Wisconsin, USA
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Lesson 251 ~ I need only Truth.
I have looked for many things in the world of dreams and found only despair, guilt, sin, loss, and death. In the dream-world I sometimes seem to receive what I desire, yet only to be left wanting for more. Today I seek for only ONE thing: TRUTH. All that I desired before, I did not truly need and did not even want. My one and only need I did not recognize. But now, I see that I need only TRUTH. In Truth, all needs are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are fulfilled, and all dreams are gone. Truth is everything that I could want or need. At last I find myself at Peace. Father, I am grateful for Your Peace. You restored what I have denied myself. My Sonship with You satisfies all my wants and needs.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Lesson 250 ~ Identify only with Truth.
I will see the Son of God in me today and witness to His Glory. I will not obscure His Holy Light by dwelling on illusions of separation, nor reduce the Son of God in me to weakness and frailty by entertaining thoughts of anger, impatience, judgment, or sorrow. The Son of God in me is my ONLY Reality. The part of me who thinks it lives in a world apart from God, waking up every morning to yet another battle, returning home every night in defeat, is only a dream...an illusion...a fantasy. The Son of God is Who I Am. I am One with God and He is One with me. THIS is my only Reality. Father I am Your Son. Today I will see Gentleness instead of illusions. Salvation is as simple as replacing thoughts of illusions with Thoughts of Truth. Today I see Truly and identify only with Son of God in me.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Lesson 249 ~ Forgiveness: the answer to all problems
Forgiveness reminds me that the "world of separation" is not Real. The Son of God cannot possibly exist in a world of suffering, loss, anger, attack and madness, when what God Willed for His Son was Perfect and Eternal Peace, Love, Joy, Serenity and Bliss. I will replace all thoughts of illusion with Thoughts of Truth to Awaken to Reality. "Salvation" is as simple as that. I am Safe in Heaven with my Father, dreaming a dream of separation, therefore it is not possible that the Son of God is "separate from" His Father. When I do my part ~ forgiveness ~ the world will reflect the healing taking place in my mind. I will see a place of joy, abundance, charity, and endless giving. It will become so much like Heaven, that it is quickly transformed into the Light it reflects. The hapless journey which the Son of God began has ended in the Light From Which he came. Father, I return my mind to You. I have laid aside Reality to embrace illusions/dreams/fantasies of bitterness, violence, and death. Now I Rest again in You. I am grateful.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Lesson 248 ~ Lost in a fantasy.
In the seeming world of separation, I have laid aside Truth to embrace illusions. Today, I will lay aside illusions and embrace Truth. Whatever suffers is not a part of me. What grieves is not myself. What is in pain is only an illusion in my mind. What dies was never living in Reality. There is nothing and no one "outside" myself. Pain, grief, suffering, and death are all illusions that help to sustain the "world of separation." I am God's Holy Son, who seemingly entertained a thought of "separation from" God. Though it is not possible in Reality, in fantasy anything is possible. And fantasy it is. Today I will lay aside the thought that I live in a "body," in a world "outside" myself, populated with other "bodies," and think only Thoughts of Truth. Father, my Ancient Love for You returns and lets me remember myself as Your Holy Son. I am as You created me, not what I imagined myself to be. Now Your Love is remembered, for Your Love is my own and I understand that They are One.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Lesson 247 ~ Without forgiveness I will be blind.
Sin is the world's symbol of separation. If I seem to see "sin" anywhere I, myself, will suffer. Forgiveness is the only means for my Awakening. No matter what "others" seem to say or do, forgiveness is the only answer. In order for me to understand that there is no "world," no "others," no "bodies," and nothing "outside" myself......I must forgive. Only then will God's Love be experienced. The world of separation thrives on chaos, hatred, envy, jealousy, death, loss, grief, sadness, impatience, annoyance, judgment, and anything that is not Truth. To experience Reality, I lay the world aside and embrace only Truth. When I look for chaos, I WILL find it. When I look for sadness, I WILL find it. In the same way, when I look for Love, I WILL find It. When I look for Peace, I WILL find It, when I look for Truth, I WILL find It. I cannot look for both illusions and Truth at the same time. I must choose one or the other. Today, I look on everyone and everything as an opportunity for forgiveness. I seemingly created a world outside myself and populated it with "others." God will use this apparent miscreation of mine, for His Own Purposes, to bring me back to an Awareness of Him. I honor all I see as a tool of my Father, and I will use each as an opportunity to choose Truth.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Lesson 246 ~ I Love God's Son in whatever form he appears today.
I must let go of hatred, envy, jealousy, impatience (all thoughts and feelings that are not Peace, Love, and Joy) in order to find the way to God. I must lay aside illusions and dreams, and embrace only Truth. I can do this over many "lifetimes," or I can do this now. Hating myself or another, is one and the same, for there is only One Son. If I entertain thoughts of hate toward myself, or revenge toward "another," my mind becomes further immersed in the dream of separation. For there is no "other." There is no "world." There are no "bodies." There is no "me." The only Reality is One Mind. While "I" seem to exist in a body, within a world of other bodies, I can use every opportunity, encounter, every decision and thought, as another chance for forgiveness, love, and another step closer to Awakening to Reality. God's Will and my own are One. That is simple Truth. Truth is always simple. Illusions are always convoluted and chaotic. Today I choose to embrace only Love and forgiveness and give It silently away to whatever forms appear to me in each moment of this day.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Lesson 245 ~ Father, You are with me. I am Safe.
Father, You are with me wherever I go. Your Joy sheds Its Light on everyone I meet. Your Love consoles the desolate, the lonely, and those afraid. I give Your Peace to those who suffer pain, grieve for loss or think they are without Hope and Happiness. Send them to me, Father. While I see a world "outside" me, I will remember that everyone and everything offers me an opportunity for forgiveness and Awakening. While I seem to see a world "outside" me, it will reflect back to me my own healing. I seemingly created a world apart from God to give me an experience of "apart-from-God." Yet God can use this seeming miscreation of mine for His Own Purposes....it is my choice whether or not to accept His Help. I WILL eventually accept His Help, it is only a matter of "time." I can only deny my Reality as His Son for so long before Its Loving Song beckons me gladly Home. Each thought I have and every decision I make is a choice for Heaven or a choice for dreams. Will I ruminate on dreams ~ which is a very difficult thing for the Son of God to do ~ or will I choose Truth, which is the easiest and most comfortable choice for the Son of God? Dreams are difficult to maintain. Heaven is my Natural State of Being.........And so I go in God's Peace, Love, and Joy. While I seem to see a world outside me, I will offer the message of Truth I have received. In this way, I come to recognize God's Voice. Heaven requires no penance or sacrifice. Heaven is my Natural State and my Reality with God. Heaven is as easy and natural to me as breathing is to the body. In Peace, Love, and Joy is how God created me to be. I will lay aside dreams and embrace Truth....then I will quietly give It away to all I seem to see while I seem to see it....and God will take the final step in my Awakening.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Lesson 244 ~ I am in danger nowhere in the world.
Father, I am Safe wherever I am, for You are there with me. I need only call Your Name and I will recognize Your Safety and Love. The "physical" world is not Real, Thought is my only Reality, and I am a Thought of You. How can I can fear or doubt? I cannot suffer, be endangered or experience unhappiness because I am Your Son, created in Love, Peace, and Serenity. Father, I need only remind myself that I am in the Safety of Your Loving Embrace..........This is the Truth I seek. I am the Son of God. What my Reality Is and what I think my "reality" is, are two different things. Nothing can be a threat to God and nothing can harm His Beloved Son. I am Safe with my Father in Heaven, dreaming of exile to a world "apart from" Him. God gives me the tools to Awaken to Reality. I need only choose to use them.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Lesson 243 ~ Today I judge nothing that occurs.
I will be honest with myself today. From my tiny bits of perspective, I will not assume I understand anything. Today I recognize that I do not know anything and have no knowledge on which to judge. Today I am relieved of judgments I cannot possibly make. I Free myself and all I seem to see, to be in Peace. Is this a denial of "reality?" YES! For what seems to be my "reality" is just a dream - a fantasy - an illusion. And what seems to be a dream (Heaven) is my only Reality. I have created a living hell by my desire to experience "separation from" God. Yet there is a way Home. With God's Help and with His Words of Truth, I will find It. He has given me the ONE answer to all my seeming problems. Father, today I leave Truth Free to be Itself. I honor all Its Parts, of which I am included. Each "Part" contains the Whole Memory of You. I do not exist in a world where I am caged in a body, and everything and everyone exists outside of me. The only Reality is Pure Thought. I go within to find Truth. And when I find It, It will be reflected in the world I seem to see, while I seem to see it...until I remember my Reality and I see the "world" no more.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Lesson 241 ~ My Sanity is restored to me.
The darkened world I seem to live in is now Illuminated with Truth. The day has come when my sorrows pass away and my pain is gone. I recognize that there is nothing "outside" me, and the Love and Goodness that seem to be outside me, in the form of objects or bodies, is deep within, never to die, wither or walk away. Mind is my only Reality, and I am part of the Mind of God. Father, Your Son, who never left, returns to his Home in Heaven. How glad I am to have my Sanity restored.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Lesson 240 ~ Fear is not justified in any form.
The world of dreams presents many forms of fear. Fear is deception. The presence of fear witnesses to dreams. Not one thing in the world of dreams is true, no matter in what form it may appear, good or bad. Everything in the world of dreams witness to the illusion of "separation." All things "outside" me tell me that I am not whole and complete. I will not be deceived today. I am the Son of God. There is no fear in the Son of God, for I am a part of Love Itself. Father, how foolish are my fears. You would never allow Your Son to suffer. I suffer by my own choice. Father, You hold out Perfect Joy to me, yet I choose dreams. Give me faith today to recognize my True Self as Your Son. I will embrace only Thoughts of Truth and lay aside ~ forgive ~ all thoughts and feelings apart from Love. Only then will I understand my Holiness and accept the Love which is my Inheritance.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Lesson 239 ~ The Father's Glory is my own.
I will not let the Truth about me be hidden by false humility. I will be grateful that my version of my "self" is not my True Self and that the Father's Version is my only Reality. The rest of the Sonship is disguised in other "bodies" in the "world," but there is only One Son, not many sons in separate "bodies." If there is no trace of guilt in God, there is no trace of guilt in God's Son. I am like the Father in all ways, except I did not create myself. Thank You Father, for the Light that Shines forever in me.....a Light I share with You. There is One Son. I am United with the Father, at Peace with all Creation and with my Self.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Lesson 238 ~ On my decision salvation rests.
I am worthy. My Father created me, trusts me, and Knows me as I am. When I made the decision to venture off into a "world of separation," my Father Gently inserted salvation within the dream and let it rest on my decision. He Loves me indeed. There is a part of me that remembers my Sonship and when I look for this part of me, I will find It. It will be reflected back to me from the "world." Yet, it is my choice. I can choose illusions or I can choose my Sonship and Heaven. Today I think about how much my Father Loves me. I was created in Love as His Son to exist in Eternal Joy and Peace. My salvation is as simple as choosing the thoughts that will occupy my mind. My thoughts seem to come to me against my will. Yet it is ME who is calling forth the thoughts I think. I must accept this and use this Knowledge to choose salvation instead of dreams. Will I dwell on thoughts of illusions and dreams, or brush them aside and think on Thoughts of Truth? It is my choice.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Lesson 237 ~ I am doing this to myself.
Today I will accept the Truth about myself. I will go forth in Glory and allow the Light in me to Shine on the "world" throughout the day. And I will see this Light reflected back to me by the "world." For there is no world, only Mind. The world of separation ends in bitter death, but Truth tells me I am dreaming.....indulging in a fantasy. Yet while I "see" a world before me, it can become a happy world when I embrace Thoughts of Truth....until I see the world no more. Father, Jesus Christ represents the Sonship healed and whole. In Truth there are no separate bodies moving through aspects of "time." It is all taking place in my mind. I am doing it to myself. I am Safe in Heaven with You Father, dreaming of exile to a world of separation. Everything I "see" is some aspect of my mind, and I will treat it with tender care and love, or move past it, realizing that it is only a dream. I am the Holy Son of God, lost in a dream. But not lost forever, because the Father Wills that I am One with Him.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Lesson 236 ~ I will choose only Thoughts of Truth.
In the dream I have a "kingdom" I must rule. At times it does not seem that I am in control of it at all. It seems to rule over me and tell me what to think, what to do, and what to feel. And yet God gave me a mind to serve whatever purpose I desire. My mind serves me. I am not its servant. Today I give its service to God. In doing so, I set my mind Free to do the Will of God. God Wills me Eternal Joy, Peace, and Happiness. In the world of dreams I have chosen to experience "separation." I am lost in a dream. But I can easily be "un-lost" by changing my thoughts from chaos, impatience, hatred, anger, and judgment to Thoughts of Truth. I will remember Heaven by changing my thoughts. Father, I close my mind to every thought except for Yours. I am in charge of my mind and today I offer it to You.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Lesson 235 ~ God Wills that I am with Him in Heaven. And so I am.
I need to look upon all things that seem to hurt me and with Perfect Certainty assure myself, "God Wills that I be saved from this." Then merely experience illusion disappear. Keep in mind that God's Will for me is Happiness. Keep this in mind at all times, and only God's Happiness can come to me. God's Love surrounds His Son (me!) and keeps me forever with Him. God Wills that I be with Him now and Always in Perfect Happiness. Do I choose Perfect Happiness, or do I choose the ruminating, chaotic thoughts of the "world?" Each time a thought comes into my mind, I have a choice to make. Is the thought one of Perfect Happiness? If not, I can dismiss the thought from my mind. Father, Heaven is mine. Your Love created me and made me forever a Part of You, in Innocence and Holiness. I have no "guilt" or "sin" in me, for there is none in You. If the Father is sinless, then so is the Son, Forever and Always. No matter what the dream tells me, I am Your Son and my Reality is Peace and Joy.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Lesson 234 ~ Father, today I am Your Son again.
Today, I anticipate the time when dreams of "sin" and "guilt" are gone, and I have reached the Holy Peace I never left. Only a tiny instant has elapsed between Eternity, dreams, and return to Eternity. So brief was the interval there was never a break in the Continuity of Eternity, nor lapse in the Thoughts that are One. Nothing has ever happened to disturb the Peace of God and His Son. It was only a fantasy, a mere dream of madness. This I can accept as Wholly True today. Thank You, Father, that I cannot lose the Memory of You and Your Love. I recognize my Safety and thank You for the Loving Help I have received, for Your Eternal Patience and for the Knowledge that things are not as they seem. I am not a body in a world of bodies.....I am Peacefully, Lovingly, and Joyfully Part of the Mind of God. Here I rest Safe and Secure.
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