I accept littleness in place of the Magnitude that God Willed for me. Everything in this world is little, because it is a world made for littleness in the strange belief that I can be content with littleness. Nothing in the dream-world can give me Peace. I have been choosing littleness over Glory. Each time I make any choice at all, it will be an evaluation of who I think I am. If I continue to choose littleness, I will not have Peace, for I have judged myself unworthy. The Son of God is not content in littleness. In choosing anything but Glory, I delay my Homecoming. I will be content only in Magnitude.
Every decision I make, stems from who I think I am. Truth knows my function as Son of God. It is a Magnificent function because God made it so. I do not have to strive to be Magnificent because I already am. All striving must be directed against littleness, for the dream-world requires vigilance. I am lost in a world of illusion and littleness, so to be able to hold Magnitude in my Awareness takes help. God is not willing that His Son be content with less than Everything.
Will I be hostage to ego or host to God? Every decision I make indicates my answer. I invite Joy or sorrow accordingly. Every decision I make is a choice for Heaven or for hell, and my decision will bring me the Awareness of what I decided for. Truth is my Guide for Joy. I cannot do this alone. Heaven does the work for me and makes the task easy. I just have to offer my "small willingness."
Do not give or accept littleness for myself. Truth works through me to reach all "others" and beyond, and still It never leaves me.
How can it be a sacrifice to leave littleness behind, when Everything is mine? Is it a sacrifice to accept anything less than Glory? I do not know what Love is. I have sought to buy It with little gifts, but Love cannot be bought, for Love is what I am. It is foolish to think It can be bought or sold. Greatness lives in me, but I do not appreciate myself, because I have denied Who I am.
God's Kingdom is not of the world of fantasy. It is in me. I will never be content with anything less than God's Will. His Will is my will. Accept nothing less than Everything. When I have learned to accept Who I am, I will know I am Complete and in need of nothing. And this message I gladly extend to "others."
Leave salvation to Heaven. I do not need to "do" anything. Salvation will be given me. With Truth I remember God in all "others." My brother's salvation is my own.
Practicing the Holy Instant. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.
The Holy Instant is the Experience of Oneness with my Creator. It is this instant and every instant. Learning to remember God's Will for me takes no time at all. His Will is beyond time. I could remember His Will this instant if that is what I Truly and Wholly wanted, but I allow illusions to distract me. I choose when the Holy Instant will be and I need not delay. Beyond past and future, It stands in Shimmering readiness for my acceptance.
Am I willing to let all littleness go? My practice rests upon it. Give my salvation over to Heaven. Only God's Will can bring me Peace. Nothing else will ever content me. Be humble before God, yet Great in Him. Of myself "apart from" God, I am nothing and have created a world of nothing. In God, I am His Son and have Everything. I can claim the Holy Instant any time and anywhere I want It. Practice giving every plan, every decision and every thought over to God. Get into the habit of giving Him everything. My plans, decisions and thoughts have brought me nowhere and given me nothing. Try His. I will never find salvation alone. For God created Oneness. In my dreams I divided this Oneness into scattered parts; I am one part and all the other parts seem to be separate from me. I now think I am the center of the universe as ego and all else is "other." I have looked upon all "others" with contempt and given them horrible crimes to commit in my illusion world. Yet with Truth I forgive "others" (and myself), joining the separated parts into One, where God Himself will take the last step to Awaken me Home. My release from littleness depends on willingness, not on time.
Complexity is of ego. The Holy Instant is the recognition that all minds are in Communication. The Holy Instant seeks to change nothing and merely accept Everything. The Holy Instant is accomplished in time, but It is not of time. It is a glimpse of Heaven.
Share everything with God. I believe that some thoughts I share and some I would never reveal to anyone. I think if anyone knew the "real me," I would be locked up or thought insane. My thoughts in this world are not even my True Thoughts. I think and speak in illusions, yet my True Self thinks only Thoughts with God. Give every thought to God, He knows what to do with them. Do not hide anything from Him or I shut off Communication with Him. Ask myself honestly, "Do I want Perfect Communication? Am I willing to let go everything that interferes with It forever?" God does not force Himself on an unwilling mind. He waits until I am ready.
The Holy Instant does not require that I have only pure thoughts. It does require that I have no thoughts I would hide. I am Innocent and I will remember this the instant I accept It. Atonement is not needed in Heaven. But it is needed to heal a mind that believes it is separated from Heaven.
"Special" Relationships and the Holy Instant. God uses the Holy Instant as a learning device.
I have created (and am lost in) a world of illusions. Make no attempt to judge anything, because I do not understand what anything means. The part of me lost in illusions is referred to as "ego," but this is just for learning purposes. Ego does not exist but I believe otherwise, and it is my belief in it that makes is true for me.
The "past" is ego's essential learning device. Judgment always rests on the past, and "past experience" is the foundation on which I judge. Judgment is impossible without the past, for without the past, understanding the dream-world is impossible. It is in the past that I learned to define my needs and acquire methods for meeting my needs on my own terms. To limit Love to part of the Sonship is to bring guilt into my relationships making them unreal (e.g. I love this person, but not that one). Separation is the source of guilt. To experience myself as "alone" is to deny Oneness, which denies Reality.
I cannot Love only "parts" of Reality and Truly understand the meaning of Love. God knows Love as Whole and Complete, not separated into parts where one is loved more than another. In my world, I believe in special relationships with special love that can offer me salvation (happiness, security, etc.,). My "past" has taught me that certain aspects of the Sonship can give me more than others. The Holy Instant teaches me that this is not so. I have created my world of chaos and believe that it is true. Heaven teaches me to remember my Oneness.
Because of guilt all "special" relationships have elements of fear, and they shift and change so frequently. They are not based on the Changeless Love of God. I cannot depend on a love where fear has entered in. Yet God can use my "special" relationships as learning experiences that point to Truth. Under His teaching, every relationship becomes a lesson in Love.
God does not know of "specialness." Yet He also perceives that I have made these "special" relationships, which ego will ultimately destroy. However unholy the reason I made them may be, He can translate them into Holiness by removing as much fear as I will let Him. Place any relationship under His care, and be sure that it will not result in pain. Offer God my willingness to have my relationship serve no need except His. All the pain in my relationship comes from ego's use of it. Let go of my imagined needs which would destroy it. Ego uses relationships to feed its fragile existence; how could they be anything but doomed? Ego grabs love greedily where it thinks it is and holds on desperately to keep it.
In the dream-world there are special relationships, but not so in Heaven. God knows how to bring a touch of Heaven to all of my relationships even here. In the Holy Instant no one is special, for my personal needs intrude on no one. In the Holy Instant, there is only Oneness.
God knows me in the present. He knows no past, He sees no future, having known me exactly as He knows me now. The meaning of Love is the meaning God gave to It: Whole, Complete, Eternal. If I give It any other meaning, It is impossible to understand. God Loves every "brother" as He loves me; no more, no less. In the Holy Instant I Unite directly with God and all "others."
The Laws of God and the Holy Instant. Under God's teaching, all relationships are total commitments, yet they do not conflict with one another in any way. Each relationship (with His guidance) satisfies me completely. Perfect Love is in me, but I do not believe this, so I seek outward for what I for what I believe I lack inwardly. God has Perfect faith in me and His faith will suffice for mine. But I must learn to have Perfect faith in my brother to see my own. Practice this.
I believe I have certain needs and I seek to satisfy them by looking outward. In this respect my strength seems to come from outside of me rather than within. When I try to make myself happy another must lose, for this is the way of the dream-world. In the world of dreams someone will lose their power in order for me to gain. With God there is another interpretation of relationships that transcends the concept of "loss."
Even in my world, I believe God answers all prayer. I even believe that when God answers a brother, He will still answer my call as well. My brother's success is a witness to the possibility of mine. I even recognize, however dimly, that God is an idea and that my faith in Him is strengthened by sharing. That is why I have created religion and communities of faith. But what is difficult for me to believe is that I am an idea, and like God I can offer (or give) myself Completely and Wholly, without loss ~ only with gain. Here lies my Peace. For at this Holy Place.....there is no conflict.
In the world of scarcity, Love has no meaning and Peace is impossible because the world accepts both gain and loss. Perfect Love is in me and It can only extend. I can experience all of my brothers as One and perceive no loss but only Completion.
When the Son of God accepts the Laws of God as his will, it is impossible to be bound or limited in any way. This instant I refuse to be bound, I am not bound. Simple as that. In the Holy Instant, nothing happens that has not Always Been. It is only an Instant where the veil drawn across Reality is lifted. Nothing has changed. The Awareness of the Changelessness of Eternity comes swiftly as the veil of time is brushed aside. When I experience the lifting of this veil and feel myself drawn irresistibly into the Light beyond it, I will have faith in Love without the fear the world engenders. I WILL come to the Holy Instant and I choose when. It is through me that Peace will come. Peace is an idea, and through ideas minds Communicate. I will remember (in fact I know) the language of Communication Perfectly. God and the Power of God, will take Their Rightful Place in me and I will experience full Communication with All There Is.
The Needless Sacrifice. The Powerful Attraction in the relationship between the Father and His Son is obscured in the dream-world by the weak attraction of ego's "special" love relationship. Yet there is no other Love that can satisfy me, except for God's......because there IS no other Love.
God's Love is the only Love that is fully given and fully returned; being Complete, It contains Everything and asks for nothing. This is not the basis of any relationship for ego. Every relationship undertaken with ego has to be "special." Ego establishes relationships only to get something. It is impossible for ego to enter into any relationship without anger, and solidified with guilt.
Ego believes it can "get" and "keep" by making guilty. This is its one attraction. It is an attraction so weak, it would have no appeal at all except that I do not recognize it. Ego always seems to attract through "love" not the guilt that is its reality.
Ego attempts to maintain and increase guilt, but in such a way that I do not recognize it. Ego's fundamental creed is that: what I do to others, I myself have escaped the consequences. Ego wishes no one well. Its survival depends on my belief that I have escaped its evil intentions. As ego, I direct my anger outward (e.g. I am angry at the Republicans, al Qaida, people who have abortions, etc), believing I protect myself. As ego, I embark on endless, unrewarding chains of "special" relationships, forged out of anger, dedicated to one insane belief: the more anger I invest outside myself, the safer I am. It is a chain of savagery, and it is this chain which binds the Son of God (me) to guilt.....It is this chain God removes from my Holy Mind.
In one way or another, every relationship made with ego is based on sacrifice, and through "sacrifice" ego becomes more important. "Sacrifice" is actually the root of the ego's bitter resentment. Ego would prefer to attack directly, but even in the dream-world no one would perceive direct attack as Love. So it charms with "sacrifice" and strangles with guilt. Yet to "make guilty" is a direct attack (though it does not seem to be) and the guilty expect attack; having asked for it, they are attracted to it.
In such insane relationships, the attraction of what I do not want, seems to be much stronger than the attraction of what I do want (e.g. why do I keep picking the same type of partner over and over? why do I keep getting jobs that run me ragged?). Each one thinks he has sacrificed something to the other....and hates him for it. And this is what he thinks he wants. He is not "in love" with the other at all. Here is merely in love with sacrifice. He demands this sacrifice of himself and he demands that the other accept guilt and sacrifice himself as well. Forgiveness becomes impossible. Ego believes that to forgive another is to lose him. It is only by attack (without forgiveness) that ego ensures that guilt holds all its relationships together. Yet they only seem to be together.
To ego, relationships mean only that bodies are together. In fact, this ego demands. It does not object to where the mind goes or what it thinks, which frankly seems unimportant. As long as the body is there to receive its sacrifice, ego is content. To ego, the mind is private and only the body can be shared; ideas are basically of no concern, except as they bring the body of another closer or farther. It is in these terms that it evaluates ideas as good or bad. What makes another "guilty," and holds him through guilt is considered "good." What releases him from guilt is "bad" for ego because then bodies no longer "communicate" and my brother would be "gone."
Ego blesses all unions with suffering and sacrifice, and those united at its altar accept suffering and sacrifice as the price of union. In these angry alliances ~ born of fear and loneliness ~ each seeks relief from guilt by increasing it in the other; for each believes this decreases the guilt in himself. The "other" seems always to be attacking and wounding; perhaps in little ways, perhaps "unconsciously," yet never without demand of sacrifice.
The fury of those joined at ego's altar far exceeds my Awareness of it. I do not realize what ego really wants. Whenever I am angry, I can be sure that I have formed a "special" relationship which ego has "blessed," for anger is ego's blessing. All anger is nothing more than an attempt to make someone feel guilty, and guilt is the only foundation ego accepts for special relationships. As long as I identify with ego, guilt will remain attractive to me. Yet, remember this: to believe I am a body, is to believe I am separate from God and others, and True Communication becomes impossible.
In Love, there is no guilt at all. What brings guilt cannot be Love and must be anger (which is fear). God cannot teach through fear. I believe I am a separate entity within a body, and to communicate I must learn how to speak, form sentences and put my thoughts into words. Ego makes communication so complicated.
The belief in the autonomy of the body is an illusion. As long as I believe that to be with a body is companionship, I will be compelled to keep my brother in his body, held there by guilt. I will see safety in guilt and danger in Communication. Ego will always teach that loneliness is solved by guilt, and Communication is the cause of loneliness. Despite the insanity of this lesson, many have learned it.
God will teach me that forgiveness lies in Communication, just as surely as damnation lies in guilt. Communication is my salvation. In the Holy Instant, the Power of God in me and in my brother, is joined in a Real Relationship so Holy and Strong, that what seems impossible is accomplished. In the Holy Instant, Communication is restored. And guilt ~ whose only purpose is to disrupt Communication ~ has no function here. In the Holy Instant, there is no concealment and no private thoughts. The willingness to Communicate attracts Communication to It and overcomes loneliness completely. There is complete forgiveness here and no desire to exclude anyone. In this moment of Wholeness all are invited, all are welcome and all are Complete. God knows I am His and my Completion restores Him to my Awareness.
In the Holy Instant, I experience myself as God's Son, just as I was Created.
The Real Relationship. The Holy Instant is an Experience of Oneness within the dream. It will not replace my need for learning, however. God can and must use everything in this world for my Awakening. He will respond to every sign or token of my willingness, however small.
Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness or helplessness, forgiveness leads me to Strength and salvation. In complete forgiveness, I will recognize that there is nothing to forgive.
In special relationships I seek for the Heaven that I have thrown away. I will never learn of Heaven in these relationships. Heaven assures me that I have no need for special relationships. Relate only with what is Eternal. Do not refuse the Awareness of my Completion and Wholeness, and make no attempts to restore It for myself. I cannot save myself from a dream of my own creation. Give my willingness over to God.
I am forever in a Relationship so Holy that It calls to everyone to escape from loneliness and join together in Love. Accept any sense of failure as nothing more than a mistake in recognizing who I am. God Created Everything and He gave It to me. I am His Son. My Reality knows no separation from my Father.
God responds to every need whatever form it takes. Leave to Him what seems impossible. Let Him show me the True meaning of relationships. God Created the only Relationship that has meaning.....that is His Relationship with me.
The Attraction of God within the Holy Instant. Ego limits everyone to a body. Truth releases my vision and lets me experience Reality. This shift of vision is accomplished in the Holy Instant. I must become willing to make this shift permanent. It is permanent, but I first must accept this as my belief. Then this perception will be transferred to Knowledge. There will be no delay when I am ready for it. God is ready now, but I am not.
My job is to continue, as fast as possible, the necessary process of looking directly at all interference (illusion) and see it exactly as it is. The body is the symbol of ego and ego is the symbol of the separation. Both are nothing more than attempts to make Communication impossible. Communication must be Unlimited in order for It to have meaning. Deprived of meaning, it will never satisfy me. Yet, Communication remains the only means by which I can establish Real Relationships. Real Relationships have no limits, having been established by God. Ego limits everyone to a body, and this separation is needed for ego to survive. Yet I can change my mind about who I think I am and accept my function as God's Son.
Love always extends and increases. Ego hides and diminishes who I am. God placed my salvation in my brother and his in me. We need each other. Our minds are Continuous. This only needs to be accepted and my loneliness is gone.
Let Truth tell me of God's Love for me. No one can hear Him speak of this and be willing to remain here any longer. It is my will to be in Heaven, where I am Complete, Quiet, and in Certain and Loving relationships.
I have no idea of the limits I have placed on my perception, yet in Truth limits are impossible. I have no idea of all the Loveliness I could see. Remember this: in my dream, the attraction of illusions (which offer fear and guilt) oppose my Natural Attraction for God. This is not True in Reality, but I have denied Reality. My belief in illusion has imprisoned me.
When the body ceases to attract me, when I stop valuing it as a means of getting anything there will be no interference in Communication and my thoughts will be Free. Let God teach me how to use the body only for purposes of Real Communication. Reject the body's use for separation and attack; this is what ego uses it for. Learn I have no need of a body at all.
In the Holy Instant, there are no bodies; I experience only the Attraction of God. The Reality of this Relationship becomes the only Truth I could ever want.
Rebirth. The attraction of guilt keeps me in this world, but I have another choice. The time of Christ is come. Time means nothing in Eternity, but God uses what I have made to celebrate the birth of Christ into the world. Time is given a Happy function. The Holy Instant is truly the time of Christ, for in this liberating instant, no guilt is laid upon me or my brother and my Limitlessness is restored to me. To see Christ is to see everyone healed and Whole. No sacrifice has ever been required of me. By my acceptance of Oneness, I offer It to everyone.
I made only one mistake: I believe I am separated from God. In choosing Atonement, I learn forgiveness and Love, which lead me to the Holy Instant ~ the time of Christ. Here the Gift of Freedom, Wholeness and Peace is offered. It is in my Power to make the time of Christ be now. It is possible to do this at once. There is only one shift in perception that is necessary for me who made only one mistake.
It is not necessary to analyze, scrutinize or attempt to make sense of my mistakes, but it is necessary that I look directly at them without fear. They are not separate, numerous events, but different manifestations of the same idea ~ that I am separate from God. I am host to ego or I am host to God.
I need make no sacrifice on behalf of God. Sacrifice in the dream-world is essential; salvation without sacrifice means nothing to me here. If there is sacrifice, someone must pay and someone must receive and the questions are, how much is the price and what do I obtain? My confusion of sacrifice and Love is so profound that I cannot believe in a Love that requires no sacrifice. Sacrifice is attack, not Love. Guilt does not last when the idea of sacrifice has been removed.
Ego tells me that Love demands sacrifice. God and my brother have become very fearful to me and I believe they ask great sacrifice of me. What I do not realize, is that it is only me who demand sacrifice ~ and only of myself. In creating my seeming separation from God, I imagined Him to be a god that would punish me for this separation and demand total sacrifice of me. Therefore, it was safer to project Him outside myself, away from me. I ascribed to Him all the traits I believed He would have as the result of this separation: vengeance, jealousy and anger.
I am doing all this to myself. God holds nothing against me.
God has remained the same Loving Creator no matter what my dreams made Him into.
Only in the dream-world do I seem to have choices. There is only ONE choice, no matter what else there seems to be: Total Freedom or total bondage, ego or God, a world without God or Heaven, fear or Love. There is but one decision to make, and recognizing what the decision is makes it ever so easy.
Salvation is simple, being of God and very easy to understand. Do not project salvation from me and see it outside myself ~ in the perfect job, the perfect spouse, the perfect home, the perfect family. In ME, are both the question and the me is salvation.
The End of Sacrifice. Sacrifice is a concept of my making. My brothers and my Father have become very fearful to me. I bargain with them for a few "special" relationships in which I think I see some scraps of safety. Atonement is a gentle Awakening. It is as simple as waking from sleep.
Sacrifice is separation from Love. Sacrifice brings guilt as surely as Love brings Peace.
What I have denied (God's Kingdom) seems fearful. I have vested It with fear and then seemed to project It outside myself. Yet the Kingdom is within me. How can I see part of myself as loathsome and have any inner Peace? I try to resolve the conflict of Heaven and hell by casting Heaven out of my thoughts and giving It the attributes of hell. Then I wonder why I feel lonely and incomplete.
As long as I believe the body is my reality, I will perceive myself as lonely and deprived. Deprivation breeds attacks and I will believe attack is justified. As long as I see myself as deprived, I will see attack as salvation and sacrifice as love. I will see myself as a victim and continue to victimize others. It is impossible to thrust aside Heaven and God without feeling a sense of sacrifice and loss.
I think I look for Love, but am unable to recognize It because sacrifice is what I believe in. The meaning of Love lies in what I seemed to have cast outside myself. In the Holy Instant, the condition of Love is met, for minds are joined without the body's interference. Where there is true Communication, there is Peace. I will realize that to sacrifice the body is to sacrifice nothing. Communication is of the mind. Sacrifice is nowhere and Love is Everywhere. Communication embraces Everything and in the Peace It re-establishes, Loves gently follows.
The sign of Christmas is a star...a light in the darkness. Yet this Light is not outside myself, but within. Heaven is within me. Accept this as a sign that the time of Christ (myself and my brothers healed and Whole) has come. Christ comes demanding nothing. He asks no sacrifice of any kind. In His Presence the whole idea of sacrifice loses all meaning. I am with God; extend Him an invitation to know this.
Give God everything I fear. Give Him my darkest thoughts, my small annoyances, my petty grudges, my jealousy and envy. Let myself be completely healed, that I may join Him in healing. There can be no error or sickness in God, because it would be corrected the instant it occurred. Release is total and when I accept release from the bondage of my illusions, I will extend it to my brother. Anything of God is Whole and Complete and automatically extends to all of Creation. All pain, sacrifice and littleness will disappear in my Relationship with my Father. Without pain there can be no sacrifice. Without sacrifice, all that is Love.
The time of Christ is a time of Joy. Demand no sacrifice of anyone. What can be more Joyous than to perceive that I am deprived of nothing?
Begin this day in Joy and Freedom. There is much to do. I have delayed too long. Accept the Holy Instant and take my place in the Great Awakening. In God let all my relationships be made Holy for me.
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