Wisconsin, USA

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lesson 347 ~ Today I think with the Thoughts of God.

Father in the world of dreams, I want what goes against my will as Your Son.  I seemingly created the world as an experience of "separation from" You.  Though this is impossible, anything is possible in fantasy.  I seemingly exist in a fantasy of separation from You, and what I want in the world of dreams is more "proof" of separation from You.  My mind is sick, Father and I do not know what I need, want or desire.  I give all judgment to You.  You see what I see, yet You know Truth.  You see my pain, yet understand it is not Real.  In Your Understanding, I am healed.  You give the miracles that dreams hide from my Awareness.  I give all judgment to You, I do not know my own will, but You are Sure it is Your Own.  Today, I choose to set aside dreams.  I will think Your Thoughts, speak Your Words and do what You tell me to do.  Through my forgiveness of my own thoughts, and everyone and everything that seems to be "outside" me, miracles come to me.  I will listen today.  I will be very still and hear the Quiet, Gentle Voice of God assuring me that I am the Son He Loves. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lesson 346 ~ I forget all things except God's Love.

Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things.  Time has stepped aside today.  I do not look for the things in the world of dreams.  What I seek today transcends all laws of time.  Today, I forget all things except Your Love.   I live in You, Father and know no laws except Your Law of Love; therefore I find the Peace which You created for Your Son.  I forget all the foolish toys I made as I behold Your Glory.....and my own!  When evening comes today, I will remember nothing except for the Peace of God.  I have learned today, that Peace is mine when I forget all things except God's Love.  The thoughts I think in the world of dreams are not even my True Thoughts.  I do not have to think every thought that comes into my mind.  I can choose which thoughts to think!  Today, I choose to think about God's Love.  And only this, is Truth. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson 345 ~What I give, returns to me. I offer only forgiveness today.

Father, miracles are shifts in perception resulting from forgiveness; they reflect Your Gifts to me, Your Son.  Everything I give returns to me, reminding me that the Law of Love (to give is to receive) is Universal.  Even here in the dream, the Law of Love takes a form which can be recognized.  The forgiveness that I offer, returns to me.  Here in the "world," the miracle resulting from forgiveness lights the way to You.  I will let Peace settle in my mind today and it will be reflected back to me from the world I seem to see.  The forgiveness I offer, results in miracles to bless my tired mind and be reflected back to me from what seems to be "outside" me.  I will find rest today. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lesson 344 ~ The Law of Love: What I give, is mine.

The Law of Love is Your Law, Father, not my own.  I did not understand what "giving" meant.  I had thought that "to give" was a loss to myself.  In this world, I looked on what was my "treasure," only to find an empty space where nothing ever was, is, or will be.  What can an illusion offer me?  Yet when I forgive, my brother becomes my savior and gives me Gifts beyond anything the world can offer.  My forgiven brothers will fill my store with Heaven's Treasures, which alone are Real. This is the Law of Love fulfilled.  And then, Father, Your Son arises and returns to You.  How near and dear my "brother" is to me as we go to God.  How near is God!  The ending of the dream of separation is close at hand!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lesson 343 ~ The end of the world.

The end of the "world" cannot be loss.  The "world" does not give me Everything.  I may have money and an expensive home, but people envy me and try to take what I have.  I may have a great job, but there is always someone smarter or younger, waiting to take my place.  With every "good" thing of the "world," there is always some opposing, "not-good" thing.  Heaven gives only the Eternal:  Love, Peace, Joy and Certainty, and there is nothing opposite to this.   God only gives.  He never takes away.  And as His Son, I can only give and Everything is mine Eternally.  My Reality is not a "world" of life-followed-by-death, happiness-followed-by-sorrow, or joy-followed-by-grief.  Those I love are part of me.  I exist in Oneness with Everything.  All things are given me Forever and Ever.  As God's Son I am Complete.  No sacrifice or suffering is required of me.  My Reality is not what I "see" with the "body's eyes."  What seems to be "outside" me is not Real at all.  Salvation has no cost.  "Death" will not lead me to salvation.  Only through forgiveness of the dream will I Awaken to my Reality with God.  Father, I will do my part by forgiving the dream and all my thoughts within the dream.  You have done everything else.  Death does not bring my "spirit" to Heaven, only the correction of the dream in my mind can offer me salvation and lead to the Awakening of Reality with You. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Lesson 342 ~ As I give forgiveness, forgiveness rests on me.

Thank You, Father, for saving me from the hell I made.  The "world" is not Real.  My "body" is not Real.  Anything "outside" me is just a fantasy.  You have given me the means to prove its unreality.  The key is in my hand and I have reached the door.  Beyond the door is the end of dreams.  I have stood before the Gate of Heaven, wondering if I should enter and be at Home.  Today, I will not hesitate.  Today I will forgive all things as You have instructed me, including my own thoughts which are not even my True Thoughts.  By forgiveness, I will create a space in my mind for Truth to enter.  Just as "nature abhors a vacuum," my mind will flood with Truth when a space has been created by forgiveness.  Father, today I will remember that I am Your Child.  And when I open the door to Reality, illusions will disappear in the Blazing Light of Truth, as the Memory of You returns to me.   With God's Purpose in mind for my world of dreams, the "others" that seem to exist in this "world" with me, are now seen as my saviors; I forgive them of what they did not do as we join hands and make our way Home.  As we go, the "world" disappears.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lesson 341 ~ Only Thought is Real.

Father, Your Son is Holy.  I am he, on whom You Smile in a Love and Tenderness so Deep and Still, all Thought shares that Holiness.  How Safe I am!  How Holy I am!  I exist in Your Smile.  I am infused with Your Love.  I am One in You and You in me; Son and Father Complete.  I will not attack my Innocence, for It contains the Word of God and in Its Kind Reflection I am saved. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Lesson 340 ~ My Awakening is close at hand.

Father, thank You for the Freedom today will bring.  This day is Holy, for today Your Son's suffering is over.   I will hear Your Voice directing me toward salvation through forgiveness of "everyone" and "everything" that seems to be "outside" me, finding Freedom forever from all suffering.  I seemingly created the world of illusions to have an experience of "separation-from-God."  The only use for the world of dreams now, is to find my way Home.  I will be glad today.  I will be glad!  There is no room for anything today except for Joy and thanks.  My Father has pointed to the way Home.  He has created a path, given me the means and all but carries me there!  My only part is forgiveness.  I WILL find my way Home.  There is no doubt about this.  I will forgive all things "outside" me, to create a space in my mind for Truth.  I will Awaken in the Heart of Love, Safe in my Father's Arms. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lesson 339 ~ I receive whatever I request.

I do not want pain.  But that is exactly what I ask for when I dwell on thoughts of the world, or think I can find Happiness in the world of dreams. In the world of dreams, I am confused about what I want.  I think a see a variety of things that will bring me happiness:  a good job, a happy family, travel, an education, lots of money, a loving relationship with my parents, drugs/sex/rocknroll, etc.  When I dwell on and ask for things of the world, I am asking for things that will frighten me and bring me pain and suffering.  Anything "outside" me will bring me pain and suffering.  While I continue to seemingly exist in the world of dreams, I can use every person, situation or event as an opportunity for forgiveness.  I will replace thoughts of the world with the Thoughts of Truth I find in ACIM.  Father, to be a "self-made man" is my attempt to be my own god and create an experience apart from You.  I can do nothing apart from You.  Anything I do "apart from" You is only a fantasy and can never be Reality.  Today, I will do nothing by myself.  I will listen for Your Voice in everything I do; seeking only what You offer me and accepting only Thoughts of Truth. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lesson 338 ~ I am affected only by my thoughts.

The "world," my "body," and all that is "outside" me are just thoughts in my mind.  I am affected only by my thoughts.  No one can frighten me and nothing can harm me.  I have no enemies and I am Safe from all that seems to be outside of me.   Mind is the only Reality and I am part of the Mind of God.  I Exist in God.  What happens to my sleeping dreams when I wake?  They disappear.   It is the same for the dream of "separation from" God.  It exists only as a fantasy.  Since thoughts of the "world" and all that seems to be outside me are mine and mine alone, I now know that I have the Power to change them.  I can change each thought of fear to a Happy Thought of Love.  I can change thoughts of separation from God to Thoughts of Unity with God.  Thoughts of anger, envy, judgment and impatience, to thoughts of forgiveness.  I crucified myself!  There is nothing and no one "outside" me.  To change my "reality,"  I will change my thoughts.  I will lay aside illusions and make a space in my mind for Truth to enter.  Father, Your Plan is Certain.  All others goals and plans will fail.  I will continue to have thoughts that frighten me until I accept that only Your Thought leads to Freedom.  My thoughts will keep me running on the vicious wheel of madness and lead me nowhere.  Thoughts of forgiveness lead me Home. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Lesson 337 ~ I am protected from all harm.

I am sinless as God's Son.  This ensures me Perfect Peace, Eternal Safety, Everlasting Love and Freedom Forever from all loss and suffering.  Only Happiness can be my State, for Life in God offers only Happiness and Peace.  How do I experience this?  Forgive everyone and everything.  Nothing more, nothing less.  God has already done all the things that need done.  I can do nothing of myself, except to forgive.  I need only accept my Reality as God's Son and feel His Love protecting me from "harm."   Father, You created me sinless.  I was mistaken when I thought I created a reality "apart from" You.  I accept my only function of forgiveness.  My dream is ended now.  Amen. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lesson 336 ~ Forgiveness is the way Home.

Everything that seems to be "outside" me is occurring only in my mind.  All "people," all "situations,"  all that is "said" and "done," is a dream in my mind.  If "someone" says something that "offends" me, I can know it is me doing it to myself.  If I "see" a dreary, ugly, fat, stupid, lazy world around me, it is only my mind projecting those images to "prove" that I am separated from God.  I need only forgive, lay those thoughts aside making a space in my mind for Truth to enter. I do not need to dwell on every thought that comes into my mind.  All thoughts I think in the world of dreams are not even my True Thoughts.  My True Thoughts are the ones I think with My Creator.  To know my True Thoughts I forgive, lay aside dreams and make a space for Truth.  Truth cannot enter when I clutter my mind with illusions.  Forgiveness sweeps away distortions.   Through forgiveness, Peace of Mind is restored and the Thought of God returns to me.  And then I can look within to find what I have vainly sought "outside" myself.  I will let forgiveness wipe away dreams of separation.  Father, help me to look within and find my Identity as Your Son.  Reality remains Unchanged within my mind. Beyond the illusions and dreams, awaits Your Love. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lesson 335 ~ Forgiveness leads to Awakening.

In the world of dreams I am blind to Reality.  I never "see" anything for what it is.  I have imagined a world "separated from" God, and I believe in what I have seemingly created.  I would be lost forever if I could truly separate myself from God.  But "separating" myself from God is impossible.  It is like a sunbeam separating itself from the sun.  Or a ripple separating itself from the ocean.  It is just not possible.  Yet, in fantasy ~ in dreams ~ anything is possible.  In the world of dreams, I "see" separation from God.  It is to this alone that I respond, however much I am impelled by "outside" happenings.  Today I change what I wish to see from "separation," to Truth.  What could restore the Memory of God to me except to seek only Truth, and forgive the rest?  I can use this world of dreams not for an imagined "separation from" God, but to remember my Reality with God.  Every person, situation, thought or event can be used as an opportunity for forgiveness.  I can forgive everything and everyone for what they did not do.  Beyond fantasy is Truth, waiting to show me the Gifts forgiveness offers.  What happens to my sleeping dreams when I Awaken?  They disappear.  Father, forgiveness changes the goal of the dream from "separation from God" to "Unity with God."  Let me forgive everyone and everything, and Awaken from the dream. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lesson 334 ~ Today I claim the Gifts forgiveness offers.

I will not wait another day to find the Treasures my Father offers me.  Dreams and illusions offer me nothing, for Reality is far beyond the world of madness.  Even the thoughts I have in the world of dreams are not my True Thoughts.  I am trapped in a cycle of insanity until I accept that forgiveness of everything and everyone is my only way out.  Why would the Son of God accept insanity over Reality?  It is because I think I separated myself from my Father, and all that I seem to see is "proof" of that despair. God is holding out His Peace and Love to me....will I accept?  Today I use every thought, every encounter and every situation as an opportunity for forgiveness.  Father, today I look for only the Eternal, for I can be content with nothing less.  Nothing can comfort me except what You are offering to my bewildered, frightened heart.  Only Your Gifts bring me Certainty and Peace. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lesson 333 ~ Forgiveness ends the dream.

Conflict must be resolved. It cannot be denied, disguised, evaded nor hidden by deceit of any kind.  If I want to escape conflict I must face it directly, see it exactly as it is, in the "reality" which has been given it and with the purpose my mind had for it.  Only then are conflict's defenses lifted, and Truth can Shine upon it as it disappears.  The purpose for anything in the world of dreams, is to "prove" that I am "separated from" God.  In Reality this is impossible.  In dreams, anything is possible.  Father, forgiveness is the only dream that does not create other dreams.  It is the dream that dissolves all other dreams and leads to my Awakening.  Forgiveness is the dream of Restoration that is Your Gift to Your Beloved Son. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lesson 332 ~ Fear holds my mind prisoner. Forgiveness sets it Free.

I seemingly created the world I see.  There is nothing and no one "outside" me.  Mind is the only Reality.  There is only Oneness and I am One with my Creator.  Truth never attacks, It merely Is.  Truth's Presence shines away fantasies, Awakening me to what is Real.  Forgiveness of everyone and everything that seems to be "outside" me creates a space in my mind for Truth to enter in and take Its Rightful Place.  Without forgiveness my mind is in chains, believing madness.  Yet with forgiveness, Light Shines through the dream of darkness, offering it Hope and giving it the means to realize that Eternal Love is my Inheritance.  I will not bind my mind to thoughts of insanity today.  Fear has held my mind prisoner, but Your Love, Father, has given me the means to set it Free.  As I offer forgiveness to "others," forgiveness fills my mind, and a space is created for Truth to enter.  Father, I will not remain a prisoner to insanity when You hold out the means for my Freedom. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lesson 331 ~ Forgive the madness.

Father, I cannot suffer, sin, nor die.  You Love me Father, You never created this madness for me.  I am the dreamer of the dream of insanity.  You did not create this Father, I did.  I never left You, and You never abandoned me.  I am Safe in Heaven with You, dreaming a dream of exile and separation from You.  I need only lay dreams aside, one by one, to Awaken to my Reality with You.  I will continue to forgive everyone and everything that seems to be outside me.  Even the thoughts I think in the world of dreams are not my True Thoughts.  I will forgive myself and all the thoughts that enter my mind.  My Reality is Eternal Peace, Love and Joy, and if I do not have This, I am dreaming.  I will forgive all that is not Eternal Peace, Love and Joy and my Father will do the rest.  I am One with my Father and He with me.  Beyond the madness is my Reality.  My only function in the world of dreams is to forgive the madness and my Father Awakens me to Reality. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lesson 330 ~ Today I stop hurting myself.

Forgiveness of everyone and everything that seems to be "outside" me is my function.  Forgiveness of every thought that comes into my mind is my function.  Forgiveness of my anxiety and angst is my function.  Forgiveness of my boredom and restlessness is my function.  Forgiveness of my victimhood is my function.  Forgiveness is my only function.  Today I accept my one true function in the world of dreams.  I can gently lay aside images of pain.  God holds out His Power and Love, and bids me to take what is already mine.  When my mind is clear of thoughts of "separation from" God, an empty space is created for Truth to flow in. The Self which God created cannot "sin" or be "separated from" Him.  Therefore I cannot suffer or be in pain.  That I can imagine suffering and pain is evident, but it can never be Reality.  My Identity is in God.  I can, right now, escape forever from the dream of fear.  Father, I am Your Son and I cannot be hurt or injured in any way.  If I think I suffer, it is only because I am indulging in a dream of separation from you.  One by one, I learn to lay aside dreams to make room for Reality.  Today I am saved from what I thought I was. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lesson 329 ~ God's Will is my will.

Father, I thought I wandered from You, defied You, broke all Your Holy Laws and created a will of my own more powerful than Yours.  I have punished myself over and over, day after day, in a thousand different ways.  Yet what I am in Truth is Your Holy Son.  This will never change no matter what I dream up.  You are One and I am One with You.  The choice was made for all Eternity.  It cannot change.  My will can never be in opposition to Yours.  Father my will is Yours and I am Safe, Untroubled, Serene and in Endless Joy, because it is Your Will that It be so.  What God Wills is True Everywhere and Always; It does not change because I am dreaming.  Today I recognize my Union with my Source and Everything There Is.  I have no will apart from my Father.  Through His Will, I recognize I am One with Everything.  Through His Will, I find my way, at last, to God. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Lesson 328 ~ There is no will except the Father's.

What seems to be second place is first, in this world of dreams.  I strive to be autonomous and independent; a "self-made" man, so to speak.  I pride myself on "pulling myself up by my bootstraps" and making a life for myself.  I think I will gain salvation by being independent from the "evil" in the world; I stay away from "evil" and try to do only "good." Yet all I find is sickness, suffering, loss and death.  "Death" is my reward for a life well-lived; or at the very least it seems I must "die" to be able to experience my salvation and Heaven.  I seemingly created this world of separation, not God.  God does not will any of this madness for me.  I do not have a will "apart from" His.  I am not separate from God.  This "world" can be likened to a dream.  A dream of separation from God.  It is not, and can never be, my Reality.  All things I perceive in the world of dreams are upside down....until I listen to God's Voice.  To join with God's Will is to find my own.  Father, there is no will except for Yours.  I am glad that nothing I imagine about the world of dreams is Real.  It is Your Will that I be Safe and Eternally at Peace.  Through ACIM, I find my way back to You. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lesson 327 ~ The proof is in the pudding.

I am not asked to take ACIM on the basis of unsupported faith.  For God has promised He will hear my call and answer me Himself.  The proof?  My experience.  The resulting experience will then endure and take me further and further on the road that leads to Him.  He awaits my call to give me all the help I need.  Father, Your Promises will never fail.  My experience will be the proof I need.  I only need test Your plan for salvation to understand this is so.  I will not judge what You ask me to do.  You ask me to forgive everyone and everything?  That is what I will do.  The resulting experience will be the proof that leads me onward to You.  You do not ask me to forgive on blind faith.  "Test it out," You Gently suggest.