Wisconsin, USA
Friday, January 31, 2014
Lesson 283 ~ My True Identity is in God.
Father, I made an image of myself seemingly apart from You. It is this false image I call my "self." Yet, Your Creation is Unchangeable, and remains as It always Was. What is Beloved of You is Secure in Your Love and Safe in Your Gentle Embrace. God is my Source. I do not exist in dreams, but in Heaven with my Father. Today, I lay aside dreams and embrace Truth. No matter the form of the dream, they are all the same: a symbol of separation from my Father. The "world of dreams" is my thought of separation from God seemingly projected outside myself. My mind is preoccupied with a fantasy of separation from God. I will forgive what I seem to see and repeat to myself the daily lessons of Truth. God will do the rest.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Lesson 282 ~ Today I exchange illusions for Truth.
I will not be afraid of Love. This is the decision not to be insane; to accept myself as the Holy Son my Father created. Today I am determined not to be asleep in dreams of death. I choose to recognize the Self which God created as the Son He Loves; the Son who remains my One True Identity. Father, You are Love and so am I. This is Truth. Can Truth be changed by merely giving It another name? The name of fear/illusions/death/hell/sin is simply a mistake. Let me not be afraid of Truth today. Your Son is Safe with You in Heaven, dreaming a dream of separation from You. Today I will Awaken and be glad.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Lesson 281 ~ I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.
Father, Your Son is Perfect. When I think I am hurt in any way, it is only because I have forgotten who I am. I am Whole and Perfect just as You created me. Only Your Thoughts can bring me Happiness. If I am ever sad, hurt or ill, it is only because I have put my little meaningless dreams in place of where Your Thoughts belong. I need only remind myself to offer forgiveness to a world of unreality. I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts. The Thoughts I think with You, Father, can only Bless me. Only the Thoughts I think with You are True. I will not hurt myself today, for I am far beyond all pain now. My Father placed me Safe in Heaven, and He is watching over me. It is time to lay aside dreams and remember my Reality.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Lesson 280 ~ The Son of God is Free and Unlimited.
I have seemingly invented a prison for myself in a world of illusion, but this can only be fantasy, not Reality. I am a Thought of God, and I have never left His Mind. God is Unlimited, Free and Pure and therefore, so am I. The Son of God is Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile......but only dreaming. It is time to Awaken and be Free. Father, today I give honor to Your Son, my Holy Self. I seemingly created a world to separate myself from You. But You will use my fantasy, to bring me back to You. Every "enemy" becomes my greatest friend, every thought and decision is easy when I know there is only this choice: dreams or Truth.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Lesson 279 ~ I am Free.
Only in dreams is there a time when the Son of God seems to be imprisoned, awaiting a "future" freedom, if freedom is at all. In Reality, dreams are gone, with Truth established in their place. For Truth is All There Is. Freedom is here now. The dream of madness has ended. Should I wait in chains which have been broken for my release, when God is offering me Freedom now? The prison door is open. It has always been open. My eyes pretended not to see. Father, I accept Your Promises today. I choose Your Promises today. Salvation is only a matter of choosing Truth over dreams with each and every thought and decision that enters my mind. Salvation is accomplished in the mind.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Lesson 278 ~ I will replace dreams with Truth.
I am not imprisoned in a "body" in a "world" in which all things are born and eventually die. There are no "sinful people" in a "sinful world." There is nothing and no one outside of me. Nothing "physical" exists. The only Reality is Thought. The only way to understand this, is by laying aside illusions and embracing Truth. This is all done in my mind. What I seem to see outside myself are my own thoughts of separation from God. Father, I seek only for Truth. I have had many foolish thoughts about myself. I have brought a dream of fear and separation into my mind. Today I lay aside dreams. I choose Truth, instead of madness, fear, and separation. Truth is the only Thought that will fully satisfy me.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Lesson 277 ~ Nothing "physical" can satisfy the Son of God.
Father, Your Son is Free. Free of a "body," a "world," and all "laws" of the world of dreams. Your Son is not changed by a world that is changeable. I am not a prisoner to any laws of "time." I am as You created me. I know no laws except the Law of Love. I am bound only by what I believe. Do I believe in dreams, or do I believe in Truth? Only one of these will occupy my mind at any given time. ACIM teaches me how to replace dreams with Truth, and it is all done in the mind. I am Free because I am God's Son. I live by the laws of the dream because the dream seems to be my reality, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." But I know in Truth, that my Reality lies far beyond dreams of dust and death. My Reality is Pure Thought. Nothing "physical" can contain or satisfy me. Knowing what is "outside me" is a dream, shall I go out into the dream to rob, rape, plunder, and take what I want....defy all laws of space and time? No. By indulging in the dream in that manner, I only make it more "real" for me, ensuring that illusions are foremost in my mind. It sets my Reality with God ~ once again ~ on the back burner. While I experience my "self" in a body on a "planet" in a "universe," I will abide by the rules I made, yet I will continue practicing the ideas in ACIM. By healing my mind, I heal all that seems to be "outside me." I seem to live in the "world" but my mind is no longer bound by the world.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Lesson 276 ~ I will replace dreams with Truth.
God's Word to me is this: My Son, you are Pure and Holy like Myself. I listen only for God's Word in this dream of mine, anything else will deceive me. As I practice the words of Truth in ACIM, I will begin to Awaken to the Remembrance of my Father, and hence my Self. Father Your Word is mine. While I see "others," I will love them as myself, for that is who "they" are. I will lay aside thoughts of "separation," and fill my mind with Thoughts of Truth. When a thought of "separation" enters my mind, I will gently replace it with Truth.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Lesson 275 ~ God's Healing Voice protects all things today.
The Voice of God speaks an Ancient lesson, no Truer today than any other day. Yet, today, I have chosen to seek, hear, learn, and understand. The Voice of God tells me of things I cannot understand or learn by myself while I am entrenched in a dream. In God's Voice are all things protected....all things healed. Father, Your Healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You. I will not be anxious, frustrated, angry, worried, or impatient about anything. For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; whom to speak to and what to say; what thoughts to think and how to interact with the "world." God's Voice is my Peace and Comfort today.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Lesson 274 ~ Be not afraid. Today belongs to Love
Father, I will not concern myself with dreams. I will let all things be as You Created them ~ Eternal, Holy, Peaceful, Loving, Joyful. I will learn to know my Self as I am: Your Holy Son....just as You Created me. If I preoccupy myself with dreams, I will not remember my Reality. Truth and illusions cannot exist in my mind at the same time. While I seem to be in a "body" among other "bodies" living on a "planet" in a "universe," I will abide by the laws of what I seemingly created; for to do otherwise reinforces the "reality" of the dream. For instance, if I am an "alcoholic" in the dream, then I will avoid "alcoholic beverages." For to attempt to "prove" I am dreaming by drinking without consequence, I will only entrench myself further in the dream. It is using one dream to "prove" another dream, and I will suffer the consequences according to the rules of the dream. While I experience myself in a "body" among other "bodies," I will offer only love and forgiveness. For each "body" is a projection of my mind of the thought of "separation." Through love and forgiveness, I will experience Light replace darkness, and Truth replace illusions. A special Blessing comes to me today from my Father. I will give this day to Him. To give this day to my Father is to give this day to Love....today there will be no fear. As my mind "heals," a "healed world" reflects back to me.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Lesson 273 ~ I sit with the Quiet, Peace of God
ACIM is a Course in mind training. In the dream, I have been preoccupied with chaos. My mind is undisciplined. I have seemingly created a "world-apart-from-God," which is possible only in dreams. All that my "eyes" seem to see "outside" me is a dream, for there is nothing and no one outside me. To Awaken to Reality, I learn to lay aside dreams, one by one, and make a space in my mind for Truth. This can take only "a moment" or it can take "many lifetimes," for "time" itself is a fantasy. The choice is mine. Today, I make room for Truth. Today, I make room for Peace. Am I ready for a day of Undisturbed Tranquility, or at least learn how such a day is possible? If a disturbance crosses my mind, I will lay it aside and return to Peace. That is it. I will tell my mind with certainty, "The Stillness of the Peace of God is mine, and nothing can stop what God intends for His Son to have." Father, Your Peace is mine. I will have no fear. The "monsters" and "demons" I have seemingly created to "prove" that I am separated from You, do not exist. I am Safe in Heaven, dreaming of exile. I gently lay aside the dream, to make room for Truth......ultimately Awakening to You.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Lesson 272 ~ Will dreams of dust satisfy the Son of God?
Father, Truth belongs to me. My will and Yours is that I am in Heaven with You. Can I be content with dreams? Can illusions bring me a Happiness that never fades? What but my Reality with You can ever satisfy me? I will accept no less that what You have given me Father. I am surrounded by Your Love, but I blind myself with dreams. Must the dreams become so painful that I cry out for mercy or think of death as my only "salvation?" I am as You created me. You are always with me and I am Forever Safe with You Father, ever in Your Gentle Embrace. I rub the scales from my eyes, and lay aside the glittering but empty promises that have held my mind in a prison of my own making. Today I lay aside illusions. If I hear temptation call to me to stay and linger in a dream, I will turn away and ask myself if I, the Son of God, could possibly be content with empty dreams, when Heaven can be easily chosen over hell and Love Happily replace all fear.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Lesson 271 ~ Today I choose Truth.
Each day, each hour, and every instant I am choosing for dreams or Reality. I choose the sounds I want to hear and the sights I want to see. I select the witnesses to what I want to be "reality" for me. Today I choose to look upon all I see with Christ-Vision. With Christ-Vision, the "world" and the reflection of God's Creation meet, and as they come together, all illusion disappears. Father, Christ-Vision is the way to You. Christ-Vision is the "world" forgiven and illusions laid aside to make room for Truth, inviting Your Memory to be restored to me. Today I make only one choice: I choose dreams or I choose Truth. Only one is Real.
The Christ is the Sonship healed of dreams. The Christ-mind is the mind I have when I lay aside dreams and think thoughts of forgiveness and Truth. The Christ-mind is the link that keeps me One with God and all Creation, now and Forever, and guarantees that the thought of "separation" is nothing more than an illusion of despair. My mind is part of God's Mind and His of mine. He is the part where dreams are over and my mind remains untouched by anything the "body's eyes" perceive. Within the Christ-mind is where the Father placed the means for my salvation. It is where my Self remains Innocent and Holy just as my Father Created me. There is a part of my mind that remains at Peace and within Heaven. This is the only part of me that is Real. The rest are dreams. And those dreams will be set aside and given to the Christ-mind to fade before the Glory of Heaven. It is the Place in my mind where dreams are translated into Truth; where the final dream of "salvation" is translated into the Truth of Heaven by God Himself. As I behold God's Glory, I will know that I have no need of "learning" or "perception" or "time" or the "Christ-mind" or "salvation." For my mind will Awaken to Heaven as Part of God Himself, just as He Created me.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Lesson 270 ~ Today I lay aside dreams
I will not rely on the body's eyes to show me Truth. The world of dreams and "bodies" do not exist. The Son of God is Safe in Heaven, dreaming a dream of exile. "Eyesight" only shows me what my mind tells it to, for Mind is the only Reality. I will lay aside dreams one by one and make space in my mind for Truth. This can take "a moment" or it can take "many lifetimes." The choice is mine. Will I allow dreams of separation (hatred, judgment, impatience, envy, annoyance, grief, anger) to fester in my mind, keeping me firmly entrenched in the dream? Or will I gently lay the dream aside and make a space in my mind for Truth....a space in my mind for the Memory of God? Father, today I lay aside dreams in my mind and make a space for the Remembrance of You.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Lesson 269 ~ Make room for Truth
Father, I ask Your Blessing on my vision today. You will show me that I have been mistaken about what I see. You will help me to look beyond the dream. In the dream, I can only understand by comparing one thing to another: I am me here, and you are you over there, my car is the red one parked by the tree and yours in the blue one in the driveway. It seems so real and convincing. Yet You will give me a new perception which reflects Your Truth. Today I choose to see a world forgiven. Everything and everyone I see will bring Truth to my mind when I forgive them. I will lay aside insane thoughts of the world, and make a space in my mind for Truth. There is no room for Truth when my mind is crowded with insane thoughts. No matter how convincing these thoughts are today, I will gently lay them aside, so Truth can enter.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Lesson 268 ~ Lay aside the dream, my friend.
I had a thought: what would it be like if I were separated from God? In this thought is where I currently think I am. It is just a thought, really a fantasy or illusion, and it is already over. I am Safe in Heaven with my Father, dreaming a dream ~ over and over and over. I am doing it to myself.
If error were possible, Heaven would immediately correct it.....and It has. In my guilt, I dream the dream over and over. Why can I not just Awaken? I can......by laying aside the dream. Am I willing to do that? Really? Is not there just one more dream I must chase? One more trinket I must possess? One more illusion I must embrace, only to watch it turn to dust just as I reach out for it?
My sick mind thinks: "But wait! There is good and noble in this world of mine. What about an innocent baby? Animals that depend on me? That fulfilling relationship with my spouse?" What "good" and "noble" in this world does not end in separation, loss, rejection, aging,z or death? There is always the possibility my spouse may leave for greener pastures. Even if that does not happen, rest assured our relationship will end in death. That innocent baby grows from helpless baby, to toddling toddler, to rebellious teenager; in no time at all, they leave for school, friends, marriage, and family.
What has ever fully satisfied me in the world in a way that I no longer need to seek for more? I have seemingly created a "world" which never fully satisfies. And THAT, my friend, is "a-world-apart-from-God." If "problems" were possible, God's Nature of Unity and Completion would always place the answer with the question, and the correction alongside the problem. Once I learn to lay aside the dream and make an empty space in my mind for Truth, I will notice this is True even in the world of dreams.
ACIM is a Course in mind-training. I am training my mind to lay aside dreams and remember that I am Home. Father, You created me in Love, and in Love I remain. What can frighten me, when I realize it is all just a dream and I am Safe at Home in You? My Reality is free of pain and loss, and is Wholly Safe and Comforting. Today, I lay aside dreams and seek only This.
If error were possible, Heaven would immediately correct it.....and It has. In my guilt, I dream the dream over and over. Why can I not just Awaken? I can......by laying aside the dream. Am I willing to do that? Really? Is not there just one more dream I must chase? One more trinket I must possess? One more illusion I must embrace, only to watch it turn to dust just as I reach out for it?
My sick mind thinks: "But wait! There is good and noble in this world of mine. What about an innocent baby? Animals that depend on me? That fulfilling relationship with my spouse?" What "good" and "noble" in this world does not end in separation, loss, rejection, aging,z or death? There is always the possibility my spouse may leave for greener pastures. Even if that does not happen, rest assured our relationship will end in death. That innocent baby grows from helpless baby, to toddling toddler, to rebellious teenager; in no time at all, they leave for school, friends, marriage, and family.
What has ever fully satisfied me in the world in a way that I no longer need to seek for more? I have seemingly created a "world" which never fully satisfies. And THAT, my friend, is "a-world-apart-from-God." If "problems" were possible, God's Nature of Unity and Completion would always place the answer with the question, and the correction alongside the problem. Once I learn to lay aside the dream and make an empty space in my mind for Truth, I will notice this is True even in the world of dreams.
ACIM is a Course in mind-training. I am training my mind to lay aside dreams and remember that I am Home. Father, You created me in Love, and in Love I remain. What can frighten me, when I realize it is all just a dream and I am Safe at Home in You? My Reality is free of pain and loss, and is Wholly Safe and Comforting. Today, I lay aside dreams and seek only This.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Lesson 267 ~ Awaken and be glad!
When I lay aside dreams and choose Reality, I will come to realize that God uses the world of illusions I created for His Own Purposes. He uses my mis-creations to bring me Home to Him. All I see, He uses to call me Home. Peace will fill my heart and mind and flood all things that seem to be "outside" me. The world will reflect God's Love. My body will be an instrument of forgiveness. In forgiving all that seems to be "outside" me, I Awaken to find that I have forgiven only my Self. As my mind heals, all that seems to be "outside" me heals, including the "body" and the "world." Every heartbeat brings me Peace. Every breath infuses me with Strength. I am directed by God's Voice and sustained by His Love; held forever in Quiet and Peace within His Loving Arms. The pulse of the "universe" calls His Name and the "world" assures me that I am Home with my Father. Father, my heart beats in the Eternity of Your Love. Only in You am I at Home....fully Satisfied...fully at Peace....fully Content.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Lesson 266 ~ God uses my dream for His Own Purposes
Father, You will use the dream I created for separation, to be a Blessing that leads to You. You will use all I have miscreated for Your Own Purposes. My enemies turn to friends, grief turns to Joy, sorrow turns to Happiness, and my dreams will lead me to You. Today, in my world of dreams Your Love will be reflected back to me. Today, I enter Paradise, calling upon God's Name which is my own. The world of fragments is United in the Holy Love of God. The many "others" are now my saviors. How can I lose my way to God when He has filled the world with those who point the Way to Him?
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