Love and fear cannot coexist and only one Truly exists. There is no difference between Love and Joy, Love and Happiness, or Love and Radiance. All of God's Attributes fall under the banner of Love and there is no opposite. I am completely Joyful, or not at all. I am Wholly Loving or not at all. This is Truth. The world I created in my dreams is a world of time and learning. Truth cannot be learned, only Known.
I am God's Son. There is only One Son. In the world I created, I divided the One Son into many and I no longer recognize my Self. Any part of the Sonship that is healed will benefit the entire Sonship because the Sonship is One. The Truth is that there is only One. If One is healed, ALL are healed.
Any single Loving Thought, blesses all God's Creation. Think only Loving Thoughts. God's Light is so Strong, It Radiates throughout the Sonship. God's Holy Son is a channel of His Beautiful Joy. A Child of God loves his neighbor as himself, because his neighbor is himself.
Invitation to Spirit. Healing is a thought. Healing occurs when I understand my Oneness with All. This Gladness calls to every part of the Sonship and God goes with it. I can choose to be Wholly Joyous. My Spirit knows no difference between being and having. I have Joy, I am Joy. I have Love, I am Love. As Spirit I have Everything and am Everything. "Getting" is meaningless and "giving" is all. I hold Everything by giving It away, just as the Father created me to do. An idea is multiplied by giving it away. This is the way of God's World. If I share a physical possession in the world of dreams, I divide its ownership. But if I share an idea, it becomes stronger. The physical is imperfect and subject to change and death, therefore it does not exist.
God will come to me only at my invitation. He is the Healer, the Comforter, and the Guide. God honors even my miscreations because I made them, but He does not leave me forever lost in the dream.
God's Voice. The Atonement and the separation happened at the same time. When I made the separation, God placed in my mind the call to Joy. He only asks that I listen. The Creator calls me back to where I was before, and where I will be again. It is possible even in this world to hear God's Voice and no other.
I am the Kingdom of Heaven, but I have let a belief in darkness enter my mind. Heaven's Radiance will banish darkness.
When I chose to "separate from" God, He could no longer share His Knowledge without my hindrance. Direct Communication was broken because I chose to experience a world "apart from" Him. I chose to be in a state of opposition, in which opposites are possible. Choosing for Truth is the ONLY thing that will bring me comfort, because Heaven is my True Nature.
God's Voice is Gentle and Quiet. It does not command or demand. It does not seek to control or overcome. His Voice merely reminds me of the choice for Him. It is always Quiet because It speaks of Peace. Peace is stronger than war because Peace heals. War will always divide. No one gains from strife. I cannot lose my soul, but I can choose not to know it. Therefore it is "lost" to me until I choose for Truth. Both Heaven and earth are in my mind. My divided devotion has given me two voices that call to me. I must decide which one I want to serve.
Rest does not come from sleeping but from Waking. God's is the call to Awaken and be glad. I am tired and weary. My task is to Awaken. I will answer His call eventually, so why suffer any longer?
When I am tempted by the world I will call on God. "My yoke is easy and my burden light. Join with me, for my message is Gentle and Happy." What I can accomplish with my Father has no limits.
The Guide to Salvation. What I acknowledge in my brother I acknowledge in myself. If I acknowledge his ineptness and his sins, these will be reinforced in myself. When I am engrossed in the world of dreams, God's Voice is weak in me. My thoughts controlled by ego, will frighten me. "Time" is a belief of ego and ego accepts it without question. Yet the only aspect of time which reflects Eternity is now.
According to ego's interpretation of Reality, war is ego's guarantee of survival. Ego becomes strong in strife and turmoil. Strife is an appeal to ego.
Perception derives meaning from relationships. The relationships I accept are the foundations of my beliefs. "The separation" is another term for a split mind. Ego is the symbol of separation. What I perceive, look for or notice in others, I strengthen in myself. I do not realize the harm I do myself when I think negative thoughts of others.
I may let my mind misperceive, but Truth will help me reinterpret my misperceptions. God uses only what my mind already understands to teach me. He can teach even a reluctant learner because there is a part of my mind that is still for Truth.
I will never feel at home in the dream-world. I wander the world in search of God, but find only ego's answer to Heaven's Peace: glory, fame, wealth, relationships, respect, etc. God uses the world I made to serve as a teaching device for bringing me Home. I will never be at home in the world of dreams.
Teaching and Healing. The Atonement is the way out of the world of fear. I cannot destroy Love or Truth. Anything that is not Good or True exists only in dreams. What ego makes it keeps to itself, so it has no strength. My Strength is found in giving.
I will never die, because I was never born. Physical birth exists only in fantasy. I have carried the burden of insane ideas but having made them, I did not realize how to undo them. Truth will help me.
I cannot be hurt. I am the Son of God, dreaming of exile. I am Loving, Whole, and Complete. If I hold anything against a brother's, I hold it against myself.
Truth teaches me to use the dream to Awaken to Reality. There are "billions" to practice on, but I can do quite well with the small groups I call my family and friends. Who else can "push my buttons" so nicely? Who else can say all the wrong things, embarrass me, remind me of my failings like family and friends? Forgive them their perceived failings, think only Loving thoughts of them and I will heal not only them, but myself. For there is only One.
My brother and I will go hand in hand on our journey Home. I never find salvation alone. As I live it, I will learn. If I forsake any of my brothers, I will forsake myself. Learn to see my brothers as they Truly are, by forgiving them of everything I thought they did.
There is no need for me to suffer. Suffering is my own choice. There is no past, there is no future. There is only Now. The past and future are gone. There is nothing left now but a Blessing. Every kindness and every loving thought I ever had, has been saved for me. These are the only Real things I have created in the dream-world. They will be purified of any ego-errors which hid their Light. They have been kept for me in Perfect Radiance. I have the Peace of God in my heart and hands. Share it. I cannot lose.
Ego's Use of Guilt. Ego's purpose is to reinforce my apparent separation from God, and it uses fear to do this. Fear is egotistical. If I had no body, I would have no fear. In Heaven there is no guilt. Guilt is only of the dream-world and it is always disruptive and divisive.
Ego is not a thing or a separate being, it is a thought of the mind that believes it is separate from God. How could part of God (me) detach itself without believing it is attacking or hurting God? Ego believes it has usurped the Power of God by creating a world without God. But of course, that is impossible. It is not impossible to hold the idea, it is impossible for it to actually exist. If I identify with ego, I will perceive myself as guilty of usurping God and I will fear His punishment. Of course this idea sounds ridiculous and insane, but never forget....ego is not sane. Ego represents a delusional system. Listening to ego's voice means that I believe it is possible to attack God, and hence I fear His retaliation. The severity of this guilt is so acute, that it must be projected and that projection has created a world and people "outside" myself who do horrible, terrible things. Like in the children's book, Where the Wild Things Are, Max dreams of a world of Wild Things, who "roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth." Not everything in my world is horrible and bad, but there is always that possibility! Each being in the world of dreams is capable of both good and bad, it just depends on which "wolf" is fed. Such is the world of dreams .
In God's World I am only Good. I am only Love. I am in God's World right now, so this is who I am. Yet I sleep and dream of exile. I must remember, I am the Son of God, and I come from a World where there is only Good. Only Love. Only Peace. Only Joy. Like Max, I dream of another world.
Whatever thoughts I accept into my mind have reality for me. It is my acceptance of these thoughts that makes them real. If I feed ego, I allow ego to be my reality. The mind is capable of creating Reality or making illusions. I must learn again, to think with God.
Guilt is a sure sign that my thinking is not Natural. Unnatural thinking will always feel guilty, because it is the belief in sin. To ego, sin is not a lack of love, but a conscious act of assault. This is what keeps ego thriving. When I perceive sin as "lack" (of love, happiness, joy, etc) instead of willful disobedience, I will immediately attempt to remedy the situation. And I will succeed! When a surgeon removes a tumor, there is a space left behind. The body, in its attempts to heal, will fill the space. This is what Spirit Naturally wants to do when it perceives lack. It wants to fill the lack, or space, with Joy and Wholeness. Ego regards this as doom, but it is Spirit's Freedom.
When the mind is Sane and Whole it will heal the body, because the body is just a thought and does not actually exist. The Sane mind does not conceive of illness, because it cannot conceive of attacking anyone or anything, including the body.
Ego believes that by punishing itself, it will avoid the punishment God "is just waiting" to bestow. Ego cannot oppose the Laws of God, but it can interpret them according to its own needs. So every second and every minute of the day, I must ask myself, "what do I want"? Do I choose for God or ego? There is only One choice. Only what God makes is Irreversible and Unchangeable. What ego made can always be changed because when I do not think with God, I am not really thinking at all. Delusional ideas are not Real Thoughts, though I can believe in them but I am mistaken.
Irrational thought is disordered thought. Guilty feelings are always a sign of this. The decision to remain separated is the only possible reason for guilt feelings. Any decision of the mind will affect both behavior and experience. What I want and what I choose, is what I will expect to see. My mind creates my "future." But it will turn to Full Creation the instant it accepts the Atonement. Having given up disordered thought, the proper order of Thought becomes quite apparent.
Time and Eternity. Delay does not matter in Eternity, but it is tragic in time. I have chosen this world and its constraints of "time" over Eternity. I can make another choice, for mine is a world of choice: Heaven, or a world without God. I do not belong in time. My place is in Eternity.
Feelings of guilt help preserve time. They cause fear of retaliation or abandonment. This ensures that the future will be just like the past. This is the continuity of ego. I can and must escape. God offers me Eternal Joy and Happiness in exchange. My ego will oppose it at every turn and in every possible way. Remember the Kingdom, and remember that I am part of the Kingdom.
Ego's decisions are always wrong. Always. Nothing ego perceives is interpreted correctly. Not only does ego cite Scripture for its own purpose, but it interprets Scripture as a witness for itself. The Bible is a fearful thing in ego's judgment, and it interprets it fearfully. And being afraid, ego does not appeal to a Higher Court (God) because it believe His judgment would be against it. Here are some examples of misinterpreted Scripture: "you shall reap as you sow" ~~ intended to mean, what I consider worth cultivating, I will cultivate in myself; "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" ~~ ideas increase by being shared, vengeance cannot be shared, therefore give it to the Father who will undo it in me because it does not exist; "the sins of the father will be visited on the sons unto the third and fourth generation" ~~ this is ego's guarantee of survival, my fathers alcoholism was modeled by his father and his father and so on; this one is particularly vicious....would a loving God ever say this?; "The wicked shall perish" ~~ every thought or action that is not Love, will be undone.
God will never condemn me. In His Love and Mercy, He will merely dismiss all charges against me. There can be no case against a Child of God. Every witness to guilt is bearing false witness. Gods verdict will always be, "My Kingdom is yours."
The Decision for God. Cast all my worries and cares upon God. He Loves me. He will softly remind me that I am dreaming, and He will wait patiently until I make the choice to Awaken.
Sanity is Wholeness, and the Sanity of my brothers is my own. Embrace the Atonement. Forgive everyone everything, and learn then that there was nothing to forgive.
Whenever I am not Wholly Joyous, it is because I have responded with a lack of Love. The decision to react this way is mine. I can make another decision. Do not feel guilty over my errors, I will only reinforce them.
The first step in the Atonement is to recognize that I have decided wrongly. Then decide otherwise. God will respond fully to my slightest invitation. Decide again. Decide for Peace. God will undo all consequences of any wrong decisions if I let Him. Today I choose to let Him.
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